13 research outputs found

    Near-field interaction of closed cells for metamaterial creation

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    This article presents the results of numerical and computer modeling of the flat closed conductor with different variants of arrangement. The interaction of the conductors is examined and the results of active and reactive part of the Poynting vector for each structure is presented. According to the results the model with identical parameters for each element was built and examined for the presence of metamaterial properties

    Experimental Investigation of Metamaterial from Ringer Conductors

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    In this work creation of structure from ring conductors having negative index of refraction is shown. Experimental confirmation and finding of index of refraction, namely its real and imaginary part taking into account the error, for single-layer, two-layer, three-layered and four-layer structure

    Model of broadband metamaterial for microwaves

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    In this work are presented, results of computer model operation of the structure executed from triangular elements with openings in the center. Results of mathematical calculation of amplitude and phase distribution of an electric field with use of CST Microwave studio are given. Also, calculation of the equivalent index of refraction when passing a plane wave through this structure is given

    Application of broadband microwave near-field sensors for glucose monitoring in biological media

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    The paper presents results of numerical simulation and experimental testing of a microwave sensor for non-invasive glucose monitoring. The sensor represents a conical horn with a conical conductor inside expanding toward the horn aperture. Such a sensor has a significantly wider passband in comparison with sensors of other designs. It is essential that the sensor geometry provides formation of an extended near-field zone with high electric field strength near the sensor aperture. A clear relationship between the dielectric permittivity of the phantom biological tissue and the frequency dependence of the parameter S11 of the sensor is observed at frequencies in the range from 1.4 to 1.7 GHz. This circumstance can be used to develop a procedure for measuring the glucose level in blood that correlates with the parameter S11 of the sensor. From the viewpoint of monitoring of the glucose content in blood, the most convenient body sensor location is on the hands or feet, in particular, wrists

    An Assessment of Policy Measures to Support Russia's Real Economy

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    "This paper presents the results of an analytical project on the design and approbation of methodology for assessing and monitoring the measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation in response to the recent worldwide fiscal crisis. The paper is based on our analysis of about 100 measures initiated between October 2008 and March 2009 to support Russia's real economy. Within the scope of this analysis, we singled out the main beneficiaries according to industry and enterprise scale, and estimated the effects of the measures during the crisis and recovery phases. The paper also describes the major risks the Russian government will face as a result of implementing the aforementioned measures and identifies the key problems and inconsistencies of the anti-crisis programme." (author's abstract

    Experimental Investigation of Metamaterial from Ringer Conductors

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    In this work creation of structure from ring conductors having negative index of refraction is shown. Experimental confirmation and finding of index of refraction, namely its real and imaginary part taking into account the error, for single-layer, two-layer, three-layered and four-layer structure

    Near-field interaction of closed cells for metamaterial creation

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    This article presents the results of numerical and computer modeling of the flat closed conductor with different variants of arrangement. The interaction of the conductors is examined and the results of active and reactive part of the Poynting vector for each structure is presented. According to the results the model with identical parameters for each element was built and examined for the presence of metamaterial properties

    Non-Invasive Determination of Glucose Concentration Using a Near-Field Sensor

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    The article presents a model of a near-field sensor for non-invasive glucose monitoring. The sensor has a specific design and forms a rather extended near-field. Due to this, the high penetration of electromagnetic waves into highly absorbing media (biologic media) is achieved. It represents a combined slot antenna based on a flexible RO3003 substrate. Moreover, it is small and rather flat (25 mm in diameter, 0.76 mm thick). These circumstances are the distinguishing features of this sensor in comparison with microwave sensors of other designs. The article presents the results of numerical modeling and experimental verification of a near-field sensor. Furthermore, a phantom of human biological media (human hand) was created for experimentation. In the case of numerical modeling, the sensor is located close to the hand model. In a full-scale experiment, it is located close to the phantom of the human hand for the maximum interaction of the near-field with biological materials. As a result of a series of measurements for this sensor, the reflection coefficient is measured, and the dependences of the reflected signal on the frequency are plotted. According to the results of the experiments carried out, there is a clear difference in glucose concentrations. At the same time, the accuracy of determining the difference in glucose concentrations is high. The values of the amplitude of the reflected signal with a change in concentration differ by 0.5–0.8 dB. This sensor can be used for developing a non-invasive blood glucose measurement procedure

    Non-Invasive Determination of Blood Glucose Concentration Using a Near-Field Sensor

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    This article demonstrates a model of a near-field sensor, which is a combined slot antenna based on a flexible substrate RO3003. It is shown that the sensor has a high penetration of electromagnetic waves into highly absorbing media due to the length of the near field. In addition, it has a small size (diameter the sensor is 25 mm, thickness 0.76 mm). The simplified model of a hand simplified with a shallow vein depth was constructed. This model based on the experimentally obtained data of dielectric constant for glucose concentrations of 1.2–10 mmol/l. The simulation results, carried out in the frequency range 0.5–5 GHz, showed the possibility of determining a small change in blood sugar level from the reflected signal data

    Simulation and Experimental Study of the Near Field Probe in the Form of a Folded Dipole for Measuring Glucose Concentration

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    The article investigates the near-field probe of a special design to account for changes in glucose concentration. The probe is designed in such a way that it emits radiation in both directions from its plane. In this paper, it was proposed to modernize this design and consider the unidirectional emission of the probe in order to maximize the signal and reduce energy loss. We have done extensive research for both bidirectional and unidirectional probe designs. Numerical simulations and field experiments were carried out to determine different concentrations of glucose (0, 4, 5.3, 7.5 mmol/L). Numerical modeling of a unidirectional probe showed that the interaction of radiation generated by such a probe with a multilayer structure simulating a human hand showed a better result and high sensitivity compared to a bidirectional probe. Further, based on the simulation results, a phantom (physical model) of a human hand was recreated from layers with dielectric properties as close as possible to the properties of materials during simulation. The probe was constructed from a copper tube and matched both the geometric and physical parameters of the model. The experimental measurement was carried out using a vector network analyzer in the frequency range 2–10 GHz. The experimental measurement was carried out using a vector network analyzer in the frequency range 2–10 GHz for the unidirectional and bidirectional probes. Further, the results of the experiment were compared with the results of numerical simulation. According to the results of multiple experiments, it was found that the average deviation between the concentrations was 2 dB for a unidirectional probe and 0.4 dB for a bidirectional probe. Thus, the sensitivity of the unidirectional probe was 1.5 dB/(mmol/L) for the bidirectional one 0.3 dB/(mmol/L). Thus, the improved design of the near-field probe can be used to record glucose concentrations