26 research outputs found

    Raspberry Pi-based Motion Control Testbed for Mechatronics Education

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    The paper deals with the development of an experimental benchmark mechatronic system that was employed in control courses taught at our university. The first part introduces its mechanical design, installed instrumentation and software environment. Methodology of its use in terms of our control courses curriculum follows, highlighting particular problems that students can solve during their classes. The last section summarises our observations regarding the contribution of this tool to the effectiveness of the education process

    Affordable Motion Tracking System for Intuitive Programming of Industrial Robots

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    The paper deals with a lead-through method of programming for industrial robots. The goal is to automatically reproduce 6DoF trajectories of a tool wielded by a human operator demonstrating a motion task. We present a novel motion-tracking system built around the HTC Vive pose estimation system. Our solution allows complete automation of the robot teaching process. Specific algorithmic issues of system calibration and motion data post-processing are also discussed, constituting the paper's theoretical contribution. The motion tracking system is successfully deployed in a pilot application of robot-assisted spray painting

    Robustní řízení pohybu pružných elektromechanických soustav

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    Disertační práce se zabývá problematikou řízení pohybu elektromechanických systémů s kmitavou dynamikou způsobenou poddajností poháněné soustavy. Cílem je vyvinout efektivní a spolehlivé algoritmy pro automatickou identifikaci systému a návrh robustního regulátoru použitelné pro široké spektrum průmyslových aplikací sysémů řízení pohybu. Dosažené teoretické výsledky jsou popsány ve třech sekcích věnovaných automatické identifikaci, pasivnímu tlumení vibrací s použitím metody tvarování vstupní veličiny a aktivního zpětnovazebního tlumení. Použití navržených metod je demonstrováno řadou numerických simulací a experimentálních výsledků.ObhájenoThe main topic of the thesis is a problem of motion control of electromechanical systems with oscillatory dynamics caused by a mechanical compliance of the driven load. The goal is to develop effective and reliable algorithms for automatic system identification and robust controller synthesis applicable to a wide range of industrial motion control systems. Achieved theoretical results are described in three distinct sections devoted to automatic identification, passive vibration damping using input shaping method and active feedback vibration control. Numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate successful employment of the developed methods

    Experience with use of HIL simulators in control engineering course

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    The goal of the paper is to share experience with the use of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulators in a control-engineering course being taught at the University of West Bohemia. The hardware simulators were introduced recently in the course curriculum aiming to get more realistic application scenarios for the students. They allow simple explanation of the concepts of model-based systems engineering in a form close to the work-flow used in industrial practice. The achieved results show some significant benefits when compared to former course content, which relied on numerical simulations only. The paper presents one of the application use-cases dealing with the problem of active car suspension control. Individual phases of the control system development as done by students are explained step by step, revealing the main benefits of the hands-on experience with the physical setup

    Vibration damping in gantry crane systems: Finite horizon optimal control approach

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    The paper deals with the problem of anti-sway control in human-operated gantry cranes. The goal is to design a suitable algorithm aiming at minimization of unwanted transient and residual oscillations of the manipulated load. A finite horizon optimization is adopted for the derivation of an optimal open-loop control strategy. The novelty of the proposed approach comes from the combination of model-based predictive control and zero-vibration input shaping methods. This allows utilizing some key advantages from both fields in terms of performance, robustness, constraints definition and simplicity of implementation. Experimental case study demonstrates the proposed approach and compares it to conventional input-shaping method

    Nový přístup ustavování vačkových polotovarů

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    PI Plus Repetitive Control Design: H-infinity Regions Approach

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    The paper deals with a class of plug-in type repetitive controllers intended for servo systems which follow periodic reference signals or compensate periodic exogenous disturbances. Proportional-integral (PI) feedback controller is complemented by an internal model of a generic periodic signal aiming at perfect asymptotic tracking or disturbance rejection. A novel design method is proposed allowing a simultaneous tuning of the PI controller and the repetitive control part. The design requirements can be formulated in the frequency domain as proper loopshaping inequalities defining constraints on important closed-loop sensitivity functions. These constraints are translated directly into the parametric plane of the controller allowing to derive a complete set of admissible controllers. The proposed method is demonstrated in a case study of a flexible motion system

    Akcelerační zpětná vazba pro řízení mechanicky poddajných systémů PI(D) regulátorem

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    Práce se zabývá využitím akcelerační zpětné vazby od zátěže pružného mechanického systému k překonání fundamentálních omezení na kvalitu řízení, které se objevují, pokud je takový systém řízen standardním rychlostním PI regulátorem. Pro nalezení optimální strategie řízení byla použita H-nekonečnooptimalizace pro regulátory s pevnou strukturou. Dále byla provedena kvalitativní i kvantitativní analýza možných výhod, které tento přístup může přinést za předpokladu řízení ideálního dvouhmotového pružného systému. V neposlední řade bylo prozkoumáno, jaký vliv na chování uzavřené smyčky má přítomnost vyšších kmitavých módů. Experimentální výsledky nakonec potvrdily možnost využít této metody pro řízení manipulátoru s pružným mechanickým ramenem.Studentská vědecká konference je pořádána s podporou prostředků na specifický vysokoškolský výzkum SVK1-2018-024

    Raspberry Pi-based Motion Control Testbed for Mechatronics Education

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    The paper deals with the development of an experimental benchmark mechatronic system that was employed in control courses taught at our university. The first part introduces its mechanical design, installed instrumentation and software environment. Methodology of its use in terms of our control courses curriculum follows, highlighting particular problems that students can solve during their classes. The last section summarises our observations regarding the contribution of this tool to the effectiveness of the education process