27 research outputs found

    Consumers’ Perception of Risks to the Development of Sustainable Consumption

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    The article presents consumers’ perception of risks caused by the adoption of the sustainable consumption model in households. The research was based on primary materials from direct personal interviews conducted as part of a questionnaire survey. The results were subjected to a substantive analysis using elements of the content analysis developed by Berelson. The research revealed that consumers observed the risk of balancing consumption in their surroundings. The respondents listed the following risks as the most important: higher costs of consumption, time consumption, the need to engage in the implementation of new rules, control of consumer behaviour, greater consumer involvement, and difficulties resulting from the adoption of this consumption model. The knowledge of the risks caused by the adoption of a sustainable consumption model can be used to develop programmes promoting sustainable consumers’ attitudes and propagating these ideas. The awareness of sustainable consumption requires time to be developed. It is necessary to conduct a further research and analyses of sustainable consumption, because the knowledge and skills in affecting consumers’ attitudes are necessary to develop and strengthen consumption

    Building competitive advantage through product innovations based on raw material modifications

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    Changes in consumers’ activity on the agri-food market in Poland, especially their growing awareness and knowledge of products translate into competitive strategies of enterprises. Product strategies with increasing significance of innovativeness have the leading role among competitive strategies. The aim of this article is to present product’s innovations in terms of input (raw material) and discuss its role in creating competitive advantages of enterprises. The crispbread market is an example of the implementation of these actions. This article analyses this market in terms of changes in product-based innovativeness. Desk research was applied to analyze the most important concepts and determines detailed research areas that are adequate to the issue of raw materialbased innovativeness. Analyses proved that in Poland conventional (traditional) production systems prevailed over modern ones, which are characterised by flexibility, leading technology and organisation of variable serial production. For this reason, innovations are being developed. Modifications in the raw material composition have an element of originality and they should be treated as product-based innovations observed from the market perspective. The development of new trends in production and distribution as well as the possibilities of assortment changes reflect global tendencies in the trends of product innovations on the food market

    Standardization of the bakery goods

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    The article presents selected aspects of the standardization, highly valued factor that stimulates the economic development of the country. The attention was paid to the purpose of the standardization, basic normative documents and standardizing activity. Different proposals for the classification of bread applied in practice or appearing in scientific studies were presented. It was emphasised that currently legal mess exists in Poland, in terms of use of the bread classification. The necessity of legal regulations of this issue by standard regulations was pointed out


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    The purpose of the article is to specify behavior considered to be disadvantageous for achieving sustainable consumption by consumers. Sustainable consumption, in economics usually derived from the consumer usefulness theory, is, on the one hand, inseparably linked to the effectiveness of a food supply chain, and on the other, a phenomenon significantly less identifiable and much more difficult to verify. In research, factual material gained through a personal interview survey, conducted in the Greater Poland Voivodship was used. Respondents were chosen with the use of quota and purposive sampling. It was found that consumers are able to see some behavior that are unfavorable for achieving sustainable consumption. The average level of unfavorable behavior (2.25) proves that consumers see such behavior with a relatively low level of disadvantages for achieving sustainable food consumption (in the economic, ecologic and social aspect). Consumers see unfavorable behavior for achieving sustainable consumption as behavior of a low level of disadvantages, including behavior stemming from the cost of moving from a previous model to a sustainable model, which demands spending more time on planning and shopping and creates a need to control personal behavior in terms of shopping logistics, i.e. planning, organizing, storing, buying and consuming products, as well as waste disposal. A very low level disadvantage of achieving sustainable food consumption is connected, according to consumers, with some behavior demanding self-control and self-discipline (e.g. avoiding excessive, disadvantageous consumption), engagement in the life of the local society and spending more time on looking for local products (in order to exchange, borrow, share and foster the community). Information concerning behavior unfavorable for achieving sustainable food consumption can be used for planning and implementing actions aimed at disseminating the idea and increasing consumer awareness


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    In order to fill the knowledge gap on the reduction of losses and waste of bread and other bakery and confectionery products (BBCP) in the selected retail level, studies have been conducted to estimate the scale of waste of this type of food at retailers, cause of occurrence of such losses have been determined, along with methods of limiting and preventing this phenomenon. Data about the scale of losses have been collected by monitoring diary from the sample of small shops (N = 5), bakeries with own shops (N = 5). Additionally, data from a retail network (N = 29 shops) taken from the cash register system. The qualitative data came from 9 individual in-depth reviews with trade experts. The analysis of the data shows that the total volume of losses in BBCP trade in small shops was around 2 kg/week (excluding goods returned for reprocessing). Based on the value BBCP’s losses in the retail network accounted for 42% of the total losses. Moreover, they reach 20% of the bakery & confectionery department turnover. The BBCP returns from trade to reprocessing were recorded at 8-10% of the average daily order value. The 3 main categories of causes behind this phenomenon have been: related to the organisation of the bakery section at the retailer, the manner of displaying products and human errors. The ways of preventing losses and waste in the examined product category have also been named. The obtained results can be used for developing programs and strategies to limit trade losses in bakery & confectionery sections. The examined product category should be understood as the main goal of indexation programs and other steps aiming to limit food waste

    Demographic changes and consumers behaviours on the bread market

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    Analysis of demographic changes occurring in Poland conducted in the present article shows trends and allows the consideration of demographic premises of the development and changes in behaviours of consumers on the bread market, i.e. of the product which takes priority place in the group of essential needs. Following demographic indicators were discussed: the size of Polish population, the rate of the fertility and mortalities, the age structure, average life expectancy, the household and the level of education. Appearing demographic trends allow forecasting the volume of demand for products. It was stated that on the bread market there will be changes of quantitative, genre as well as qualitative character that determine a challenge for enterprises of the bakery industry

    Konsumpcja serów per capita w Polsce i na świecie

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    Cheese represents vast share in consumption of dairy products as one third of collected milk is used by cheese-makers. This is one of the rare dairy products, which per capita consumption increases even in developed countries. The paper investigates changes in per capita consumption and links them with projections for Polish cheese-making industry and consumers.Poziom konsumpcji serów na świecie jest bardzo zróżnicowany. Obszarami o największym spożyciu sera są kraje Europy Zachodniej i Skandynawii, gdzie średnie spożycie wynosi od 17 do 25 kg na osobę rocznie. W Polsce spożycie per capita jest znacznie mniejsze od średniej w Unii Europejskiej i oscyluje w granicach 10 kg na osobę rocznie. W strukturze spożycia dominują sery świeże, zarówno pod względem ilościowym, jak i wartościowym. Oprócz tego 11% gospodarstw domowych wytwarza sery świeże samodzielnie. Z kolei jeśli chodzi o intensywność konsumpcji mierzoną częstotliwością spożycia - na pierwszym miejscu plasują się sery żółte. One, jak i sery białe, są konsumowane zazwyczaj na śniadanie - tak twierdzi prawie 70% respondentów


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    Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena postępów realizacji wybranych działań Programu Rozwoju Obszarów Wiejskich (PROW) 2014-2020, jako źródła finansowania przedsięwzięć innowacyjnych podmiotów. Kluczowym elementem dla kształtowania i rozwoju gospodarki innowacyjnej jest możliwość korzystania przez podmioty z puli środków na podnoszenie konkurencyjności poprzez innowacyjność, oferowanych ze środków europejskich. Przybliżono istotę innowacyjności, wskazano wybrane instrumenty jej wspierania przewidzianej na lata 2014-2020. Omówiono obszary, zakresy i limity wsparcia oraz stopień ich wykorzystania. Źródłem danych empirycznych były m.in. raporty, dokumenty statystyki publicznej i niepublikowane dane ARiMR. Zwrócono uwagę, że percepcja i sytuacja ekonomiczno-finansowa podmiotów funkcjonujących współcześnie w warunkach niepewności i niestabilności wpływanie na ich otwartość na „ofertę UE”. Środki unijne umożliwiają nowym podmiotom wejście na drogę innowacyjności, a starym jej kontynuowanie przez aktywność inwestycyjną. Z uwagi, że proces aplikacyjny ma charakter złożony i utrudnia zainteresowanym ubieganie się o środki, należy podejmować działania, które przysłużą się wzrostowi efektywności wykorzystania środków

    Gaining UE founds by Polish farmers from the operation 132 PROW 2007-2013

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    The purpose of the article was to analyse the activities of Polish farmers in program 132 Participation of farmers in food quality systems in 2009 to 2011. At European level, food quality schemes include Traditional Speciality Guaranteed, Protected Designation of Origin, Protected Geographical Indication and Organic production. On the national level, the accepted system are as follows: Integrated production, Quality - Tradition, Quality Meat Program, Pork Quality System and Quality Assurances for Food Products. In Poland 31 795 applications were submitted by farmers under the schemes included in the 132nd in 2009-2011. There were differences in terms of farmers’ activity by the regions. The subsidies provided to the farmers had different forms, but the amount of subsidy depended on the system in which they participated. Majority of farmers applied for Integrated Manufacturing and Organic production. There was no interest in Traditional Speciality Guaranteed and Quality-Tradition

    Consumers Engagement Toward Food Brands – The Case of Dairy Products

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    Research background: As food markets continue to develop the role and position of food consumers evolve as well. Food producers redefine their market strategies and focus on creating loyalty, building good contacts and consumers’ engagement towards brands