17 research outputs found

    Summertime partitioning and budget of NOycompounds in the troposphere over Alaska and Canada: ABLE 3B

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    As part of NASA's Arctic Boundary Layer Expedition 3A and 3B field measurement programs, measurements of NO(x) HNO31, PAN, PPN, and NOy were made in the middle to lower troposphere over Alaska and Canada during the summers of 1988 and 1990. These measurements are used to assess the degree of closure within the reactive odd nitrogen (NxOy) budget through the comparison of the values of NOy measured with a catalytic convertor to the sum of individually measured NOy(i) compounds (i.e., Sigma NOy(i) = NOx + HNO3 + PAN + PPN). Significant differences were observed between the various study regions. In the lower 6 km of the troposphere over Alaska and the Hudson Bay lowlands of Canada a significant traction of the NOy budget (30 to 60 per cent) could not be accounted for by the measured Sigma NOy(i). This deficit in the NOy budget is about 100 to 200 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) in the lower troposphere (0.15 to 3 km) and about 200 to 400 pptv in the middle free troposphere (3 to 6.2 km). Conversely, the NOy budget in the northern Labrador and Quebec regions or Canada is almost totally accounted for within the combined measurement uncertainties of NOy and the various NOy(i) compounds. A substantial portion of the NOx budget's 'missing compounds' appears to be coupled to the photochemical and/or dynamical parameters influencing the tropospheric oxidative potential over these regions. A combination of factors are suggested as the causes for the variability observed in the NOy budget. In addition, the apparent stability of compounds represented by the NOy budget deficit in the lower-attitude range questions the ability of these compounds to participate as reversible reservoirs for "active" odd nitrogen and suggest that some portion of the NOy budget may consist of relatively unreactive nitrogencontaining compounds. Bei der Rationalisierung von Kommissioniersystemen besteht bei vielen Unternehmen noch Nachholbedarf. Dies ergab eine Umfrage des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Materialfluss und Logistik in Dortmund bei ca. 800 Unternehmen. Keins der Unternehmen setzt Kommissionierautomaten ein, die Voraussetzungen für durchgehende Automatisierung fehlen


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    Biomass-burning impacted air masses sampled over central and eastern Canada during the summer of 1990 as part of ABLE 3B contained enhanced mixing ratios of gaseous HNO3, HCOOH, CH3COOH, and what appears to be (COOH)2. These aircraft-based samples were collected from a variety of fresh burning plumes and more aged haze layers from different source regions. Values of the enhancement factor, delta X/delta CO, where X represents an acidic gas, for combustion-impacted air masses sampled both near and farther away from the fires, were relatively uniform. However, comparison of carboxylic acid emission ratios measured in laboratory fires to field plume enhancement factors indicates significant in-plume production of HCOOH. Biomass-burning appears to be an important source of HNO39 HCOOH, and CH3COOH to the troposphere over subarctic Canada

    The origin, composition and rates of organic nitrogen deposition: A missing piece of the nitrogen cycle?

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    Organic forms of nitrogen are widespread in the atmosphere and their deposition may constitute a substantive input of atmospheric N to terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Recent studies have expanded the pool of available measurements and our awareness of their potential significance. Here, we use these measurements to provide a coherent picture of the processes that produce both oxidized and reduced forms of organic nitrogen in the atmosphere, examine how those processes are linked to human activity and how they may contribute to the N load from the atmosphere to ecosystems. We summarize and synthesize data from 41 measurements of the concentrations and fluxes of atmospheric organic nitrogen (AON). In addition, we examine the contribution of reduced organic nitrogen compounds such as amino acids, bacterial/particulate N, and oxidized compounds such as organic nitrates to deposition fluxes of AON. The percentage contribution of organic N to total N loading varies from site to site and with measurement methodology but is consistently around a third of the total N load with a median value of 30% (Standard Deviation of 16%). There are no indications that AON is a proportionally greater contributor to N deposition in unpolluted environments and there are not strong correlations between fluxes of nitrate and AON or ammonium and AON. Possible sources for AON include byproducts of reactions between NO<sub>x</sub> and hydrocarbons, marine and terrestrial sources of reduced (amino acid) N and the long- range transport of organic matter (dust, pollen etc.) and bacteria. Both dust and organic nitrates such as PAN appear to play an important role in the overall flux of AON to the surface of the earth. For estimates of organic nitrate deposition, we also use an atmospheric chemical transport model to evaluate the spatial distribution of fluxes and the globally integrated deposition values. Our preliminary estimate of the magnitude of global AON fluxes places the flux between 10 and 50 Tg of N per year with substantial unresolved uncertainties but clear indications that AON deposition is an important aspect of local and global atmospheric N budgets and deserves further consideration