32 research outputs found

    Tourist attractiveness of Venice in Żnin district

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    The article concerns the tourist attractiveness of Venice, a small town in northern Poland with a rich historical past associated with the Middle Ages and the beginnings of railway transport. The aim of this work was the identification of the main symbols of this part of the Polish, identification of tourist attractions of Venice, and the determination of the attractiveness degree of the various tourist attractions located in the village and defining directions of further development of the tourist offer. Based on the survey, it was found the most important symbol of this polish tourist region is  the Archaeological Museum in Biskupin. The main attraction of Venice is the Narrow Gauge Railway Museum and the Castle ,,Bloody Devil" which is mostly visited during the waiting for the train arrivals or is overlooked by tourists

    Sport and recreational facilities at the objects of the tourism booking area of the cross-border tourist zone

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    This article addresses the issue of the analysis of the development of the communes of the seaside tourist zone of the Polish Baltic Coast. The analysis was carried out for all 37 coastal communes of the coastal tourist zone. A quantitative and spatial analysis of the distribution of the main tourist and leisure facilities was made based on the data of the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office, taking into account the state of 2017. The sports and recreation facilities of the coastal tourist zone municipalities are characterized by a significant degree of spatial differentiation. In the distribution of sports and recreation facilities accompanying the accommodation facilities, there are clear poles of spatial concentration and areas of scarcity of sports and recreation facilities. This study analyzes the development of coastal communes of the Polish Baltic Coast in sports and recreation facilities. The analysis was made at the level of all coastal communes of the coastal tourist zone. For the purposes of this study, coastal gminas have taken into account those that have direct contact with the coastline of the Baltic Sea. Ogółerm was included in the study of 32 coastal communes, part of municipalities, urban-rural part and typical rural communes. The CSO data on the number of objects of the broadly understood sports and recreation facilities of all coastal communes in Poland were used as the source material for achieving this goal. The analysis was made for 2017. The main areas of concentration of development facilities are connected with the municipalities with the best-developed base of accommodation facilities and the largest turnout of tourist traffic (Kołobrzeg, Rewal, Świnoujście, Władysławowo (commune), Łeba, Ustka, Mielno. There is a tendency to concentrate sports and recreation facilities in communes where, in addition to the typical recreational function of tourism, spa tourism (Kołobrzeg, Świnoujście) plays an important role as well as in metropolitan municipalities (Gdańsk, Gdynia). Lack of sports and recreational development or its very limited development clearly corresponds to a shortage in terms of accommodation facilities and other elements of the broadly understood tourism development. The worst equipped with sports and recreation facilities are located on the outskirts of the main development and tourism poles (Wicko, Smołdzino, Kosakowo, Międzyzdroje (rural commune), Kamień Pomorski (rural commune), Będzino, Choczew

    Financial payoff and records of the use of inland waterways as well as locks and slipways in Poland

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    The basic deed regulating the use of inland waterways as well as locks and slipways in Poland is the water law. Fees for the use of inland waterways and their sections and water devices owned by the Treasury, located on inland surface waters, hereinafter "receivables", bear for: transport of passengers with assenger and cruise ships; transport of goods by cargo ships; sailing empty cargo ships; towing or floating of wood; use of locks and slipways. The minister competent for water management in consultation with the minister competent for inland navigationby way of regulation: defines inland waterways and their sections, and assigns these waterways and their sections to the appropriate regional water management boards of Polish Water; defines the unit rates of receivable for: sailing empty cargo ships; sailing of passenger and cruise ships; transport of goods by cargo ships and towing or floating of wood for use of locks and slipways

    Financial aspects of the use of locks and waterways in tourism. Example of a lock in Pakosc

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    The lock in Pakość was built in 1882. Together with the lock in Łabiszyn they create a waterway called the Upper Noteć. In the builders assumption, the lock was part of a large hydrotechnical system that on the one hand, supplied the Bydgoszcz Canal with water, on the other hand it enabled inland navigation between Kruszwica, Inowrocław, Bydgoszcz and Nakło. Prime inland navigation in Pakość took place at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the inter-war and postwar periods. Since the mid-seventies of the twentieth century, along with the development of motor transport, the increase in the size of inland ship, the lack of modernization works on locks leading to an increase in their dimensions and neglect on the shipping lane (no dredging works), freight shipping on the Upper Noteć River began to disappear and was replaced by tourist and recreation sailing

    Physical activity leisure time students from secondary school Ignacy Dzialynski in Golub-Dobrzyn

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    The aim of the study was to determine the degree of physical activity of students from the class of junior high schools in Golub-Dobrzyn. The study was performed by using a diagnostic survey research tool in the form of a survey of 90 middle school students from Golub-Dobrzyn. Conclusions: (1) The pupils are aware of what  is physical activity for their health, why they take it, (2) Most of the lower secondary school students is not difficult physical activity, (3) Students recognized that physical activity is needed and it is good form dstresowania and perfect relaxation, (4) A healthy lifestyle is not a strange slogan for high school students

    Obesity problem students from Secondary School No 32 in Bydgoszcz

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of youth obesity from School No. 32 in Bydgoszcz, how their nutrition and to provide existing eating habits. The study included 60 girls and 40 boys. The method used in the study is a diagnostic survey. Conclusions from the study are as follows: (1) young people eat irregular meals, (2) favorite snack between meals is a candy and soft drinks, (3) a sedentary lifestyle conducive to the development of obesity and overweight, (4) parents should set a good example for their children, (5) good sports facilities, schools can have an impact on the level of obesity amongst schoolchildren

    Rating behavior of football fans by Internet

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    The aim of this article was to present the opinion of Internet users for football fans and their behavior. The research method was used diagnostic survey research in the form of a survey computer. 102 people were tested mostly in the age of 21-25 years. The research can draw the following conclusions: (1) Football stadiums should be better secured and protected by the relevant departments, (2) The colors and club merchandise is not a reliable indicator of fan devotion of his team, (3) These are the fans, the fans are cheering for is a sacred thing, (4) All acts of devastation to property and vandalism in football stadiums should be severely punished

    Selected indicators of the seniors tourist activity in Poland and in others european countries

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    In this work was taken an issues of the tourist activity of the older people. For this purpose was used the statistics of Eurostat and from the Statistic Yearbook “ Tourism in polish households” The analysis shows the polish older people more seldom partcipate in the tourist traffic comparing to the west european countriwes older people. The main characteristics shows low level of the polish older people’s tourist activity. They seldom participate in tourism. They most often go to their families form shortterm stays or for holiday.They prefer travels in the summer months. Most often opolish older people independently organizae their journeys and use the overnight accomodation in the houses of their friends and relatives. They most often go to the cities, coastal resorts and others mountain and lakeshore resorts. Besides it polsih older people prefer passive behaviours in their free time as reding books, watching television and listening to the radio and resting

    Tourist arrivals from Germany to Poland in the years 2000-2018

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    This study addresses the issue of inbound tourism from Germany to Poland. The analysis of the issue was made on the basis of statistical data of the Local Data Bank of the Central Statistical Office of Poland based on data on the number of German tourists and the number of overnight stays granted to them in individual voivodships. In the years 2000, 2010, 2018

    Sailing as a family tourism in the opinion of sailing club members Charzykowo Chojnice

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    The aim of this study was to find an answer to the question: what prompted the respondents to sailing. To get an answer to the question diagnostic survey method was used, and the research technique was used for the survey. The study was conducted among a total of 100 sailors (30 girls and 70 boys). Conclusions: (1) The subjects of the sport of sailing knowledge derive from the family, (2) Family traditions influence the choice of sailing discipline (3) The girls like the boys prefer active leisure model, (4) Both boys and girls all his free time spend on an adventure with the club