184 research outputs found

    The role of dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    The etiology of the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus is not known, but aberrant apoptosis and/or insufficient clearance of apoptotic material have been assigned a pivotal role. During apoptosis, nucleosomes and several endogenous danger-associated molecular patterns are incorporated in blebs. Recent data indicate that apoptotic blebs induce maturation of myeloid dendritic cells, resulting in IL-17 production by T cells. In this review we summarize current knowledge on the role of dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus with special emphasis on the uptake of apoptotic blebs by dendritic cells, and the subsequent induction of Th17 cells

    Multifaceted effects of synthetic TLR2 ligand and Legionella pneumophilia on Treg-mediated suppression of T cell activation

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    Contains fulltext : 97133.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Regulatory T cells (Treg) play a crucial role in maintaining immune homeostasis and self-tolerance. The immune suppressive effects of Tregs should however be limited in case effective immunity is required against pathogens or cancer cells. We previously found that the Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) agonist, Pam3CysSK4, directly stimulated Tregs to expand and temporarily abrogate their suppressive capabilities. In this study, we evaluate the effect of Pam3CysSK4 and Legionella pneumophila, a natural TLR2 containing infectious agent, on effector T (Teff) cells and dendritic cells (DCs) individually and in co-cultures with Tregs. RESULTS: TLR2 agonists can directly provide a co-stimulatory signal inducing enhanced proliferation and cytokine production of naive CD4+ Teff cells. With respect to cytokine production, DCs appear to be most sensitive to low amounts of TLR agonists. Using wild type and TLR2-deficient cells in Treg suppression assays, we accordingly show that all cells (e.g. Treg, Teff cells and DCs) contributed to overcome Treg-mediated suppression of Teff cell proliferation. Furthermore, while TLR2-stimulated Tregs readily lost their ability to suppress Teff cell proliferation, cytokine production by Teff cells was still suppressed. Similar results were obtained upon stimulation with TLR2 ligand containing bacteria, Legionella pneumophila. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that both synthetic and natural TLR2 agonists affect DCs, Teff cells and Treg directly, resulting in multi-modal modulation of Treg-mediated suppression of Teff cells. Moreover, Treg-mediated suppression of Teff cell proliferation is functionally distinct from suppression of cytokine secretion

    Tumor glucose metabolism and the T cell glycocalyx: implication for T cell function

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    The T cell is an immune cell subset highly effective in eliminating cancer cells. Cancer immunotherapy empowers T cells and occupies a solid position in cancer treatment. The response rate, however, remains relatively low (<30%). The efficacy of immunotherapy is highly dependent on T cell infiltration into the tumor microenvironment (TME) and the ability of these infiltrated T cells to sustain their function within the TME. A better understanding of the inhibitory impact of the TME on T cells is crucial to improve cancer immunotherapy. Tumor cells are well described for their switch into aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect), resulting in high glucose consumption and a metabolically distinct TME. Conversely, glycosylation, a predominant posttranslational modification of proteins, also relies on glucose molecules. Proper glycosylation of T cell receptors influences the immunological synapse between T cells and tumor cells, thereby affecting T cell effector functions including their cytolytic and cytostatic activities. This review delves into the complex interplay between tumor glucose metabolism and the glycocalyx of T cells, shedding light on how the TME can induce alterations in the T cell glycocalyx, which can subsequently influence the T cell’s ability to target and eliminate tumor cells

    Route of Administration of the TLR9 Agonist CpG Critically Determines the Efficacy of Cancer Immunotherapy in Mice

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    Contains fulltext : 81648.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: The TLR9 agonist CpG is increasingly applied in preclinical and clinical studies as a therapeutic modality to enhance tumor immunity. The clinical application of CpG appears, however, less successful than would be predicted from animal studies. One reason might be the different administration routes applied in most mouse studies and clinical trials. We studied whether the efficacy of CpG as an adjuvant in cancer immunotherapy is dependent on the route of CpG administration, in particular when the tumor is destructed in situ. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In situ tumor destruction techniques are minimally invasive therapeutic alternatives for the treatment of (nonresectable) solid tumors. In contrast to surgical resection, tumor destruction leads to the induction of weak but tumor-specific immunity that can be enhanced by coapplication of CpG. As in situ tumor destruction by cryosurgery creates an instant local release of antigens, we applied this model to study the efficacy of CpG to enhance antitumor immunity when administrated via different routes: peritumoral, intravenous, and subcutaneous but distant from the tumor. We show that peritumoral administration is superior in the activation of dendritic cells, induction of tumor-specific CTL, and long-lasting tumor protection. Although the intravenous and subcutaneous (at distant site) exposures are commonly used in clinical trials, they only provided partial protection or even failed to enhance antitumor responses as induced by cryosurgery alone. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: CpG administration greatly enhances the efficacy of in situ tumor destruction techniques, provided that CpG is administered in close proximity of the released antigens. Hence, this study helps to provide directions to fully benefit from CpG as immune stimulant in a clinical setting

    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells of melanoma patients present exogenous proteins to CD4+ T cells after FcγRII-mediated uptake

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) contribute to innate antiviral immune responses by producing type I interferons. Although human pDCs can induce T cell responses upon viral infection, it remains unclear if pDCs can present exogenous antigens. Here, we show that human pDCs exploit FcγRII (CD32) to internalize antigen–antibody complexes, resulting in the presentation of exogenous antigen to T cells. pDCs isolated from melanoma patients vaccinated with autologous monocyte-derived peptide- and keyhold limpet hemocyanin (KLH)–loaded dendritic cells, but not from nonvaccinated patients or patients that lack a humoral response against KLH, were able to stimulate KLH-specific T cell proliferation. Interestingly, we observed that internalization of KLH by pDCs depended on the presence of serum from vaccinated patients that developed an anti-KLH antibody response. Anti-CD32 antibodies inhibited antigen uptake and presentation, demonstrating that circulating anti-KLH antibodies binding to CD32 mediate KLH internalization. We conclude that CD32 is an antigen uptake receptor on pDCs and that antigen presentation by pDCs is of particular relevance when circulating antibodies are present. Antigen presentation by pDCs may thus modulate the strength and quality of the secondary phase of an immune response

    DC-STAMP knock-down deregulates cytokine production and T-cell stimulatory capacity of LPS-matured dendritic cells

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    Contains fulltext : 96778.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Dendritic cells (DCs) are the highly specialized antigen presenting cells of the immune system that play a key role in regulating immune responses. DCs can efficiently initiate immune responses or induce tolerance. Due to this dual function, DCs are studied in the context of immunotherapy for both cancer and autoimmune diseases. Characterization of DC-specific genes, leading to better understanding of DC immunobiology, will help to guide their use in clinical settings. We previously identified DC-STAMP, a multi-membrane spanning protein preferentially expressed by DCs. DC-STAMP resides in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of immature DCs and translocates towards the Golgi compartment upon maturation. In this study we knocked down DC-STAMP in mouse bone marrow-derived DCs (mBMDCs) to determine its function. RESULTS: We demonstrate that DC-STAMP knock-down mBMDCs secrete less IL-6, IL-12, TNF-alpha and IL-10 while IL-1 production is enhanced. Moreover, LPS-matured DC-STAMP knock-down mBMDCs show impaired T cell activation potential and induction of Th1 responses in an alloreaction. CONCLUSIONS: We show that DC-STAMP plays an important role in cytokine production by mBMDCs following LPS exposure. Our results reveal a novel function of DC-STAMP in regulating DC-initiated immune responses

    DC-SCRIPT deficiency delays mouse mammary gland development and branching morphogenesis

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    Mammary glands are unique organs in which major adaptive changes occur in morphogenesis and development after birth. Breast cancer is the most common cancer and a major cause of mortality in females worldwide. We have previously identified the loss of expression of the transcription regulator DC-SCRIPT (Zfp366) as a prominent prognostic event in estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients. DC-SCRIPT affects multiple transcriptional events in breast cancer cells, including estrogen and progesterone receptor-mediated transcription, and promotes CDKN2B-related cell cycle arrest. As loss of DC-SCRIPT expression appears an early event in breast cancer development, we here investigated the role of DC-SCRIPT in mammary gland development using wild-type and DC-SCRIPT knockout mice. Mice lacking DC-SCRIPT exhibited severe breeding problems and showed significant growth delay relative to littermate wild-type mice. Subsequent analysis revealed that DC-SCRIPT was expressed in mouse mammary epithelium and that DC-SCRIPT deficiency delayed mammary gland morphogenesis in vivo. Finally, analysis of 3D mammary gland organoid cultures confirmed that loss of DC-SCRIPT dramatically delayed mammary organoid branching in vitro. The study shows for the first time that DC-SCRIPT deficiency delays mammary gland morphogenesis in vivo and in vitro. These data define DC-SCRIPT as a novel modulator of mammary gland development

    Novel insights in the regulation of CCL18 secretion by monocytes and dendritic cells via cytokines, Toll-like receptors and rheumatoid synovial fluid

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    BACKGROUND: The T cell attracting chemokine CCL18 is produced by antigen presenting cells and a role for CCL18 has been suggested in the pathogenesis of a variety of diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of these conditions, in which abundant CCL18 production is present. Although Th2 cytokines and IL-10 are known to have an effect on CCL18 production, there are several gaps in our knowledge regarding the exact regulation of CCL18 secretion, both in general and in RA. In this study we provide new insights in the regulation of CCL18 secretion by monocytes and dendritic cells. RESULTS: In contrast to a large panel of pro-inflammatory stimuli (IL-1β, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-13, IL-15, IL-17, IL-18, IFN-γ), T cell mimicking molecules (RANKL, CD40L) or TLR driven maturation, the anti-inflammatory IL-10 strongly stimulated DC to secrete CCL18. On freshly isolated monocytes, CCL18 secretion was induced by IL-4 and IL-13, in strong synergy with IL-10. This synergistic effect could already be observed after only 24 hours, indicating that not only macrophages and dendritic cells, but also monocytes secrete CCL18 under these stimulatory conditions. A high CCL18 expression was detected in RA synovial tissue and incubation of monocytes with synovial fluid from RA patients clearly enhanced the effects of IL-4, IL-13 and IL-10. Surprisingly, the effect of synovial fluid was not driven by IL-10 of IL-13, suggesting the presence of another CCL18 inducing factor in synovial fluid. CONCLUSION: In summary, IL-10 synergistically induces CCL18 secretion in combination with IL-4 of IL-13 on monocytes and monocyte derived cells. The effects of IL-14, IL-13 and IL-10 are strongly enhanced by synovial fluid. This synergy may contribute to the high CCL18 expression in RA

    Saponin-based adjuvants induce cross-presentation in dendritic cells by intracellular lipid body formation

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    Saponin-based adjuvants (SBAs) are being used in animal and human (cancer) vaccines, as they induce protective cellular immunity. Their adjuvant potency is a factor of inflammasome activation and enhanced antigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells (DCs), but how antigen cross-presentation is induced is not clear. Here we show that SBAs uniquely induce intracellular lipid bodies (LBs) in the CD11b+ DC subset in vitro and in vivo. Using genetic and pharmacological interference in models for vaccination and in situ tumour ablation, we demonstrate that LB induction is causally related to the saponin- dependent increase in cross-presentation and T-cell activation. These findings link adjuvant activity to LB formation, aid the application of SBAs as a cancer vaccine component, and will stimulate development of new adjuvants enhancing T-cell-mediated immunity