272 research outputs found

    Analysis of synergy between cyclophosphamide Therapy and Immunity Against a Mouse Tumour

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    C3H/He and CBA/T6T6 mice which share the H2k haplotype were compared for their capacity to survive challenges with the C3H-derived fibrosarcoma BP8. It was found

    Mycobacterial immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in HIV-1 infection after antiretroviral therapy is associated with deregulated specific T-cell responses: Beneficial effect of IL-2 and GM-CSF immunotherapy

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    BACKGROUND: With the advent of antiretroviral therapy (ART) cases of immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) have increasingly been reported. IRIS usually occurs in individuals with a rapidly rising CD4 T-cell count or percentage upon initiation of ART, who develop a deregulated immune response to infection with or without reactivation of opportunistic organisms. Here, we evaluated rises in absolute CD4 T-cells, and specific CD4 T-cell responses in 4 HIV-1(+ )individuals presenting with mycobacterial associated IRIS who received in conjunction with ART, IL-2 plus GM-CSF immunotherapy. METHODS: We assessed CD4 T-cell counts, HIV-1 RNA loads, phenotype for naïve and activation markers, and in vitro proliferative responses. Results were compared with those observed in 11 matched, successfully treated asymptomatic clinical progressors (CP) with no evidence of opportunistic infections, and uninfected controls. RESULTS: Median CD4 T-cell counts in IRIS patients rose from 22 cells/μl before initiation of ART, to 70 cells/μl after 8 months of therapy (median 6.5 fold increase). This coincided with IRIS diagnosis, lower levels of naïve CD4 T-cells, increased expression of immune activation markers, and weak CD4 T-cell responses. In contrast, CP had a median CD4 T-cell counts of 76 cells/μl at baseline, which rose to 249 cells/μl 6 months post ART, when strong T-cell responses were seen in > 80% of patients. Higher levels of expression of immune activation markers were seen in IRIS patients compared to CP and UC (IRIS > CP > UC). Immunotherapy with IL-2 and GM-CSF paralleled clinical recovery. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that mycobacterial IRIS is associated with inadequate immune reconstitution rather than vigorous specific T-cell responses, and concomitant administration of IL-2 and GM-CSF immunotherapy with effective ART may correct/augment T-cell immunity in such setting resulting in clinical benefit

    HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, DRB3, DRB4, DRB5 and DQB1 polymorphism detected by PCR-SSP in a semi-urban HIV-positive Ugandan population.

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    PCR-SSP was used to HLA-type a cohort of Ugandan HIV-positive individuals. The results represent a more comprehensive description of HLA in an African population than previously described and are in concordance with data from a general Black population. Substantial differences exist between this population and Caucasoid populations in which immunological responses to HIV have been investigated; this emphasises that the main HLA-restrictive elements for HIV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes will most likely be different for each population

    Toll-like Receptor 4 Mediates Innate Immunity to Kaposi Sarcoma Herpesvirus

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    The involvement of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in immunity against human herpesviruses has not been previously demonstrated. We show that infection of endothelial cells with Kaposi sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV), a human oncogenic virus, leads to rapid suppression of TLR4 expression. This is a mechanism of immune escape as TLR4 mediates innate immunity against KSHV. In vitro, cells lacking TLR4 are more susceptible to KSHV infection, whereas activation of TLR4 protects cells from infection. In vivo, HIV-1-infected individuals carrying a mutant TLR4 allele appear more likely to have multicentric Castleman's disease, a lymphoproliferation associated with enhanced KSHV replication. ERK activation by KSHV structural proteins and the KSHV-encoded vGPCR plays a key role in the TLR4 downregulation, whereas the KSHV vIRF1 also contributes to this effect. Our findings reveal a role for TLR4 in innate immunity against herpesviruses and suggest the potential use of TLR4 agonists for the treatment of KSHV-related neoplasms

    HLA Immunogenotype Determines Persistent Human Papillomavirus Virus Infection in HIV-Infected Patients Receiving Antiretroviral Treatment

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    A proportion of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–infected patients develop persistent, stigmatizing human papillomavirus (HPV)–related cutaneous and genital warts and anogenital (pre)cancer. This is the first study to investigate immunogenetic variations that might account for HPV susceptibility and the largest to date to categorize the HPV types associated with cutaneous warts in HIV-positive patients. The HLA class I and II allele distribution was analyzed in 49 antiretroviral (ART)–treated HIV-positive patients with persistent warts, 42 noninfected controls, and 46 HIV-positive controls. The allele HLA-B*44 was more frequently identified in HIV-positive patients with warts (P = .004); a susceptible haplotype (HLA-B*44, HLA-C*05; P = .001) and protective genes (HLA-DQB1*06; P = .03) may also contribute. Cutaneous wart biopsy specimens from HIV-positive patients harbored common wart types HPV27/57, the unusual wart type HPV7, and an excess of Betapapillomavirus types (P = .002), compared with wart specimens from noninfected controls. These findings suggest that HLA testing might assist in stratifying those patients in whom vaccination should be recommended

    The CD8 and CD4 T-Cell Response against Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Is Skewed Towards Early and Late Lytic Antigens

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    Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is causally related to Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), the most common malignancy in untreated individuals with HIV/AIDS. The adaptive T-cell immune response against KSHV has not been fully characterized. To achieve a better understanding of the antigenic repertoire of the CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses against KSHV, we constructed a library of lentiviral expression vectors each coding for one of 31 individual KSHV open reading frames (ORFs). We used these to transduce monocyte-derived dendritic cells (moDCs) isolated from 14 KSHV-seropositive (12 HIV-positive) and 7 KSHV-seronegative (4 HIV-positive) individuals. moDCs were transduced with up to 3 KSHV ORFs simultaneously (ORFs grouped according to their expression during the viral life cycle). Transduced moDCs naturally process the KSHV genes and present the resulting antigens in the context of MHC class I and II. Transduced moDCs were cultured with purified autologous T cells and the CD8 and CD4 T-cell proliferative responses to each KSHV ORF (or group) was assessed using a CFSE dye-based assay. Two pools of early lytic KSHV genes ([ORF8/ORF49/ORF61] and [ORF59/ORF65/K4.1]) were frequently-recognized targets of both CD8 and CD4 T cells from KSHV seropositive individuals. One pool of late lytic KSHV genes ([ORF28/ORF36/ORF37]) was a frequently-recognized CD8 target and another pool of late genes ([ORF33/K1/K8.1]) was a frequently-recognized CD4 target. We report that both the CD8 and CD4 T-cell responses against KSHV are skewed towards genes expressed in the early and late phases of the viral lytic cycle, and identify some previously unknown targets of these responses. This knowledge will be important to future immunological investigations into KSHV and may eventually lead to the development of better immunotherapies for KSHV-related diseases

    Clinical outcomes in pediatric hemodialysis patients in the USA: lessons from CMS’ ESRD CPM Project

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    Although prospective randomized trials have provided important information and allowed the development of evidence-based guidelines in adult hemodialysis (HD) patients, with approximately 800 prevalent pediatric HD patients in the United States, such studies are difficult to perform in this population. Observational data obtained through the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS’) End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Clinical Performance Measures (CPM) Project have allowed description of the clinical care provided to pediatric HD patients as well as identification of risk factors for failure to reach adult targets for clinical parameters such as hemoglobin, single-pool Kt/V (spKt/V) and serum albumin. In addition, studies linking data from the ESRD CPM Project and the United States Renal Data System have allowed evaluation of associations between achievement of those targets and the outcomes of hospitalization and death. The results of those studies, while unable to prove cause and effect, suggest that the adult ESRD CPM targets may assist in identifying pediatric HD patients at risk for poor outcomes