1,112 research outputs found

    Protecting labour. Carrie Hall and the master and servant act

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    On 21 April 1891, a domestic servant named Carrie Hall appeared before two Perth magistrates charged under the Master and Servants Act with deserting her master's service. Her 'master' or employer was Richard Septimus Haynes - lawyer, Perth City Councillor, political radical and co-founder with John Horgan of Western Australia's Eight Hours Association} Haynes had taken Hall and a fellow servant, Kate Brown, before the Perth Police Court on similar charges; but whereas Kate Brown was discharged with a caution, Hall received a fine or one month in Fremantle Gaol in default. The wages which Haynes had offered Hall wer

    Prospective isolation of human bone marrow stromal cell subsets: a comparative study between Stro-1-, CD146- and CD105-enriched populations

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    Stro-1 has proved an efficacious marker for enrichment of skeletal stem and progenitor cells although isolated populations remain heterogeneous, exhibiting variable colony-forming efficiency and osteogenic differentiation potential. The emerging findings that skeletal stem cells originate from adventitial reticular cells have brought two further markers to the fore including CD146 and CD105 (both primarily endothelial and perivascular). This study has compared CD146-, CD105- and Stro-1 (individual and in combination)-enriched human bone marrow stromal cell subsets and assessed whether these endothelial/perivascular markers offer further selection over conventional Stro-1. Fluorescent cell sorting quantification showed that CD146 and CD105 both targeted smaller (2.22% ± 0.59% and 6.94% ± 1.34%, respectively) and potentially different human bone marrow stromal cell fractions compared to Stro-1 (16.29% ± 0.78%). CD146+, but not CD105+, cells exhibited similar alkaline phosphatase-positive colony-forming efficiency in vitro and collagen/proteoglycan deposition in vivo to Stro-1+ cells. Molecular analysis of a number of select osteogenic and potential osteo-predictive genes including ALP, CADM1, CLEC3B, DCN, LOXL4, OPN, POSTN and SATB2 showed Stro-1+ and CD146+ populations possessed similar expression profiles. A discrete human bone marrow stromal cell fraction (2.04% ± 0.41%) exhibited positive immuno-labelling for both Stro-1 and CD146. The data presented here show that CD146+ populations are comparable but not superior to Stro-1+ populations. However, this study demonstrates the critical need for new candidate markers with which to isolate homogeneous skeletal stem cell populations or skeletal stem cell populations which exhibit homogeneous in vitro/in vivo characteristics, for implementation within tissue engineering and regenerative medicine strategies

    CS/MTH 410/610-01: Theoretical Foundations of Computing

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    Turing machines; partial-recursive functions; equivalence of computing paradigms; Church-Turing thesis; undecidability; intractability. Four hours lecture

    CEG 320/520-01: Computer Organization

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    Organizational and sequential operation of a digital computer. Program control, memory organization and hierarchy, stacks and parameter passing, interrupts and traps, I/O devices, program structure, machine code and assembly language. Three hours lecture, two hours lab

    Trans Joy: A Transgender Perspective on Positive Psychology

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    There is a variety of research showing that transgender people report less well-being than their cisgender peers, higher stress and increased likelihood of suicide attempts. There are models to explain this minority stress; however, they focus on sexual minorities and lack information about gender minorities. Positive psychology is a field that focuses on increasing well-being and changing small parts of daily life to increase well-being. One method is gratitude interventions; weekly reflection on what you are thankful for. Also, social support is a potential moderator of the relationship between positive psychology exercises and well-being. There is very little research on minority populations in positive psychology. This study seeks to remedy the gap in the literature by investigating the impact of gratitude interventions with transgender adults. The proposed procedure is that transgender adults will participate in either a gratitude intervention or a journaling control condition for a period of 8 weeks. Their well-being would be measured before and after the intervention, in addition to a measurement of social support prior to the intervention period. The expected results are that participation in gratitude interventions will lead to greater well-being. It is also expected that social support will moderate the relationship between gratitude interventions and well-being. These results would be in line with previous findings. This is important research to consider in order to benefit the mental health of transgender individuals and contribute to the further representation of minorities in positive psychology

    RE-AIM Evaluation of Workplace Weight Management Interventions: A Systematic Review

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    Overweight/Obesity is a major public health concern that affects nearly a third of the world’s population. In addition to personal health effects such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes, obesity can take a toll on an employer’s bottom line, specifically healthcare costs and absenteeism. Many employers promote intervention programs targeted at lifestyle and behavioral factors to improve workforce health. A 2016 systematic review by Weerasekara et al. compared several of these intervention programs based on the effectiveness of the program, measured in participant’s weight changes from baseline to post-intervention. While this information can be valuable to employers who are interested in implementing their own program, more information is needed on the cost, including implementation and continuing costs, the representativeness of the sample included in the program, and the ability to maintain effectiveness over time. Using the reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation, and maintenance framework (RE-AIM), this project will expand on previous findings and provide much needed data to assist employers and identify best practices for workplace weight management intervention programs. This systematic literature review evaluates interventions published between August 2015 and June 2021. While most studies address several aspects of the reach dimension, very few effectively outline measures of adoption or the cost aspects of the effectiveness dimension

    Free speech on public college campuses

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    The topic of free speech has become increasingly publicized and debated recently. With cases of speech being suppressed coming to light all across the country, it is apparent that there has been a tremendous shift in views on college campuses on the right to free speech. Through trying to balance an inclusive society with the right of all to speak freely, the First Amendment right to free speech and the applicable case law have begun to be inconsistently interpreted, specifically on public college campuses. Whether by imposing security costs on speakers, solely utilizing free speech zones, or allowing the heckler’s veto to be effective, schools have repeatedly permitted or taken part in the restriction of peoples’ constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. By reviewing scholarly articles and court cases, this honors project will clarify what limitations, if any, are constitutionally allowed on the First Amendment right to speak freely. Through examining examples of religious, political, and hate speech on public college campuses, this project will demonstrate how inconsistent interpretations of the Constitution and case law by college administrators has resulted in the biggest threat to students’ free speech rights

    Honduras: Community Development and Education

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    STEP Category: Education AbroadMy project is a study abroad trip to Honduras that is focused on community development and education. This particular education abroad trip is targeted for my major of Agricultural Systems Management, as well as the majors of Construction Systems Management and Agricultural Science Education. These three majors come together to help build and educate people within Honduras on agriculture. I was given an opportunity to learn about Honduran issues related to agriculture, education and international development through community outreach and education about agricultural needs and practices.The Ohio State University Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP)Academic Major: Agricultural Systems Managemen

    The Effects of Nanoparticle Inclusions upon the Microstructure and Thermoelectric Transport Properties of Bismuth Telluride-Based Composites

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    Research into materials that have high efficiencies of thermoelectric heat-energy conversion has been at a plateau since the middle of the last century. During this time, efficiencies have been engineered high enough for several interesting niche applications but not high enough for widespread adaptation into traditional power generation or refrigeration technologies. The past decade has seen considerable advancement as a number of theoretical works have suggested that lower dimensional structures could hold the key for enhanced efficiency, and several experiments have provided the proof of principle needed to inspire just such a research direction. The benefit of low dimensional structures for thermoelectric efficiency comes from both the potential enhancement of the electronic properties due to quantum confinement effects as well as from the potential for increased scattering of heat-carrying phonons. Widespread application of these principles for technological application requires the creation of composites of nanostructures that can be manufactured easily with dimensions on the bulk materials scale. A good starting point for such materials research is to manufacture composites of materials that are currently known to have high thermoelectric efficiencies by incorporating nanostructures into a bulk matrix. The goal of this project is to create nanocomposites using bismuth telluride, a compound known to have one of the highest thermoelectric efficiencies at room temperature, as a matrix material. Various methods of synthesizing sufficient quantities of bismuth telluride nanostructures were attempted, including pulsed laser vaporization, chemical vapor deposition, and solvothermal synthesis. The method of solvothermal synthesis was found to be the simplest approach for producing high yields of bismuth telluride nanostructures. In the initial stages of the project, cold pressing was tested as a means of compaction, but in the end a uniaxial hot pressing technique was adopted in order to consolidate the nanostructures into the bulk matrix. Nanocomposites were produced using both n-type and p-type bismuth telluride compounds as the matrix material, into which nanostructures of Bi2Te3, BiSb, Bi2S3, as well as Au and Ag nanoparticles and C60 were incorporated. The preferred consolidation technique utilized a 3-axis mechanical mixer, followed first by cold and then hot pressing of the bulk-nano mixtures. The composites were studied with respect to their microstructure and elemental composition, as well as with regard to their thermal and electrical transport properties. The effects of the nanoparticle additions upon the efficiencies of the materials are presented, and the viability of improving the thermoelectric performance of this class of materials by this method is considered
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