130 research outputs found

    Regulatory Mechanism of Skeletal Muscle Glucose Transport by Phenolic Acids

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    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is one of the most severe public health problems in the world. In recent years, evidences show a commonness of utilization of alternative medicines such as phytomedicine for the treatment of T2DM. Phenolic acids are the most common compounds in non-flavonoid group of phenolic compounds and have been suggested to have a potential to lower the risk of T2DM. Skeletal muscle is the major organ that contributes to the pathophysiology of T2DM. Studies have shown that several phenolic acids (caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, gallic acid, salicylic acid, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, sinapic acid) have antidiabetic effects, and these compounds have been implicated in the regulation of skeletal muscle glucose metabolism, especially glucose transport. Glucose transport is a major regulatory step for whole-body glucose disposal, and the glucose transport processes are regulated mainly through two different systems: insulin-dependent and insulin-independent mechanism. In this chapter, we reviewed recent experimental evidences linking phenolic acids to glucose metabolism focusing on insulin-dependent and insulin-independent glucose transport systems and the upstream signaling events in skeletal muscle

    Methylglyoxal reduces molecular responsiveness to 4 weeks of endurance exercise in mouse plantaris muscle

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    Endurance exercise triggers skeletal muscle adaptations, including enhanced insulin signaling, glucose metabolism, and mitochondrial biogenesis. However, exercise-induced skeletal muscle adaptations may not occur in some cases, a condition known as exercise-resistance. Methylglyoxal (MG) is a highly reactive dicarbonyl metabolite and has detrimental effects on the body such as causing diabetic complications, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation. This study aimed to clarify the effect of methylglyoxal on skeletal muscle molecular adaptations following endurance exercise. Mice were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 12 per group): sedentary control group, voluntary exercise group, MG-treated group, and MG-treated with voluntary exercise group. Mice in the voluntary exercise group were housed in a cage with a running wheel, while mice in the MG-treated groups received drinking water containing 1% MG. Four weeks of voluntary exercise induced several molecular adaptations in the plantaris muscle, including increased expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC1α), mitochondria complex proteins, toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), 72-kDa heat shock protein (HSP72), hexokinase II, and glyoxalase 1; this also enhanced insulin-stimulated Akt Ser473 phosphorylation and citrate synthase activity. However, these adaptations were suppressed with MG treatment. In the soleus muscle, the exercise-induced increases in the expression of TLR4, HSP72, and advanced glycation end products receptor 1 were inhibited with MG treatment. These findings suggest that MG is a factor that inhibits endurance exercise-induced molecular responses including mitochondrial adaptations, insulin signaling activation, and the upregulation of several proteins related to mitochondrial biogenesis, glucose handling, and glycation in primarily fast-twitch skeletal muscle

    Glycative stress and skeletal muscle dysfunctions: as an inducer of "Exercise-Resistance."

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    Skeletal muscle, the largest tissue in the body, is often overlooked for its role as a locomotor organ, however over the past few decades it has been revealed that it also has an important role as a metabolic organ. In recent years, its role as an endocrine organ that controls the homeostatic functions of organs throughout the body mediated by myokine secretion has come under close scrutiny. Skeletal muscle is indispensable for our daily life activities, and in order to maintain its function, it is necessary to understand the factors that deteriorate muscle function and establish a countermeasure. Glycative stress has recently received attention as a factor that impairs skeletal muscle function. Accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in skeletal muscle impairs contractile function and myogenic potential. Furthermore, AGEs in the blood elicit inflammatory signals through binding to RAGE (Receptor for AGEs) expressed on muscle cells, resulting in muscle proteolysis. Habitual exercise is important to mitigate the negative effects of such glycative stress on skeletal muscle. On the other hand, it is known that the beneficial effects of exercise vary among individuals. The state in which the effects of exercise are difficult to obtain is called "exercise-resistance, " and we hypothesize that glycative stress may be one of the causes of exercise-resistance. In this paper, we will discuss the possibility of glycative stress as an inducer of exercise resistance and summarize its impacts on skeletal muscle

    The Effect of Glycation Stress on Skeletal Muscle

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    Glycation stress (glycative stress) is a general concept of biological stress caused by a series of non-enzymatic glycation reactions, including advanced glycation end products (AGEs) formation, AGEs accumulation, glycation-associated dysfunction of proteins and cellular signaling, inflammation, oxidation, and/or tissue damage. There has been increasing evidence supporting a profound effect of AGEs on human diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and dementia, as well as aging process itself. In addition, dietary AGEs intake has also been suggested to contribute to tissue dysfunction and development of the diseases. Skeletal muscle is the largest organ in the human body and important responsibility for maintaining our health as not only locomotor system but also metabolic and endocrine systems. Especially in past decades, numerous studies have suggested the contribution of glycation stress to skeletal muscle dysfunctions (e.g. muscle atrophy, reducing contractile property, and insulin resistance). In this chapter, we provide current evidence on the potential role of glycation stress in the impairment of skeletal muscle functions

    Nuclear Accumulation of HSP70 in Mouse Skeletal Muscles in Response to Heat Stress, Aging, and Unloading With or Without Reloading

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the nuclear accumulation of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), a molecular chaperonin in mouse skeletal muscle in response to aging, heat stress, and hindlimb unloading with or without reloading. Profiles of HSP70-specific nuclear transporter Hikeshi in skeletal muscles were also evaluated. Heat stress-associated nuclear accumulation of HSP70 was observed in slow soleus (SOL) and fast plantaris (PLA) muscles of young (10-week-old) mice. Mean nuclear expression level of HSP70 in slow medial gastrocnemius (MGAS) and PLA muscles of aged (100-week-old) mice increased ~4.8 and ~1.7 times, compared to that of young (10-week-old) mice. Reloading following 2-week hindlimb unloading caused accumulation of HSP70 in myonuclei in MGAS and PLA of young mice ( p < 0.05). However, reloading-associated nuclear accumulation of HSP70 was not observed in both types of muscles of aged mice. On the other hand, 2-week hindlimb unloading had no impact on the nuclear accumulation of HSP70 in both muscles of young and aged mice. Nuclear expression level of Hikeshi in both MGAS and PLA in mice was suppressed by aging. No significant changes in the nuclear Hikeshi in both muscles were induced by unloading with or without reloading. Results of this study indicate that the nuclear accumulation of HSP70 might show a protective response against cellular stresses in skeletal muscle and that the protective response may be suppressed by aging. Protective response to aging might depend on muscle fiber types

    Adaptation of Mouse Skeletal Muscle to Long-Term Microgravity in the MDS Mission

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    The effect of microgravity on skeletal muscles has so far been examined in rat and mice only after short-term (5–20 day) spaceflights. The mice drawer system (MDS) program, sponsored by Italian Space Agency, for the first time aimed to investigate the consequences of long-term (91 days) exposure to microgravity in mice within the International Space Station. Muscle atrophy was present indistinctly in all fiber types of the slow-twitch soleus muscle, but was only slightly greater than that observed after 20 days of spaceflight. Myosin heavy chain analysis indicated a concomitant slow-to-fast transition of soleus. In addition, spaceflight induced translocation of sarcolemmal nitric oxide synthase-1 (NOS1) into the cytosol in soleus but not in the fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle. Most of the sarcolemmal ion channel subunits were up-regulated, more in soleus than EDL, whereas Ca2+-activated K+ channels were down-regulated, consistent with the phenotype transition. Gene expression of the atrophy-related ubiquitin-ligases was up-regulated in both spaceflown soleus and EDL muscles, whereas autophagy genes were in the control range. Muscle-specific IGF-1 and interleukin-6 were down-regulated in soleus but up-regulated in EDL. Also, various stress-related genes were up-regulated in spaceflown EDL, not in soleus. Altogether, these results suggest that EDL muscle may resist to microgravity-induced atrophy by activating compensatory and protective pathways. Our study shows the extended sensitivity of antigravity soleus muscle after prolonged exposition to microgravity, suggests possible mechanisms accounting for the resistance of EDL, and individuates some molecular targets for the development of countermeasures

    The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Space Environment on Adult Mammalian Organisms: A Study on Mouse Thyroid and Testis

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    Hormonal changes in humans during spaceflight have been demonstrated but the underlying mechanisms are still unknown. To clarify this point thyroid and testis/epididymis, both regulated by anterior pituitary gland, have been analyzed on long-term space-exposed male C57BL/10 mice, either wild type or pleiotrophin transgenic, overexpressing osteoblast stimulating factor-1. Glands were submitted to morphological and functional analysis

    Leaders, followers, and equity risk premiums in booms and busts

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    We study an investment problem in which two asymmetric firms face competition and the regime characterizing the economic condition follows a Markov switching process. We derive the value functions and investment thresholds of the leader and follower. The option value of regime uncertainty is found to be quite important for the investment decision of firms. We also show the relationship between the equity risk premium and the economic cycle that has not been done in previous studies, which proxy economic conditions by the level of demand or other state variables

    Irreversible Investment under Competition with a Markov Switching Regime

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    In this paper, we study an investment problem in which two asymmetric firms face competition and the regime characterizing economic conditions follows Markov switching. We derive the value functions and investment thresholds of a leader and a follower. One of the interesting results is that in contrast to the case of no regime switching, even if the current market size is small, both advantaged and disadvantaged firms have an incentive to become a leader in some parameter settings