14 research outputs found

    The design of the content of training managers for production

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    The content of vocational education should be tailored to the requirements of employers. The manager of the production sphere must simultaneously perform three types of activity: production, administrative and economic. The authors propose to introduce in the content of professional training on the profile «Industrial Management» additional course providing integration interaction of all types of activitiesСодержание профессионального образования должно разрабатываться с учетом требований работодателей. Менеджер производственной сферы должен одновременно выполнять три вида деятельности: производственную, управленческую и экономическую. Авторы статьи предлагают ввести в содержание профессиональной подготовки по профилю «Производственный менеджмент» дополнительный курс, обеспечивающий интеграционное взаимодействие всех видов деятельносте

    Wrong-way-round ionization and hydrophilic liquid chromatography in the analysis of insulin-like growth factors

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    Активное развитие протеомики и геномики приводит к все большему пониманию проблемы изучения и разработки терапевтических средств на основе пептидов. В последние годы получил широкое распространение ряд низкомолекулярных пептидов, используемых в качестве факторов мышечного роста и официально включенных в список запрещенных ВАДА препаратов. Отдельно стоит отметить, что большинство из них не проходили клинических испытаний и могут быть потенциально опасными для здоровья употребляющих их людей. Рассмотрены наиболее распространенные способы определения некоторых низкомолекулярных инсулиноподобных факторов мышечного роста с использованием метода ВЭЖХ с масс-спектрометрическим детектированием. Показано, что наибольшая эффективность разделения достигается с использованием метода обращенно-фазовой жидкостной хроматографии, при этом предел обнаружения составляет 5 нг/мл. Предложен способ определения некоторых инсулиноподобных факторов мышечного роста с использованием ВЭЖХ-ЭРИ-МС/МС в режиме “Wrong-way round ionization”, обеспечивающим аналогичную чувствительность. В данном режиме ионизация осуществляется в щелочной среде с регистрацией положительных ионов, несмотря на отсутствие явного источника протонов, путем переноса протона из иона аммония в газовой фазе. Показано существенное изменение параметров удерживания определяемых веществ за счет изменения их формы нахождения в анализируемой пробе. Рассмотрена возможность применения гидрофильной хроматографии для разделения изучаемых низкомолекулярных пептидов. Установлено, что в случае применения HILIC возможно определение количества пептидов.The recent advances in genomics and proteomics have led to an increased focus on the development of peptide therapeutics. For the last few years the usage of several low molecular weight peptides, included in WADA prohibited list, has increased dramatically. Most of them had never passed a clinical trial, and potentially can be dangerous for people. In this article, we developed a few methods of determination of several low molecular weight insulin-like growth hormones using UPLC-MS/MS. It was shown that reversed-phase liquid chromatography is the most preferred method for their separation, which can be used to achieve a 5 ng/ml limit of detection using the outlined separation and detection conditions. Wrong-way-round ionization UPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for the determination of some insulin-like human growth hormones was developed with the same sensitivity. This method can be realized in alkaline conditions with the detection of positive ions and despite the apparent lack of protons’ source, which can be taken from the ammonia ion in the gas phase. A significant change in the retention parameters was shown because of their forms of occurrence changing in the analyzed sample. The possibility of using hydrophobic interaction chromatography to separate low molecular weight peptides was studied. It was found that in the case of using HILIC it may define a limited number of peptides.The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Project No 4.873.2014 / K) and RFBR (projects No 16-43-230404 r-a and No 15-03-02453 A) supported this work, which was completed using the scientific CCU KubSU equipment

    Modelling of regulatory factor and managerial impact assessment in the regional economy sectors: a case-study of the Kaliningrad region (Russia)

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    This article discusses the methodology of developing tools for assessing regulatory factors and managerial impacts on the regional economy and individual sectors and businesses. The potential of projection models is investigated, including balance models, convergence of regional and sectoral projection and compiling reliable and representative data sets capable of describing the current economic situation. An attempt was made to develop a series of models for several regional economies; to that end, the modelling of managerial and regulatory impact assessment was used in combination with the well-known value chain approach. In the interests of effective public administration, one of the requirements is to create sectoral model formats compatible with the regional projection models. Results of pilot modelling managerial and regulatory impacts on Kaliningrad region’s economies are presented through examples of agribusiness, transport, industry, tourism and recreation. Implementation of regulatory impact modelling in the framework of the suggested approach is proved for other regions. The main advantage of the developed models for the regional management is their ability to reduce uncertainty in decision-making due to obtaining estimates of the impact of the decisions on the changing situation and the conditions for the development of sectors and industries

    Clinical features of post-COVID-19 period. Results of the international register “Dynamic analysis of comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 survivors (AKTIV SARS-CoV-2)”. Data from 6-month follow-up

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    Aim. To study the clinical course specifics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and comorbid conditions in COVID-19 survivors 3, 6, 12 months after recovery in the Eurasian region according to the AKTIV register. Material and methods.The AKTIV register was created at the initiative of the Eurasian Association of Therapists. The AKTIV register is divided into 2 parts: AKTIV 1 and AKTIV 2. The AKTIV 1 register currently includes 6300 patients, while in AKTIV 2 — 2770. Patients diagnosed with COVID-19 receiving in- and outpatient treatment have been anonymously included on the registry. The following 7 countries participated in the register: Russian Federation, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Uzbekistan. This closed multicenter register with two nonoverlapping branches (in- and outpatient branch) provides 6 visits: 3 in-person visits during the acute period and 3 telephone calls after 3, 6, 12 months. Subject recruitment lasted from June 29, 2020 to October 29, 2020. Register will end on October 29, 2022. A total of 9 fragmentary analyzes of the registry data are planned. This fragment of the study presents the results of the post-hospitalization period in COVID-19 survivors after 3 and 6 months. Results. According to the AKTIV register, patients after COVID-19 are characterized by long-term persistent symptoms and frequent seeking for unscheduled medical care, including rehospitalizations. The most common causes of unplanned medical care are uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) and chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) and/or decompensated type 2 diabetes (T2D). During 3- and 6-month follow-up after hospitalization, 5,6% and 6,4% of patients were diagnosed with other diseases, which were more often presented by HTN, T2D, and CAD. The mortality rate of patients in the post-hospitalization period was 1,9% in the first 3 months and 0,2% for 4-6 months. The highest mortality rate was observed in the first 3 months in the group of patients with class II-IV heart failure, as well as in patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. In the pattern of death causes in the post-hospitalization period, following cardiovascular causes prevailed (31,8%): acute coronary syndrome, stroke, acute heart failure. Conclusion. According to the AKTIV register, the health status of patients after COVID-19 in a serious challenge for healthcare system, which requires planning adequate health system capacity to provide care to patients with COVID-19 in both acute and post-hospitalization period

    Financial resources as the factor intensity of the investment process in the region

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    The article is devoted to methodological and practical issues of assessing the financial resources of the region as a factor of intensity of the investment process. The author evaluates the intensity of the investment process depending on two factors: first, the availability of demand and supply for financial resources: second, the nature of demand and supply for financial resources. The method of evaluation of financial resources on the first factor is based on the author’s approach to the allocation of factors of intensity of the investment process and includes the classification of financial sources of investment in five groups. Particular attention is paid to the structure of investments in fixed capital of the region by sources of financing, as well as comparisons in the dynamics of such sources as savings, profits of enterprises, foreign investment. The author’s method of assessing the intensity of the investment process for the second factor is based on the assertion that the long-term nature of the demand for financial resources does not correspond to the short-term nature of their supply. The most effective system would be to redistribute and combine the proposed financial resources through the establishment of intermediaries to meet demand through investment funds. The article presents the results of practical calculations by the author’s method, as well as the objective and subjective factors of the formation of a favorable investment climate, taking into account financial resources. Objective factors are very stable in dynamics and therefore are crucial in assessing the investment attractiveness of the region. This is the presence of industries with the most effective specialization; enterprises producing relatively cheap and high-quality products; well-developed transport infrastructure. Subjective factors have been formed in the region over the years of reforms: financial stability of enterprises, efficiency of the tax system, efficiency of the financial and credit system, inflation rate, regional priorities. The results of the study presented in the article can be used in the preparation of projects to support the financial security of the investment process at the regional and national level

    Arctic Edible Brown Alga <i>Fucus distichus</i> L.: Biochemical Composition, Antiradical Potential and Human Health Risk

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    Fucus distichus L. is the dominant canopy-forming macroalga in the rocky intertidal areas of the Arctic and Subarctic. In the present study, the impact of the geographic location of F. distichus collected in the Baffin Sea (BfS), Norwegian Sea (NS), White Sea (WS), and Barents Sea (BS) on the variations in biochemical composition, antiradical properties, and health risk was evaluated. The accumulation of main carbohydrates (fucoidan, mannitol, and alginic acid) varied from 335 mg/g dry weight (DW) in NS to 445 mg/g DW in BS. The highest level of the sum of polyphenols and flavonoids was found in samples of F. distichus from WS and was located in the following ranking order: BS F. distichus samples, Cd, Cr, Pb, and Ni were not detected or their concentrations were below the limit of quantification. According to calculated targeted hazard quotient and hazard index values, all studied samples of Arctic F. distichus are safe for daily consumption as they do not pose a carcinogenic risk to the health of adults or children. The results of this study support the rationale for using Arctic F. distichus as a rich source of polysaccharides, polyphenols, and flavonoids with important antiradical activity. We believe that our data will help to effectively use the potential of F. distichus and expand the use of this algae as a promising and safe raw material for the food and pharmaceutical industries

    International register “Dynamics analysis of comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 survivors” (AKTIV SARS-CoV-2): analysis of predictors of short-term adverse outcomes in COVID-19

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    The international AKTIV register presents a detailed description of out- and inpatients with COVID-19 in the Eurasian region. It was found that hospitalized patients had more comorbidities. In addition, these patients were older and there were more men than among outpatients. Among the traditional risk factors, obesity and hypertension had a significant negative effect on prognosis, which was more significant for patients 60 years of age and older. Among comorbidities, CVDs had the maximum negative effect on prognosis, and this effect was more significant for patients 60 years of age and older. Among other comorbidities, type 2 and 1 diabetes, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer and anemia had a negative impact on the prognosis. This effect was also more significant (with the exception of type 1 diabetes) for patients 60 years and older. The death risk in patients with COVID-19 depended on the severity and type of multimorbidity. Clusters of diseases typical for deceased patients were identified and their impact on prognosis was determined. The most unfavorable was a cluster of 4 diseases, including hypertension, coronary artery disease, heart failure, and diabetes mellitus. The data obtained should be taken into account when planning measures for prevention (vaccination priority groups), treatment and rehabilitation of COVID-19 survivors

    International register “Dynamics analysis of comorbidities in SARS-CoV-2 survivors” (AKTIV) and the register “Analysis of hospitalizations of comorbid patients infected during the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 outbreak” (AKTIV 2)

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    The organizer of the registers “Dynamics analysis of comorbidities in SARSCoV-2 survivors” (AKTIV) and “Analysis of hospitalizations of comorbid patients infected during the second wave of SARS-CoV-2 outbreak” (AKTIV 2) is the Eurasian Association of Therapists (EAT). Currently, there are no clinical registries in the Eurasian region designed to collect and analyze information on long-term outcomes of COVID-19 survivors with comorbid conditions. The aim of the register is to assess the impact of a novel coronavirus infection on long-term course of chronic non-communicable diseases 3, 6, 12 months after recovery, as well as to obtain information on the effect of comorbidity on the severity of COVID-19. Analysis of hospitalized patients of a possible second wave is planned for register “AKTIV 2”. To achieve this goal, the register will include men and women over 18 years of age diagnosed with COVID-19 who are treated in a hospital or in outpatient basis. The register includes 25 centers in 5 federal districts of the Russian Federation, centers in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The estimated capacity of the register is 5400 patients