523 research outputs found

    A description of a system of programs for mathematically processing on unified series (YeS) computers photographic images of the Earth taken from spacecraft

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    A description of a batch of programs for the YeS-1040 computer combined into an automated system for processing photo (and video) images of the Earth's surface, taken from spacecraft, is presented. Individual programs with the detailed discussion of the algorithmic and programmatic facilities needed by the user are presented. The basic principles for assembling the system, and the control programs are included. The exchange format within whose framework the cataloging of any programs recommended for the system of processing will be activated in the future is displayed

    Quantum depinning of a pancake-vortex from a columnar defect

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    We consider the problem of the depinning of a weakly driven (FFcF\ll F_{c}) pancake vortex from a columnar defect in a Josephson-coupled superconductor, where FF denotes the force acting on the vortex (FcF_{c} is the critical force). The dynamics of the vortex is supposed to be of the Hall type. The Euclidean action SEucl(T)S_{Eucl}(T) is calculated in the entire temperature range; the result is universal and does not depend on the detailed form of the pinning potential. We show that the transition from quantum to classical behavior is second-order like with the temperature TcT_{c} of the transition scaling like F4/3.F^{{4}/{3}}. Special attention is paid to the regime of applicability of our results, in particular, the influence of the large vortex mass appearing in the superclean limit is discussed.Comment: 11 pages, RevTeX, 4 figures inserte

    Module-rating technology of the educational process "RITM" and prospects of its development

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    The article deals with an information technology of the educational process. The technology is based on module-rating assessment of students' knowledge and implemented in the form of tool system RITM. The system provides the use of a single ordinal scale of assessment for the unification of intermediate and final control of students' knowledge. The use of simulation of the educational process allows to extend the functionality of the system and adapts the RITM to the requirements of State educational standards of the 3rd generationПредлагается информационная технология организации учебного процесса. Технология основана на модульно-рейтинговой оценке знаний обучающихся и реализована в виде инструментальной системы РИТМ. Система обеспечивает применение единой порядковой шкалы оценки знаний для унификации промежуточного и итогового контроля уровня знаний обучающихся. Применение имитационного моделирования образовательного процесса позволяет расширить функциональные возможности и адаптировать систему РИТМ к требованиям государственных образовательных стандартов 3-го поколени

    Thermally activated Hall creep of flux lines from a columnar defect

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    We analyse the thermally activated depinning of an elastic string (line tension ϵ\epsilon) governed by Hall dynamics from a columnar defect modelled as a cylindrical potential well of depth V0V_{0} for the case of a small external force F.F. An effective 1D field Hamiltonian is derived in order to describe the 2D string motion. At high temperatures the decay rate is proportional to F5/2T1/2exp[F0/FU(F)/T],F^{{5}/{2}}T^{-{1}/{2}} \exp{\left [{F_{0}}/{F}-{U(F)}/{T}\right ]}, with F0F_{0} a constant of order of the critical force and U(F) \sim{\left ({\epsilon V_{0}})}^{{1}/{2}}{V_{0}/{F}} the activation energy. The results are applied to vortices pinned by columnar defects in superclean superconductors.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 2 figures inserte

    Marginal Pinning of Quenched Random Polymers

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    An elastic string embedded in 3D space and subject to a short-range correlated random potential exhibits marginal pinning at high temperatures, with the pinning length Lc(T)L_c(T) becoming exponentially sensitive to temperature. Using a functional renormalization group (FRG) approach we find Lc(T)exp[(32/π)(T/Tdp)3]L_c(T) \propto \exp[(32/\pi)(T/T_{\rm dp})^3], with TdpT_{\rm dp} the depinning temperature. A slow decay of disorder correlations as it appears in the problem of flux line pinning in superconductors modifies this result, lnLc(T)T3/2\ln L_c(T)\propto T^{3/2}.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 1 figure inserte

    The competency-based approach in education: issues and options

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    The paper discusses the systems problems of competency-based approach in education and solutions of them. The main problem of the division of competency into the independent components is systems complexity. Simulation modeling allows to overcome the systems complexity of the object of study by identifying cause-and-effect relationships in the simulation experimentВ работе обсуждаются системные проблемы компетентностного подхода в образовании и пути их решения. Главной проблемой разделения профессиональных качеств на независимые компетенции является их системная сложность. Применение имитационного моделирования позволяет преодолевать системную сложность объекта исследования путем выявления причинно-следственных связей в ходе имитационного эксперимент

    Correlation Functions for an Elastic String in a Random Potential: Instanton Approach

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    We develop an instanton technique for calculations of correlation functions characterizing statistical behavior of the elastic string in disordered media and apply the proposed approach to correlations of string free energies corresponding to different low-lying metastable positions. We find high-energy tails of correlation functions for the case of long-range disorder (the disorder correlation length well exceeds the characteristic distance between the sequential string positions) and short-range disorder with the correlation length much smaller then the characteristic string displacements. The former case refers to energy distributions and correlations on the distances below the Larkin correlation length, while the latter describes correlations on the large spatial scales relevant for the creep dynamics.Comment: 5 pages; 1 .eps figure include