42 research outputs found

    Evaluation et approfondissement du concept de gentrification touristique

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    Cet article présente un aperçu et une évaluation de mon concept de gentrification touristique. J’y décris les raisons qui m’ont amené à développer ce concept et je détaille les sources qui m’ont inspiré cette théorisation du tourisme en tant que moteur et produit essentiels des phénomènes touristiques. J’y discute ensuite les diverses réactions du monde académique à mon concept et je retrace les manières dont des chercheurs, de par le monde, se sont emparés de mon travail pour façonner de nouvelles théories et compréhensions de l’interconnexion entre tourisme et gentrification. Tel un dispositif heuristique, la gentrification touristique focalise la réflexion théorique et analytique sur la manière dont des formessingulières de tourisme et de gentrification peuvent être produites au niveau local par l’intrication entre la croissance économique générée par la consommation, les identités culturelles liées au statut du gentrificateur et la circulation globale des investissements immobiliers. Comme je l’indique, le caractère flexible et maniable de mon concept de gentrification touristique permet de mettre en évidence les diverses manières dont le tourisme peut être un moteur d’urbanisation et de transformation de quartiers, le produit de tensions sociales et le théâtre de flux financiers et culturels mondialisés

    The field as source of inspiration

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    Jackson Square with the St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana (circa 1920) Photograph appears in Gotham (2007a, p. 88). Reproduced by permission from the New Orleans Public Library, Louisiana Division and the City Archives. This photograph shows Jackson Square with the St. Louis Cathedral in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana. Established in 1718, the neighborhood developed with a mix of resident and commercial land uses within a rectangular grid of ap..

    Toward an understanding of the spatiality of urban poverty: the urban poor as spatial actors

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    The last two decades have witnessed an explosion of empirical research on the role of space in group life at the same time scholars have lamented the under-theorization of space in sociology. In particular, mainstream poverty researchers have conceptualized space as a neutral backdrop against which action unfolds and viewed poor people's agency as passive and unreflexive. This article attempts to move beyond this space-as-container ontology and provide a more coherent view of how theorizing space and spatial issues can help us understand the actions of the urban poor. At the core of the paper is an attempt to theorize agency as a spatial phenomenon - with spatial attributes and spatial influences - and offer empirical insight into how different spatial meanings can enable or constrain particular forms of social action and behavior. My intent is to contribute to an understanding of the urban poor as spatial actors. I argue that the importance of space lies in understanding it as an object of political struggle, a constitutive component of human agency, and a facilitator as well as constraint upon action. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003.

    Valutazione e promozione della ricerca sulla gentrificazione del turismo

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    Questo articolo fornisce una panoramica e una valutazione del mio concetto di gentrificazione turistica. Innanzitutto, presenterò le motivazioni che mi hanno spinto a sviluppare il concetto e approfondirò le fonti che mi hanno condotto a teorizzare il turismo come principale motore e risultato delle tendenze della gentrificazione. In seguito spiegherò le varie reazioni accademiche al mio concetto e delineerò i modi in cui i ricercatori di tutto il mondo hanno impegnato la mia ricerca per sviluppare nuove teorie e idee circa l’interconnessione fra turismo e gentrificazione. Come strumento euristico, la gentrificazione turistica focalizza l’attenzione teorica e analitica su come la natura interconnessa della crescita economica guidata dal consumo, oltre che le identità culturali legate alla condizione di gentrificazione e le circolazioni globali del finanziamento immobiliare possano produrre configurazioni locali uniche di turismo e gentrificazione. Come ho sottolineato, il mio concetto di gentrificazione turistica è in grado di rivelare i diversi modi in cui il turismo può essere non solo un fattore trainante dell’urbanizzazione e di trasformazione delle aree non centrali, ma anche l’effetto del conflitto di gruppo e uno spazio per localizzare i flussi globali di finanza e cultura

    Assessing and Advancing Research on Tourism Gentrification

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    This article provides an overview and assessment of my concept of tourism gentrification. I describe my motivation for developing the concept and elaborate on the sources of inspiration for my theorizing of tourism as a major driver and outcome of gentrification trends. I next discuss the various scholarly reactions to my concept and delineate the ways in which researchers around the world have engaged my research to fashion new theories and understandings of the interconnection of tourism and gentrification. As a heuristic device, tourism gentrification focuses theoretical and analytical attention on how the interlocking nature of consumption-led economic growth, cultural identities linked to gentrifier status, and global circulations of real estate financing can produce unique local configurations of tourism and gentrification. As I point out, my concept of tourism gentrification is flexible and nimble enough to reveal the diverse ways in which tourism can be a driver of urbanization and neighborhood change, an effect of group conflict, and a site for localizing global flows of finance and culture

    Le terrain comme source d’inspiration

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    Jackson Square et la cathédrale Saint-Louis, dans le Vieux Carré français de la Nouvelle-Orléans (circa 1920) Photo extraite de Gotham (2007a, p.88). Reproduite avec la permission de la Bibliothèque publique de la Nouvelle-Orléans, Département Louisiane, et des Archives de la Ville. Cette photo montre Jackson Square et la cathédrale Saint-Louis, dans le Vieux Carré français de la Nouvelle-Orléans en Louisiane. Construit en 1718, ce quartier composé d’un mélange d’habitat et de commerce s’est..

    Urban Space, Restrictive Covenants and the Origins of Racial Residential Segregation in a US City, 1900-50

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    Many studies have examined the role of racial prejudice and discrimination in the creation of racial residential segregation in US cities. Yet few researchers have situated early twentieth-century meanings of race and racism within broader processes of urban development and the emergence of the modern real estate industry. Using a case study of Kansas City, Missouri, this article examines the organized efforts of community builders and homeowner associations to create racially homogeneous neighborhoods through the use and enforcement of racially restrictive covenants. Racially restrictive covenants encoded racial difference in urban space and helped nurture emerging racial prejudices and stereotypes that associated black residence with declining property values, deteriorating neighborhoods and other negative consequences. I argue that the cultivation and development of this segregationist ideology was simultaneously an exercise in the "racialization of urban space" that linked race and culturally specific behavior to place of residence in the city. As the twentieth century progressed, the identification of black behavior and culture with deteriorating neighborhoods became an important impetus and justification for exclusionary real estate practices designed to create and maintain the geographical separation of the races and control metropolitan development. I conclude with a discussion of how the linkage between race, racism and urban space helps to explain why racial residential segregation remains a persistent and tenacious feature of US metropolitan areas despite the passage of fair housing and numerous anti-discrimination statutes over the past decades. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2000.

    Anthony J. Stanonis

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