1,165 research outputs found

    Binary Coding, mRNA Information and Protein Structure

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    We describe new binary algorithm for the prediction of α and β protein folding types from RNA, DNA and amino acid sequences. The method enables quick, simple and accurate prediction of α and β protein folds on a personal computer by means of a few binary patterns of coded amino acid and nucleotide physicochemical properties. The algorithm was tested with machine learning SMO (sequential minimal optimization) classifier for the support vector machines and classification trees, on a dataset of 140 dissimilar protein folds. Depending on the method of testing, the overall classification accuracy was 91.43% – 100% and the tenfold cross-validation result of the procedure was 83.57% – >90%. Genetic code randomization analysis based on 100,000 different codes tested for the protein fold prediction quality indicated that: a) there is a very low chance of p = 2.7 x 10^(-4) that a better code than the natural one specified by the binary coding algorithm is randomly produced, b)dipeptides represent basic protein units with respect to the natural genetic code defining of the secondary protein structure

    Aterosclerotic calcifications of head and neck arteries, and its relation to stenosis of internal carotid artery in patients with cerebrovascular disease symptoms

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    Uvod: Moždani udar jedna je od najčešćih indikacija za snimanje CT glave. Postojanje suženja proksimalnog dijela unutarnje karotidne arterije (ACI) predstavlja čimbenik rizika za moždani udar. Cilj: Primarni je cilj ovog istraživanja bio istražiti može li volumen ovapnjenja arterija vrata i glave biti indikator postojanja suženja proksimalnog dijela ACI-ja. Sekundarni je cilj bio istražiti kako se mjerenje volumena ovapnjenja mijenja promjenom praga za segmentaciju ovapnjenja na CTA i CT snimcima. Metode: Istraživanje obuhvaća 228 bolesnika, koji su uključeni u studiju slijedom od siječnja 2007. godine do kolovoza 2009. godine. Prvoj grupi od 174 bolesnika je snimljen CTA glave i vrata (prosječna dob 64±14 god., 39% žene). Suženje ACI-ja mjereno je sukladno NASCET studiji: nema suženja, postoji suženje, umjereno suženje (>50%) i značajno suženje (>70%). Volumen aterosklerotskih ovapnjenja mjeren je u: luku aorte, ACI i sifonu ACI (ACS). ROC analiza je izvršena kako bi se pronašao volumen ovapnjenja koji ukazuje na suženje ACI. U drugoj grupi od 54 bolesnika mjeren je volumen ovapnjenja ACS (prosječna dob 60±10 godina, 59% žene). Korišteni su pragovi za segmentaciju od 90 HU (CT) i 400 HU (CTA). Volumen ovapnjenja izračunat je na većim pragovima (130, 200, 400, 500 i 600 HU za CT; 500 i 600 HU za CTA) korištenjem prvotno definiranih segmentacija. Zatim su izračunati koeficijenti korelacije te je učinjena analiza prema Blandu i Altmanu. Rezultati: Volumeni ovapnjenja luka aorte, ACI-ja i ACS-a ukazuju na postojanje suženja, ali nisu dobri pokazatelji značajnog suženja ACI-ja. Izostanak ovapnjenja odličan je pokazatelj izostanka suženja ACI-ja, uz negativnu prediktivnu vrijednost od >0.95. Dobivena je korelaciju (Spearmanov rho) od 0.93 pri uobičajenom pragu od 130 HU (CT) i 400 HU (CTA). Najbolja korelacija je dobivena za pragove od 400 HU (CTA) i 500 HU (CTA), a najslabija između praga od 90 HU (CT) i praga od 500 HU (CTA). Zaključak: Nepostojanje ovapnjenja u luku aorte, ACI-ju i ACS-u ima visoku negativnu prediktivnu vrijednost za suženja ACI-ja. Ipak, postojanje ovapnjenja nije pouzdan pokazatelj značajna suženja ACI-ja. Korelacija između volumena ovapnjenja prikazanih i izmjerenih na CT i CTA snimcima vrlo je dobra.Introduction: The stroke and TIA are common indications for head CT, or head and neck CT angiography (CTA). Presence of a stenosis at the proximal part of the internal carotid artery (ACI) is a risk factor for stroke. Objectives: The primary objective of this study to investigate weather the volume of the calcifications in the arteries of the head and neck can be used as indicator of stenosis at proximal part of ACI. The secondary goal was to describe the effect of the defined threshold for calcification segmentation on calcium volume determined with CT and CTA. Methods: This study included 228 consecutive patients suspected of stroke or TIA, from January 2007 until August 2009. The patients in first group underwent CT and CTA of the head and neck (174 patients, age 64±14 years, 39% females). Proximal internal carotid artery stenosis (CAS) was measured according to NASCET study, and evaluated as not present (0%), present (1-100%), moderate (>50%), and significant (>70%). Atherosclerotic calcifications were quantified using calcium volume in aortic arch, ACI, and the intracranial carotid artery (ACS). ROC analysis was performed to identify calcium volume indicating CAS. The patients in second group underwent CT and CTA of head, and had ACS calcium volume segmented using threshold of 90 HU on CT, and 400 HU on CTA images (age 60±10 years, 59% females). The calcium volumes were recalculated using higher threshold levels, namely (130, 200, 400, 500, 600 HU for CT; 500, 600 HU for CTA images) using initially created segmentation masks. 104 Results: Calcium volumes in the aortic arch, ACI, and ACS indicate a presence of any CAS, but are not a good indicator of the significant CAS. However, absence of calcium in the arteries is an excellent indicator of the absence of CAS, with NPV >0.95. Correlation (Spearman's rho of 0.93) was found between calcium volumes as determined using commonly used threshold levels with CT and CTA images (130 and 140 HU, respectively). The best correlation was determined using thresholds of 400 HU and 500 HU with CTA. The worst correlation was calculated using 90 HU threshold (CT), and 500 HU threshold (CTA). Conclusion: Absence of calcium in the aortic arch, ACI and ACS determined with CTA has high negative predictive value for carotid artery stenosis in patients with suspected stroke. However, it is not a reliable indicator of significant carotid artery stenosis. Correlation between calcium volumes determined using CT and CTA is very good

    Minimalno invazivne metode u lije^enju raka dojke: pregled protokola

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    One can find an increasing number of articles with minimally invasive methods in current literature concerning local treatment of breast cancer. The methods can be divided in two groups: percutaneous excision methods and thermal ablation methods. Thermal ablation methods are based on the premise that malignant tissue is more sensitive to hyperthermia than normal cells. We are comparing advantages and disadvantages of current minimally invasive methods for treatment of early stage breast cancers, showing differences and advantages over breast-conserving surgery. Available published studies and protocols are overviewed. Most of the published works emphasize advantages over classic breast surgery such as: lower costs, less trauma for patients and smaller invasiveness. All methods involving thermal procedures require surgical excision afterwards for evaluation of necrosis and patohistological evaluation of the lesion. The effect of these treatment methods should be safety, painlessness, good cosmetic results and lower treatment costs. If results of such methods are to be comparable to BCS, we can expect their integration in clinical practice.U suvremenom pristupu lokalnog liječenja tumora dojke sve više prostora u stručnim publikacijama zauzimaju izvješća o primjeni tzv. minimalno invazivnih metoda, među kojima su dvije osnovne skupine: perkutane ekscizijske metode i termalne ablacijske metode. Temelj termalnih ablacijskih postupaka u liječenju tumora dojke leži u činjenici da tumori pokazuju veću senzitivnost na hipertermička oštećenja od normalnih stanica. U radu se nastoje komparacijom prednosti i nedostataka ovih suvremenih minimalno invazivnih metoda u liječenju tumora dojke nižih stadija, utvrditi razlika i eventualna prednost tih postupaka prema poštednim kirurškim zahvatima . Pregledani su dostupni publicirani protokoli i iskustva u provođenju perkutanih bioptičkih metoda i nekih termalnih ablacijskih metoda u minimalno invazivnoj kirurgiji dojke. U većini pregledanih publikacija i protokola, naglašena je prednost opisanih metoda nad klasičnom kirurgijom dojke, koja je izražena u nižim troškovima, smanjenju psihičkih trauma liječenih bolesnica i niskom razinom invazivnosti. U gotovo svim pregledanim protokolima koji se odnose na tzv. termalne metode uočena je potreba za naknadnom kirurškom ekscizijom radi procjene stupnja nekroze i patohistološke provjere lezije. Uspješnost liječenja tumora dojke ovim metodama bi se trebala temeljiti na sigurnosti, bezbolnosti, dobrim kozmetičkim rezultatima i nižim troškovima liječenja. Ove bi metode mogle doživjeti punu primjenu u kliničkoj praksi ako se njima postigne rezultat ekvivalentan onome koji se postiže sa poštednim kirurškim zahvatima (BCS)

    Minimalno invazivne metode u lije^enju raka dojke: pregled protokola

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    One can find an increasing number of articles with minimally invasive methods in current literature concerning local treatment of breast cancer. The methods can be divided in two groups: percutaneous excision methods and thermal ablation methods. Thermal ablation methods are based on the premise that malignant tissue is more sensitive to hyperthermia than normal cells. We are comparing advantages and disadvantages of current minimally invasive methods for treatment of early stage breast cancers, showing differences and advantages over breast-conserving surgery. Available published studies and protocols are overviewed. Most of the published works emphasize advantages over classic breast surgery such as: lower costs, less trauma for patients and smaller invasiveness. All methods involving thermal procedures require surgical excision afterwards for evaluation of necrosis and patohistological evaluation of the lesion. The effect of these treatment methods should be safety, painlessness, good cosmetic results and lower treatment costs. If results of such methods are to be comparable to BCS, we can expect their integration in clinical practice.U suvremenom pristupu lokalnog liječenja tumora dojke sve više prostora u stručnim publikacijama zauzimaju izvješća o primjeni tzv. minimalno invazivnih metoda, među kojima su dvije osnovne skupine: perkutane ekscizijske metode i termalne ablacijske metode. Temelj termalnih ablacijskih postupaka u liječenju tumora dojke leži u činjenici da tumori pokazuju veću senzitivnost na hipertermička oštećenja od normalnih stanica. U radu se nastoje komparacijom prednosti i nedostataka ovih suvremenih minimalno invazivnih metoda u liječenju tumora dojke nižih stadija, utvrditi razlika i eventualna prednost tih postupaka prema poštednim kirurškim zahvatima . Pregledani su dostupni publicirani protokoli i iskustva u provođenju perkutanih bioptičkih metoda i nekih termalnih ablacijskih metoda u minimalno invazivnoj kirurgiji dojke. U većini pregledanih publikacija i protokola, naglašena je prednost opisanih metoda nad klasičnom kirurgijom dojke, koja je izražena u nižim troškovima, smanjenju psihičkih trauma liječenih bolesnica i niskom razinom invazivnosti. U gotovo svim pregledanim protokolima koji se odnose na tzv. termalne metode uočena je potreba za naknadnom kirurškom ekscizijom radi procjene stupnja nekroze i patohistološke provjere lezije. Uspješnost liječenja tumora dojke ovim metodama bi se trebala temeljiti na sigurnosti, bezbolnosti, dobrim kozmetičkim rezultatima i nižim troškovima liječenja. Ove bi metode mogle doživjeti punu primjenu u kliničkoj praksi ako se njima postigne rezultat ekvivalentan onome koji se postiže sa poštednim kirurškim zahvatima (BCS)


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    Akutna luksacija ivera ozljeda je mladih sportaša i posljedica je nepovoljnih biomehaničkih odnosa, kao i anatomskih odstupanja u području koljenskog zgloba. U tim nepovoljnim okolnostima naglim i snažnim napinjanjem četveroglavog mišića natkoljenice može doći do lateralne luksacije ivera. Prikazali smo slučaj mladog muškarca s akutnom luksacijom ivera te posljedičnim koštano-hrskavičnim prijelomom. Iako je rendgenska slika pokazala uredan nalaz koljena, tipična anamneza, klinički pregled i MR koljena pretrage su kojima se postavlja dijagnoza, a onda je dijagnoza ozljede indikacija za operacijsko ili konzervativno liječenje. Artroskopski je potvrđena dijagnoza, pronađen je koštano-hrskavični ulomak i učvršćen vijcima te tako učinjena rekonstrukcija zglobne površine ivera. Pojačani su medijalni, a opušteni lateralni stabilizatori ivera i uspostavljen je njegov anatomski klizni put. Drugim kirurškim zahvatom učinjen je »second look« te su izvađeni vijci. Pravodobnim operativnim liječenjem, rekonstrukcijom zglobne plohe i provedenom rehabilitacijom postigli smo dobar anatomski i funkcionalni rezultat.Acute patellar dislocation is a common injury in young athletes, which occurs due to inappropriate biomechanical relations and anatomic deviations in the area of knee joint. In these unfavorable conditions, abrupt and vigorous strain of the quadriceps muscle of the thigh may result in lateral patellar dislocation. A case is presented of a young male athlete with acute patellar dislocation and consequential osteochondral fracture. Although x-ray showed normal knee finding, typical history, clinical examination and magnetic resonance image of the knee indicated arthroscopy, which confirmed the diagnosis of patellar dislocation. The osteochondral fragment was found and fastened by screws, thus reconstructing the articular surface of the patella. Medial patellar stabilizers were strengthened and lateral stabilizers loosened, thus re-establishing its anatomic slide way. On second-look operation, the screws were removed. In this case, good anatomic and functional outcome was achieved by timely operative treatment, joint surface reconstruction and rehabilitation

    First Quadricuspid Aortic Valve to Be Reported in Croatia

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    Quadricuspid aortic valve is a rare congenital malformation of the aortic valve. Even in the era of a transthoracic and transesophageal ultrasound the occurrence is sometimes missed. Aortic incompetence occurs usually in 5th or 6th decade of life requiring surgical intervention. We report on a 70-year-old woman who presented with exertional dyspnea. In a diagnostic setting transthoracic ultrasound, helical computed tomography scan of the chest and coronary angiography including aortography were performed. Unusual aortic valve anatomy was not described as it was not expected. Finally, the diagnosis of this congenital malformation was established intraoperatively

    Radni i stambeni uvjeti znanstvenika u Hrvatskoj

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    IN CROATIAN: U radu se analiziraju neki od elemenata rada i stanovanja znanstvene populacije u Hrvatskoj dobiveni internetskom anketom koja je provedena 2017. godine. Anketa je upućena na adrese elektroničke pošte 7 269 znanstvenika, a odgovorilo ih je 1 966. Radne i stambene uvjete smješta se u suvremeni informatizacijski i postsocijalistički kontekst društva te ističe neke osnovne procese i fenomene koji na njih utječu, kao što su privatizacija stanovanja i fleksibilizacija rada. Nesigurnost radnih uvjeta koji iz njih proizlaze vidljiva je naročito kod mlađih znanstvenika. Testirane su razlike u zadovoljstvu znanstvenika radnim i stambenim uvjetima prema spolu, radnom statusu, tipu ustanove, mjestu rada i području bavljenja. Zadovoljniji su radnim uvjetima oni zaposleni izvan Zagreba od onih zaposlenih u Zagrebu te su muškarci zadovoljniji od žena. Stalno zaposleni ispitanici zadovoljniji su od ispitanika zaposlenih na određeno vrijeme. U boljem su stambenom položaju znanstvenici zaposleni na neodređeno, koji su i više sudjelovali u subvencioniranoj kupnji vlastitog stana. Za razliku od njih, zaposlene na određeno često prate nesigurni radni uvjeti, a uzrok tomu može se naći i u novoj znanstvenoj politici sve više okrenutoj tržištu. Zaključno, prema osnovnim stambenim kriterijima znanstvenu populaciju temeljno obilježava nastavak i jačanje modela privatizacije stanovanja započetog u tranzicijskom razdoblju u kojem je posjedovanje vlastitog stana poželjan stambeni status. U radnom smislu mora se istaknuti podijeljena situacija te kako postoji određeno zadovoljstvo radom, ali i iscrpljenost i nesigurnost koju u većoj mjeri osjećaju žene i mlađi znanstvenici. --------------- IN ENGLISH: The paper analysed some of the aspects of work and housing among the scientific population in Croatia using data from a 2017 on-line survey. The survey was e-mailed to 7 269 scientists, of which 1,966 responded. The working and housing conditions were set in the contemporary context of information-based and post-socialist society while highlighting some fundamental processes and phenomena affecting them, such as the privatisation of housing and the flexibilisation of work. The consequent uncertainty of working conditions was evident, especially among younger scientists. Differences in scientists’ satisfaction with the working and housing conditions were tested by gender, employment status, institution type, work location and research area. Those employed outside of Zagreb were more content with the working conditions than those employed in Zagreb, as were men compared to women. The permanently employed were more content than fixed-term employees, had a better housing status and were more involved in the subsidised purchase of their own apartments. In contrast, fixed-term employees experienced precarious working conditions more often, possibly due to the new, increasingly market-oriented scientific policy. In conclusion, the scientific population in Croatia – according to objective housing criteria – is fundamentally characterised by the continuation and strengthening of the model of housing privatisation initiated during the transitional period, where owning an apartment is a desirable housing status. The situation regarding work is divided. Certain work satisfaction is present, but also exhaustion and uncertainty, which are felt mostly by women and the younger scientists

    Gigantocellular arteritis of the vertebral arteries as a cause of ishemic stroke

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    Gigantocelularni arteritis, temporalni arteritis ili Horton\u27s arteritis je sistemski vaskulitis i kronična upalna bolest velikih i srednje velikih krvnih žila. Uglavnom zahvaća temporalne arterije, esktrakranijski dio karotidnih arterija, torakalnu i abdominalnu aortu. Obostrana okluzija vertebralnih arterija je rijetka i ozbiljna manifestacija gigantocelularnog arteritisa. U radu smo prikazali bolesnicu koja je tri tjedna prije bolničke obrade razvila neurološke ispade, glavobolju, vrtoglavicu, otežan hod i gubitak ravnoteže. Za vrijeme boravka na odjelu učinjena je laboratorijska obrada, patološki nalazi su bili ubrzana sedimentacija eritrocita, povišeni C reaktivni protein, leukocitoza i trombocitoza. Neuroradiološkom obradom dokazani su obostrano okcipitalno ishemijski infarkti. Klinička slika, laboratorijski nalazi i neuroradiološka obrada upućuju na cerebralni vaskulitis. Tijek bolesti je dodatno kompliciran razvojem pneumonije, što je rezultiralo smrtnim ishodom. Konačna dijagnoza gigantocelularnog arteritisa vertebralnih arterija potvrđena je obdukcijom i patohistološkom dijagnostikom.Gigantocellular arteritis, temporal arteritis or Horton’s arteritis is a systemic vasculitis and a chronic inflammatory disease of large and medium-sized blood vessels, especially the temporal arteries, the extracranial part of the carotid arteries, the thoracic and the abdominal arteries. Bilateral vertebral artery occlusion is a rare and serious manifestation of gigantocellular arteritis. The paper reviews the case of a patient hospitalized three weeks after the onset of neurological symptoms, headache, vertigo, gait instability and sight loss. Pathological laboratory tests indicated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated C-Reactive Protein, fibrinogen, thrombocytosis and leukocytosis. Clinical presentations, the course of the disease and a bilateral infarction of the posterior circulation confirmed by a brain computerized tomography scan, indicated possible cerebral arteritis, therefore corticosteroid therapy was introduced. The disease was complicated by the development of pneumonia, resulting in the death of the patient. A diagnosis gigantocellular arteritis of the vertebral arteries was definitely confirmed through autopsy and pathohistological analysis