33 research outputs found

    The complete chloroplast genome of a coastal plant, Euphorbia jolkinii (Euphorbiaceae)

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    The complete chloroplast genome sequence of a coastal plant, Euphorbia jolkinii Boiss. (Euphorbiaceae), was determined. The chloroplast genome was 162, 854 bp in length, consisting of a large single copy region (90, 726 bp), a small single copy region (18, 422 bp), and two inverted repeats (26, 853 bp). The chloroplast genome contained 115 genes, consisting of 80 unique protein-coding genes, 30 unique tRNA genes, four unique rRNA genes, and one pseudogene, rps16. GC content of the whole chloroplast genome was 35.6%. The phylogenetic analysis showed a close relationship between E. jolkinii and E. pekinensis Rupr. The sequence data would provide useful information to understand the evolutionary process of E. jolkinii

    A molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) supports an emerging paradigm for Malesian plant biogeography

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    The islands of Southeast Asia comprise one of the most geologically and biogeographically complex areas in the world and are a centre of exceptional floristic diversity, harbouring 45,000 species of flowering plants. Cyrtandra, with over 800 species of herbs and shrubs, is the largest genus in the family Gesneriaceae and is one of the most emblematic and species-rich genera of the Malesian rainforest understorey. The high number of species and tendency to narrow endemism make Cyrtandra an ideal genus for examining biogeographic patterns. We sampled 128 Cyrtandra taxa from key localities across Southeast Asia to evaluate the geo-temporal patterns and evolutionary dynamics of this clade. One nuclear and four chloroplast regions were used for phylogenetic reconstruction, molecular dating, and ancestral range estimation. Results from the dating analysis suggest that the great diversity of Cyrtandra seen in the Malesian region results from a recent radiation, with most speciation taking place in the last five million years. Borneo was recovered as the most likely ancestral range of the genus, with the current distribution of species resulting from a west to east migration across Malesia that corresponds with island emergence and mountain building. Lastly, our investigation into the biogeographic history of the genus indicates high levels of floristic exchange between the islands on the Sunda shelf and the important role of the Philippines as a stepping stone to Wallacea and New Guinea. These patterns underlie much of the plant diversity in the region and form an emerging paradigm in Southeast Asian plant biogeography

    New flavonoid chemotypes from Asplenium normale (Aspleniaceae) in Malaysia

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    Seven Asplenium normale individuals in Malaysia were surveyed for flavonoid com¬pounds. They were divided into two chemotypes, H- and I-types. The flavonoids were isolated by various chromatography and identified by TLC, HPLC, UV spectroscopic, LC-MS and NMR sur¬veys. Two flavone O-glycosides, apigenin 7-O-rhamnosyl-(1→4)-rhamnoside (1) and apigenin 7- O-rhamnosyl-(1→4)-rhamnoside-4'-O-rhamnoside (2), and two flavone C-glycosides, vicenin-2 (6) and lucenin-2 (7), were contained in one chemotype (H-type). On the other hand, two flavonol O-glycosides, kaempferol 3-O-glucosylrhamnoside (3) and kaempferol 3,4'-di-O-glycoside (4) and a flavone O-glycoside, genkwanin 4'-O-glucosyl-(1→3)-rhamnoside (5), were found from another chemotype (I-type) together with 6 and 7. In cases of Japanese Asplenium normale and related species, seven chemotypes have been reported. However, their chemotypes did not include flavonol O-glycosides and apigenin trirhamnoside. Apigenin 7-O-rhamnosyl-(1→4)-rhamnoside (1) and apigenin 7-O-rhamnosyl-(1→4)-rhamnoside-4'-O-rhamnoside (2) were reported in nature for the first time

    日本産タイキンギクにおける酵素多型遺伝子座の単型性: 台湾の集団と比較して

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    キク科タイキンギクは,ネパールから中国南部,台湾を経て日本まで広く分布する多年生草本である。国内では,紀伊半島南部と四国南部に限られて分布し,レッドデータブックでは近年の道路建設や土地造成のために絶滅危惧II 類として記載されている。本研究では,国内の16 集団と比較のために台湾の1 集団をサンプリングし,電気泳動を行って,11 の酵素種における18 個の酵素多型遺伝子座を検出した。国内の16 集団はすべて同じ対立遺伝子に固定しており,18 個の酵素多型遺伝子座について変異は全く見られなかった。一方,台湾の集団は多型性がかなり高かった。国内の集団と台湾の集団の間の遺伝的同一度は0.699 となり,種内レベルとしては低い値を示した。国内の集団で遺伝的多型が見られなかった理由としては,2 つの理由が考えられる。一つは,タイキンギクは過去にもっと広く連続的に分布していたが,過去の寒冷期に温暖なレフュージアに閉じこめられ,その際にビン首効果により遺伝的多様性を失った可能性がある。もう一つは,近隣の地域からの(おそらくは台湾からの)長距離散布により分布を拡大し,その際の創始者効果を受けた可能性である。日本の分布域と他の分布域の間に集団が全く見つからないことから,後者の可能性は前者より低いと思われる。今後,別の分子マーカーを用いて,他地域の集団を含めて解析することにより,日本の集団における遺伝的多様性の減少を明らかにできると考えられる

    Phylogenomics and morphological evolution of the mega-diverse genus Artemisia (Asteraceae: Anthemideae): implications for its circumscription and infrageneric taxonomy

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    Background and Aims Artemisia is a mega-diverse genus consisting of ~400 species. Despite its medicinal importance and ecological significance, a well-resolved phylogeny for global Artemisia, a natural generic delimitation and infrageneric taxonomy remain missing, owing to the obstructions from limited taxon sampling and insufficient information on DNA markers. Its morphological characters, such as capitulum, life form and leaf, show marked variations and are widely used in its infrageneric taxonomy. However, their evolution within Artemisia is poorly understood. Here, we aimed to reconstruct a well-resolved phylogeny for global Artemisia via a phylogenomic approach, to infer the evolutionary patterns of its key morphological characters and to update its circumscription and infrageneric taxonomy. Methods We sampled 228 species (258 samples) of Artemisia and its allies from both fresh and herbarium collections, covering all the subgenera and its main geographical areas, and conducted a phylogenomic analysis based on nuclear single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from genome skimming data. Based on the phylogenetic framework, we inferred the possible evolutionary patterns of six key morphological characters widely used in its previous taxonomy. Key Results The genus Kaschgaria was revealed to be nested in Artemisia with strong support. A well-resolved phylogeny of Artemisia consisting of eight highly supported clades was recovered, two of which were identified for the first time. Most of the previously recognized subgenera were not supported as monophyletic. Evolutionary inferences based on the six morphological characters showed that different states of these characters originated independently more than once. Conclusions The circumscription of Artemisia is enlarged to include the genus Kaschgaria. The morphological characters traditionally used for the infrageneric taxonomy of Artemisia do not match the new phylogenetic tree. They experienced a more complex evolutionary history than previously thought. We propose a revised infrageneric taxonomy of the newly circumscribed Artemisia, with eight recognized subgenera to accommodate the new results.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 31870179, 31570204, 31270237 and J1310002), the International Partnership Program (grant no. 151853KYSB20190027), Sino-Africa Joint Research Center (grant no. SAJC201614), Key technology projects of Jiangxi Province's major scientific and technological research and development project (grant no. 20223AAF01007), Survey of Wildlife Resources in Key Areas of Tibet (grant no. ZL202203601) and National Plant Specimen Resource Center (grant no. E0117G1001) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Key Project at Central Government Level: The Ability Establishment of Sustainable Use of Valuable Chinese Medicine Resources (grant no. 2060302) and Project of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (grant no. AAAA-A21-121011290024-5).Abstract INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION Conclusions SUPPLEMENTARY DATA FUNDING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONFLICT OF INTEREST LITERATURE CITED Supplementary dat

    日本,台湾およびフィリピンにおけるハママンネングサ(ベンケイソウ科) の分子系統解析を用いた分類学的再検討

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    We conducted molecular phylogenetic analyses of plants treated as Sedum alfredii or S. formosanum collected from Japan, Taiwan, and the Philippines (Batan Island) with other 19 Sedum species primarily in East Asia using the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear DNA to reexamine the taxonomic status of S. formosanum. Our results indicate that 15 plants treated as S. alfredii or S. formosanum included a clade with two Taiwanese endemic species, but were not sister to S. alfredii from Guangdong, China. In conclusion, this study supports the taxonomic treatment of Hatusima (1975), Ohba (1984, 2001), and Tang and Huang (1993) of S. formosanum as a separate species from S. alfredii.日本,台湾およびフィリピンに分布が知られているハママンネングサの分類に関しては,中国を基準産地とする Sedum alfrediiとする見解 (Liu and Chung 1977; 島袋1997) とS. alfredii とは独立した S. formosanum とする見解 (初島1975; Ohba 1984, 2001; Tang and Huang 1993) の2つがある。本研究ではハママンネングサの分類見解を再検討するため,東アジアに産するマンネングサ属他種19種を含めた核 DNAの ITS 領域を用いた分子系統解析 (ベイズ法と最節約法) を行った。解析の結果,日本 (九州・琉球列島),台湾およびフィリピンから採集したハママンネングサは中国から採集したS. alfredii と同じクレードにはまとまらず,台湾に固有のマンネングサ属2種とクレードを形成した。以上の結果から,ハママンネングサをS. alfrediiから独立した S. formosanumとする見解 ( 初島1975; Ohba 1984, 2001; Tang and Huang 1993)が支持された

    Flavone and Flavonol Glycosides from the Leaves of Triumfetta procumbens in Ryukyu Islands

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    Abstract Four flavonoids were isolated from the leaves of Triumfetta procumbens in Ryukyu Islands for the first time. They were identified as apigenin 7-O-glucuronide, luteolin 7-O-glucuronide, schaftoside and kaempferol 3-O-(p-coumaroylglucoside) by UV, LC-MS, acid hydrolysis, and direct TLC and HPLC comparisons with authentic samples. From the species belonging to the family Tiliaceae sensu stricto including the genus Triumfetta, some flavonols and flavones have been found together with a few dihydroflavonols and proanthocyanidins. However, three flavonoid O-glycosides and C-glycoside except for kaempferol 3-O-(p-coumaroylglucoside), which were isolated in this experiment, were reported from the family Tiliaceae s.s. for the first time

    A new species of succulent plants from the Muko-jima group of the Bonin Islands, Japan: Sedum mukojimense (Crassulaceae)

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    小笠原諸島の聟島列島から新種の植物を発見 --聟島列島初の固有植物ムコジママンネングサ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-07-13.A taxonomic re-examination of Sedum boninense, which is endemic to the Muko-jima and Chichi-jima groups of the Bonin Islands, Japan, was carried out. Morphological and physiological comparisons revealed differences between plants from the Muko-jima and Chichi-jima groups in the shape and size of leaves and underground bulb scale leaves, plant habit, habitat and flowering season. Molecular phylogenetic analysis using the ITS region revealed that the plants from respective island groups formed sister clades. Therefore, the plant from Muko-jima group is described as a new species of S. mukojimense