4,828 research outputs found

    Asymmetries in the CMB anisotropy field

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    We report on the results from two independent but complementary statistical analyses of the WMAP first-year data, based on the power spectrum and N-point correlation functions. We focus on large and intermediate scales (larger than about 3 degrees) and compare the observed data against Monte Carlo ensembles with WMAP-like properties. In both analyses, we measure the amplitudes of the large-scale fluctuations on opposing hemispheres and study the ratio of the two amplitudes. The power-spectrum analysis shows that this ratio for WMAP, as measured along the axis of maximum asymmetry, is high at the 95%-99% level (depending on the particular multipole range included). The axis of maximum asymmetry of the WMAP data is weakly dependent on the multipole range under consideration but tends to lie close to the ecliptic axis. In the N-point correlation function analysis we focus on the northern and southern hemispheres defined in ecliptic coordinates, and we find that the ratio of the large-scale fluctuation amplitudes is high at the 98%-99% level. Furthermore, the results are stable with respect to choice of Galactic cut and also with respect to frequency band. A similar asymmetry is found in the COBE-DMR map, and the axis of maximum asymmetry is close to the one found in the WMAP data.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; version to appear in ApJ, textual improvements, added reference

    Increasing evidence for hemispherical power asymmetry in the five-year WMAP data

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    (Abridged)Motivated by the recent results of Hansen et al. (2008) concerning a noticeable hemispherical power asymmetry in the WMAP data on small angular scales, we revisit the dipole modulated signal model introduced by Gordon et al. (2005). This model assumes that the true CMB signal consists of a Gaussian isotropic random field modulated by a dipole, and is characterized by an overall modulation amplitude, A, and a preferred direction, p. Previous analyses of this model has been restricted to very low resolution due to computational cost. In this paper, we double the angular resolution, and compute the full corresponding posterior distribution for the 5-year WMAP data. The results from our analysis are the following: The best-fit modulation amplitude for l <= 64 and the ILC data with the WMAP KQ85 sky cut is A=0.072 +/- 0.022, non-zero at 3.3sigma, and the preferred direction points toward Galactic coordinates (l,b) = (224 degree, -22 degree) +/- 24 degree. The corresponding results for l <~ 40 from earlier analyses was A = 0.11 +/- 0.04 and (l,b) = (225 degree,-27 degree). The statistical significance of a non-zero amplitude thus increases from 2.8sigma to 3.3sigma when increasing l_max from 40 to 64, and all results are consistent to within 1sigma. Similarly, the Bayesian log-evidence difference with respect to the isotropic model increases from Delta ln E = 1.8 to Delta ln E = 2.6, ranking as "strong evidence" on the Jeffreys' scale. The raw best-fit log-likelihood difference increases from Delta ln L = 6.1 to Delta ln L = 7.3. Similar, and often slightly stronger, results are found for other data combinations. Thus, we find that the evidence for a dipole power distribution in the WMAP data increases with l in the 5-year WMAP data set, in agreement with the reports of Hansen et al. (2008).Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; added references and minor comments. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Resolving gravitational microlensing events with long-baseline optical interferometry. Prospects for the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer

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    Until now, the detailed interpretation of the observed microlensing events has suffered from the fact that the physical parameters of the phenomenon cannot be uniquely determined from the available astronomical measurements, i.e. the photometric lightcurves. The situation will change in the near-future with the availability of long-baseline, sensitive optical interferometers, which should be able to resolve the images of the lensed objects into their components. For this, it will be necessary to achieve a milliarcsecond resolution on sources with typical magnitudes K \ga 12. Indeed, brighter events have never been observed up to now by micro-lensing surveys. We discuss the possibilities opened by the use of long baseline interferometry in general, and in particular for one such facility, the ESO VLT Interferometer, which will attain the required performance. We discuss the expected accuracy and limiting magnitude of such measurements. On the basis of the database of the events detected by the OGLE experiment, we estimate the number of microlenses that could be available for measurements by the VLTI. We find that at least several tens of events could be observed each year. In conjunction with the photometric data, our ability to measure the angular separation between the microlensed images will enable a direct and unambiguous determination of both their masses and locations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic
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