51 research outputs found

    Une perspective sur la Transylvanie

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    The region of Transylvania had been for centuries under Ottoman rule. Our study focuses on the novel The Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne, published in 1892. The analysis is made of six chapters, leading to the introduction of the origins of the novel, continuing with its main subject followed by the literary theme, the characters, the narrative techniques and, finally, we propose an anthropological point of view of a space found under the Ottoman Empire at a given moment in history. The purpose of our study is to present Jules Verne’s perspective on Transylvania: specific features, detailed descriptions, remarks on its native and foreign inhabitants. Working methods: textual and monographic analysis, anthropological reading

    Une perspective sur la Transylvanie : le château des Carpathes de Jules Verne

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    The region of Transylvania had been for centuries under Ottoman rule. Our study focuses on the novel The Castle of the Carpathians by Jules Verne, published in 1892. The analysis is made of six chapters, leading to the introduction of the origins of the novel, continuing with its main subject followed by the literary theme, the characters, the narrative techniques and, finally, we propose an anthropological point of view of a space found under the Ottoman Empire at a given moment in history. The purpose of our study is to present Jules Verne’s perspective on Transylvania: specific features, detailed descriptions, remarks on its native and foreign inhabitants. Working methods: textual and monographic analysis, anthropological reading

    Experiencias sobre automación de hornos rotatorios con intercambiadores de calor en suspensión gaseosa

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    Not availableLos hornos con intercambiadores de calor en suspensión gaseosa reúnen, respecto a la automación, unas condiciones previas como el precalentamiento y la descarbonatación de la materia prima, las cuales se realizan en un aparato que no permite mando ni regulación algunos. El intercambiador de calor en suspensión gaseosa no ofrece ninguna posibilidad de intervención sobre el material que pasa por él

    1988 Acropolis

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    1988 Acropolis yearbook for Whittier College.https://poetcommons.whittier.edu/acropolis/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Jules Verne\u27s Dream Machines: Technology and Transcendence

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    This article discusses how Verne mythologizes and poeticizes his fictional machines. More than just a means for solving problems and/or for providing access to exotic geographical locales, Verne’s technology is portrayed as being intrinsically poetic. Bridging the worlds of the industrial and the artistic, Verne’s machines constitute a new kind of objet d’art. Anthropomorphized to make them seem less coldly mechanical, these devices take on a life of their own and exist in a richly symbiotic relationship with their creators. Such machines transport the readers of Verne’s Voyages extraordinaires beyond the mimetic, serving both as a means to build verisimilitude and as a stepping-stone to transcend the real

    Using Prediction ML algorithm for predicting early Student Attrition in Higher Education

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    This research aims at using predictive models that enable us to predict students who are at risk of dropping out and identify the factors that possibly lead to this dropout. Through the results obtained, concerned stakeholders will be able to effectively develop strategies and initiatives to help decrease the percentage of students’ attrition. There are different reasons why students drop from their courses which could be related to academic issues or personal issues that stop them from being active students. Due to these many reasons of students dropping out, universities are impacted negatively in terms of the financial costs as they lose an amount of money from those students, and sometimes they lose the funds from public sponsors to major activities in universities. The proposal aims at exploring the various reasons that influence students’ decision to withdraw and what will be the best model for the prediction. I will use data from the open-source Kaggle and use Python to explore and preprocess the data. I will also use Tableau for getting visual insights from the available dataset

    Udviklingslinjer og forandringer i den aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitik

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    I 2019 er det 25 Ã¥r siden den aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitik for alvor gjorde sit indtog i Danmark med Nyrups arbejdsmarkedsreformer fra 1994 som startskuddet. Her skete der et skifte eller en forskydning fra en passiv til en aktiv arbejdsmarkedspolitik, hvor pligt til aktivering blev koblet med retten til at modtage ydelser under ledighed. Dette skifte skete ikke blot i en dansk kontekst, men var en del af en større international trend, der ogsÃ¥ vandt indpas i en række andre lande og som internationalt er kendt som et skifte fra ’welfare’ til ’workfare’, altsÃ¥ fra forsørgelse til aktivering (Torfing, 2004). Den variant, der opstod i Danmark, fokuserede bÃ¥de pÃ¥ at opkvalifi cere og motivere arbejdsstyrken (Bredgaard, Jørgensen, Madsen & Rasmussen, 2017, s. 17-18) og baserede sig derfor bÃ¥de pÃ¥ det, der betegnes som en ’human capital’ strategi (hvor styrkelse af kompetencer er i centrum for indsatsen) og en ’workfirst’ strategi (hvor styrkelse af motivationen til at tage arbejde er i centrum for indsatsen), mens andre lande fulgte ’work-first’ strategien mere stringent (Torfing, 2004). Udover sÃ¥dan et fokusskifte dannede arbejdsmarkedsreformerne i 1990’erne ogsÃ¥ rammen om ændringer i selve implementeringen og styringen af omrÃ¥det, bl.a. ved en decentralisering af indsatsen og ved nedsættelse af arbejdsmarkedsrÃ¥d med partsindflydelse (Bredgaard, Jørgensen, Madsen & Rasmussen, 2017, s. 17)

    Udviklingslinjer og forandringer i den aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitik

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    I 2019 er det 25 Ã¥r siden den aktive arbejdsmarkedspolitik for alvor gjorde sit indtog i Danmark med Nyrups arbejdsmarkedsreformer fra 1994 som startskuddet. Her skete der et skifte eller en forskydning fra en passiv til en aktiv arbejdsmarkedspolitik, hvor pligt til aktivering blev koblet med retten til at modtage ydelser under ledighed. Dette skifte skete ikke blot i en dansk kontekst, men var en del af en større international trend, der ogsÃ¥ vandt indpas i en række andre lande og som internationalt er kendt som et skifte fra ’welfare’ til ’workfare’, altsÃ¥ fra forsørgelse til aktivering (Torfing, 2004). Den variant, der opstod i Danmark, fokuserede bÃ¥de pÃ¥ at opkvalifi cere og motivere arbejdsstyrken (Bredgaard, Jørgensen, Madsen & Rasmussen, 2017, s. 17-18) og baserede sig derfor bÃ¥de pÃ¥ det, der betegnes som en ’human capital’ strategi (hvor styrkelse af kompetencer er i centrum for indsatsen) og en ’workfirst’ strategi (hvor styrkelse af motivationen til at tage arbejde er i centrum for indsatsen), mens andre lande fulgte ’work-first’ strategien mere stringent (Torfing, 2004). Udover sÃ¥dan et fokusskifte dannede arbejdsmarkedsreformerne i 1990’erne ogsÃ¥ rammen om ændringer i selve implementeringen og styringen af omrÃ¥det, bl.a. ved en decentralisering af indsatsen og ved nedsættelse af arbejdsmarkedsrÃ¥d med partsindflydelse (Bredgaard, Jørgensen, Madsen & Rasmussen, 2017, s. 17)
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