5 research outputs found

    Use of three joints as predictors of carcass and body fat depots in Blanca Celtibérica goats

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    Nineteen adult goats of the Blanca Celtibérica breed - in non productive stage - from the experimental flock of Servicio de Investigación Agraria (Diputación General de Aragón) were scored using the lumbar, breast and tail palpation. Sternal triangle joint, lumbar square jointt a ailn tdha t were handled to assess body condition scores were dissected into muscle, bone subcutaneous fat and intermuscular fat. Regression analyses were developed for predicting carcass and body fat depots, using sternal triangle, lumbar square joint and tail compositions like independent variables. The best predictor of omental fat, subcutaneous fat, intermuscular fat, kidney fat, total body and total carcass fat depots was the totaol ff alut mbar square joint. On the other hand8 9, 80 and 86% (PS0,Ol) of the variationo f mesenteric, heart and udder fat depots, respectively, were accounted for by variation in intermuscular fat of sternal triangle joint. Finally, the subcutaneous fat weight of 1 tail vertebra accounted for 96% of the total variation of tail fat weight. In conclusion, the best predictor of the most important carcass and body fat depots (omental, subcutaneous, intermuscular, kidney, total body and total carcass fat) was the total fat of lumbar square. Utilisation de trois points de prélèvement comme prédicteurs des dépôts adipeux de la carcasse et du corps chez des chèvres de race Blanca Celtibérica". Un lot de 19 chèvres adultes de race Blanca Celtibérica, vides et taries, appartenant au troupeau expérimental du Service de la Recherche Agronomique (Gouvernement Autonome d'Aragon), ont été notées par la palpation au niveau lombaire, setet crnaauld al. Le triangle sternal, le carré lombaire et la queue ont été soumis à dissection en muscle, os, gras sous-cutané et intermusculaire. L 'analyse des régressionsé até utilisée pour prédire les dépôts adipeux de la carcaests edu corps de l'animal moyennant l'utilisation de la composition du triangle sterna/, du carré lombaire et de la queue comme variables indépendantes. Le meilleur prédicteur des graisses omentales, sous-cutanées, intermusculaires, rénales totales du corps, et totales de la carcasse é até le gras total du carré lombaire. D'autre part, 89, e8t0 8 6% (E0,Ol) de la variation des dépôts de gras mésentérique, du coeur et de la mamelle respectivement, ont eté expliqués par la variation du gras intermusculaire du triangle sternal. Comme conclusion, le meilleur prédicteur des dépôts adipeux de la carcasse et du corps les plus importants (omental, sous-cutané, intermusculaire, rénal, total du corps et total de la carcasse) a été le gras total du carré lombaire

    Relationships between body fat depots, carcass composition, live weight and body condition scores in Blanca Celtibérica goats

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    The relationships between body fat depots, carcass composition and body condition scores (BCS), assessed on lumbar, sternal and tail regions were determinine d1 9 adult Blanca Celtibérica goats. After slaughter the omental, mesenteric, kidney and pelvic fat were separated and weighed. The left side of the carcass was separated into muscle, bone plus remainder, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat. All body fat depots and carcass composition tissues have a logarithmic or semilogarithmic relationship with body condition scores. All body condition scores assessed on lumbar and sternal regions were better predictors than live weight (LW) of the body fat depots and carcass composition. The body condition score assessed on the sternal region was a better predictor than the other body condition methods for all fat depots and carcass composition except for the heart and pelvic fat. The variations in omental, mesenteric, subcutaneous, intermuscular, pelvic and kidney weight of fat depots per unit chaning est ernal body condition score (SBCS) were determined. These changes suggest that the increases in SBCS from 2.5 to 3.5 or from 3.5 to 4.5 result in the greatest rate of deposition occurring in the subcutaneous and omental fat depot


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    [EN] Fifty young Californian rabbit females have been used to study the effect of age (14 or 17 weeks) and ovarian stimulation (nutritional flushing or PMSG) on the ovarian response to LHRHa injection. Stimulation by nutritional flushing showed, in the 14 and 17 week-old animals, a positive effect on live weight after 8 days, ovulation rate was satisfactory in females aged 17 weeks but not in the 14 week-old group, nevertheless 14 weeks old does showed an increase in the number of follicles larger than 0.6 mm (P<0.05). Stimulation by PMSG (100 IU) provoked a six folds increase in the number of follicles larger than 0.6 mm (90.6 vs 15.1; P<0.001), but failed to in crease the proportion of ovulating females, thus suggesting that a too high dose had been used. These results indicate that introduction of rabbit females to reproduction can be advanced to 17 week-old, provided that previous ovarian stimulation by nutritional flushing is done[FR] Cinquante jeunes tapines de race californienne ont été utilisées pour étudier l'effet de l'age (14 et 17 semaines) et de la stimulation ovarienne (par suralimentation ou PMSG) sur la réponse de l'ovaire a l'injection de LHRHa. La stimulation par suralimentation pour les animaux agés de 14 ou 17 semaines a un effet positif sur le poids vif, apres B jours ; le taux d'ovulation était satisfaisant pour les feme/les agées de 17 semaines mais pas pour ce/les agées de 14 semaines, bien que les feme/les agées de 14 semaines montraient une augmentation du nombre de follicules d'une taille supérieure a 0,6 mm (P<0.05). La stimulation par PMSG (100 U./.) multipliait par 6 le nombre de follicules de taille superieure a 0.6 mm (90.6vs 15.1; P<0.001) mais n'augmentait pas le nombre de feme/les qui ovulaient, ce qui laisse a penser que la dose utilisée était trop élevée. Ces résultats montrent que l'age de la reproduction pour les tapines peut etre avancé a 17 semaines a condition que la stimulation ovarienne ait été provoquée par une suralimentation.This work has been partially supported by the CICYT project GAN89-0127Gosalvez, L.; Alvariño, J.; Diaz, P.; Tor, M. (1994). INFLUENCE OF AGE, STIMULATION BY PMSG OR FLUSHING ON THE OVARIAN RESPONSE TO LHRHa IN YOUNG RABBIT FEMALES. World Rabbit Science. 2(2):41-45. doi:10.4995/wrs.1994.216SWORD41452

    Restructuring Citizenship in Bolivia: El Plan de Todos

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    Current international development policies promote both free markets and democratic states through privatization and decentralization programs. Building on T.H. Marshall's concept of citizenship, this article examines how these programs have affected the rights associated with citizenship in Bolivia since 1993 when the administration of President Gonzalo Sänchez de Lozada introduced a broad set of economic and political reforms. His administration sold state firms that had accounted for 50% of government revenues at the same time as it adopted a new constitution that recognized the multicultural and pluri-ethnic nature of Bolivian society. His administration also began decentralization programs in government, health and education that transferred 20% of national revenues, as well as the responsibility for providing services, to municipal governments. I show how current development practice has strengthened a neoliberal citizenship regime in which civil rights associated with ownership of private property, and political rights associated with formal democracy and representation, have been promoted at the expense of social rights associated with access to health, education and welfare. Copyright Joint Editors and Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2003.