5 research outputs found

    Comparation of the new rebound tonometer IOPen and the Goldmann tonometer, and their relationship to corneal properties

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    Purpose To compare the intraocular pressures (IOPs) obtained with the IOPen rebound tonometer, Goldmann applanation tonometer (GAT) and the ocular response analyzer (ORA) and investigate the effects of corneal biomechanical properties on IOPen measurements. Methods A total of 198 normal eyes were included in this cross-sectional and randomized study. Three measurements were taken using IOPen. Agreement between tonometers was calculated using the Bland and Altman limits of agreement (LoA) analysis. Results The median IOPen IOP was 3mmHg below the GAT (Po0.001), 3mmHg below the ORA IOP similar to Goldmann (IOPg), and 3mmHg below the ORA IOP corrected using corneal parameters (IOPcc)(Po0.01). The LoA width between the IOPen and GAT IOPs varied between 13.92 (mean IOPen IOP) and 15.99mmHg (third IOPen measurement). The central corneal thickness (CCT) was unrelated to IOPen measurements (P40.05). Corneal hysteresis (CH) and corneal rigidity factor (CRF) were correlated with IOPen and GAT. Conclusions IOPen underestimated the IOP compared with GAT and ORA. The effect of measurement quality or measurement order on IOPen was low. CCT did not affect the IOPen, but the CH and CRF did. The LoA width between the IOPen and GAT IOPs was higher than between the ORA IOPg or ORA IOPcc and GAT IOPs

    4to. Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad. Memoria académica

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    Este volumen acoge la memoria académica de la Cuarta edición del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad, CITIS 2017, desarrollado entre el 29 de noviembre y el 1 de diciembre de 2017 y organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (UPS) en su sede de Guayaquil. El Congreso ofreció un espacio para la presentación, difusión e intercambio de importantes investigaciones nacionales e internacionales ante la comunidad universitaria que se dio cita en el encuentro. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la gestión de los trabajos de investigación como la plataforma Open Conference Systems y la web de presentación del Congreso http://citis.blog.ups.edu.ec/, hicieron de CITIS 2017 un verdadero referente entre los congresos que se desarrollaron en el país. La preocupación de nuestra Universidad, de presentar espacios que ayuden a generar nuevos y mejores cambios en la dimensión humana y social de nuestro entorno, hace que se persiga en cada edición del evento la presentación de trabajos con calidad creciente en cuanto a su producción científica. Quienes estuvimos al frente de la organización, dejamos plasmado en estas memorias académicas el intenso y prolífico trabajo de los días de realización del Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para la Sociedad al alcance de todos y todas

    What Predicts What? Self-Reported and Behavioral Impulsivity and High-Risk Patterns of Alcohol Use in Spanish Early Adolescents: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study

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    Background: The directionality of the relationship between impulsivity and heavy drinking patterns remains unclear. Recent research suggests it could be reciprocal and depends on different facets of impulsivity and different patterns of drinking. The aim of this study was to analyze this potential recip- rocal relationship between self-reported and behavioral measures of impulsivity and sensation seeking with specific patterns of heavy drinking in a sample of Spanish adolescents across 2 years. Methods: The study has a cross-lagged prospective design in which participants were evaluated 3 times over 2 years (once a year). Participants were 1,430 adolescents (53.9% male; mean age at study commencement = 13.02, SD = 0.51) from 22 secondary schools in Spain. Computerized versions of the following instruments were used: 2 subscales of Impulsive Sensation Seeking, 2 behavioral measures (Stroop Test and Delay Discounting [DD] task), frequency of intoxication episodes (IE), and the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index to evaluate alcohol-related problems (ARP). Random intercepts crosslagged panel models of reciprocal relationships between impulsivity measures and alcohol use outcomes were used. Results: Individual levels of self-reported impulsivity and sensation seeking significantly predicted prospective involvement in IE and ARP. Performance in behavioral measures (Stroop Test and DD) did not predict subsequent heavy drinking or alcohol problems. No measure of drinking was found to be a significant predictor of prospective changes in impulsivity. Conclusions: Within-person levels of self-reported impulsivity and sensation seeking significantly predicted further heavy drinking from as early as 13 years old, whereas behavioral measures were not predictive. In our study, neither IE nor ARP predicted prospective changes in impulsivity. Further studies should address additional specific relationships between facets of impulsivity and specific outcomes of heavy drinking