326 research outputs found

    Mathematical model of a two-stage process of laser fragmentation of nitrocompound molecules and subsequent laser-induced fluorescence of characteristic fragments

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    The paper presents a mathematical model describing the kinetics of the two-stage process of laser fragmentation of vapors of nitrocompounds and subsequent nitric oxide (NO-fragments) laser-induced fluorescence. The use of the developed model in the lidar equation for the case of fluorescent objects allows to calculate the expected value of the lidar signal for a particular nitrocompound on the basis of spectroscopic information about the object of detection, parameters of the radiation propagation medium, and transceiver equipment parameter

    Relative effects of mutability and selection on single nucleotide polymorphisms in transcribed regions of the human genome

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Motivation</p> <p>Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most common type of genetic variation in humans. However, the factors that affect SNP density are poorly understood. The goal of this study was to estimate the relative effects of mutability and selection on SNP density in transcribed regions of human genes. It is important for prediction of the regions that harbor functional polymorphisms.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We used frequency-validated SNPs resulting from single-nucleotide substitutions. SNPs were subdivided into five functional categories: (i) 5' untranslated region (UTR) SNPs, (ii) 3' UTR SNPs, (iii) synonymous SNPs, (iv) SNPs producing conservative missense mutations, and (v) SNPs producing radical missense mutations. Each of these categories was further subdivided into nine mutational categories on the basis of the single-nucleotide substitution type. Thus, 45 functional/mutational categories were analyzed. The relative mutation rate in each mutational category was estimated on the basis of published data. The proportion of segregating sites (PSSs) for each functional/mutational category was estimated by dividing the observed number of SNPs by the number of potential sites in the genome for a given functional/mutational category. By analyzing each functional group separately, we found significant positive correlations between PSSs and relative mutation rates (Spearman's correlation coefficient, at least r = 0.96, df = 9, <it>P </it>< 0.001). We adjusted the PSSs for the mutation rate and found that the functional category had a significant effect on SNP density (F = 5.9, df = 4, <it>P </it>= 0.001), suggesting that selection affects SNP density in transcribed regions of the genome. We used analyses of variance and covariance to estimate the relative effects of selection (functional category) and mutability (relative mutation rate) on the PSSs and found that approximately 87% of variation in PSS was due to variation in the mutation rate and approximately 13% was due to selection, suggesting that the probability that a site located in a transcribed region of a gene is polymorphic mostly depends on the mutability of the site.</p

    Enhancement of the Raman lidar sensitivity using overtones of vibrational-rotational Raman bands of oxygen or nitrogen as the reference signals

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    Influence of the vibrational-rotational Raman bands of molecules of the main components of the atmosphere (oxygen and nitrogen) on the sensitivity of Raman lidar is considered. A method is proposed of using the first overtones of the vibrational-rotational Raman bands of oxygen and nitrogen molecules as the reference signals for the measurement of low concentrations of chemicals in the atmosphere by the Raman method

    Some Realization Problems of Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Access to Social Infrastructure Facilities Access

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    In the article there is analyzed the norm of the Federal Law "On Social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation", devoted to priority of providing disabled persons with spot for building a garage or parking space for vehicles. Here is revealed its declarative nature and problems of implementation as well as a new version of this norm is proposed

    Collective roost of corvids in Melitopol (Zaporozhye region) in 2014–2015

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    Показаны результаты наблюдений за формированием, существованием и распадом совместной зимовки врановых птиц на протяжении осенне-весеннего периода 2014–2015 гг. в г. Мелитополь (Запорожская область). Фиксировали и анализировали такие параметры: время начала и окончания процесса разлета с ночевки и сбора на ночевку, хронометраж летной активности птиц внутри этих интервалов, численность и видовой состав птиц, направления перелетов с нанесением на карту местности, погодные условия. Описаны процессы разлета птиц с места ночевки и сбора на ночевку. Методом абсолютного подсчета птиц оценка процесса сбора на ночевку и разлет с нее утром проведена два раза в неделю (всего 47 дней наблюдений утром и вечером). Наблюдения показали высокую степень зависимости от долготы дня и разную интенсивность этих видов суточной активности. Выявлены сезонные различия между временем разлета. В зимние месяцы этот период достоверно короче, чем осенью и весной. Продолжительность разлета птиц с ночевки меньше, чем сбора на ночевку. В работе схематически представлены основные стратегии утреннего разлета и вечернего сбора птиц на месте ночевки с их количественной характеристикой. Для утреннего разлета птиц с территории ночевки доминирующей является стратегия «разлет с паузой», а наименьший процент составила стратегия «три пика». Для вечернего сбора птиц доминирующей является стратегия «два пика», а наименее представленной – «сбор с паузой». Показаны результаты наблюдений за формированием, существованием и распадом совместной зимовки врановых птиц на протяжении осенне-весеннего периода 2014–2015 гг. в г. Мелитополь (Запорожская область). Фиксировали и анализировали такие параметры: время начала и окончания процесса разлета с ночевки и сбора на ночевку, хронометраж летной активности птиц внутри этих интервалов, численность и видовой состав птиц, направления перелетов с нанесением на карту местности, погодные условия. Описаны процессы разлета птиц с места ночевки и сбора на ночевку. Методом абсолютного подсчета птиц оценка процесса сбора на ночевку и разлет с нее утром проведена два раза в неделю (всего 47 дней наблюдений утром и вечером). Наблюдения показали высокую степень зависимости от долготы дня и разную интенсивность этих видов суточной активности. Выявлены сезонные различия между временем разлета. В зимние месяцы этот период достоверно короче, чем осенью и весной. Продолжительность разлета птиц с ночевки меньше, чем сбора на ночевку. В работе схематически представлены основные стратегии утреннего разлета и вечернего сбора птиц на месте ночевки с их количественной характеристикой. Для утреннего разлета птиц с территории ночевки доминирующей является стратегия «разлет с паузой», а наименьший процент составила стратегия «три пика». Для вечернего сбора птиц доминирующей является стратегия «два пика», а наименее представленной – «сбор с паузой». The article contains the results of observations on the formation, existence and the dissociation of the collective winter roost of corvids (crow species) in 2014–2015 in Melitopol (Zaporozhye region). A detailed study of the concentration and the dynamics of its functioning during the winter period was carried out. By the method of absolute counting of birds, the estimation of the gathering process on the roost in the night and dispersal from roost in the morning was carried out twice a week (a total of 47 days of observation in the morning and evening). We selected the following essential parameters: time of the beginning and ending of the process of dispersal from the roost in the morning and gathering at the roost in the evening; time – study of birds’ flight activity in these intervals; the number and species composition of birds; directions of flights with their mapping; weather conditions. Within the city of Melitopol during the winter period of 2014–2015, corvids (Rook, Western Jackdaw, Eurasian Magpie and Common Raven) form one central roost. The total number of birds at the roost was typically 18 thousand individuals. The collective roost exists from the beginning of October till the end of March. The analysis of dynamics of the birds’ number during the existence of the collective showed a wide amplitude of fluctuation in the range of 1,000–5,000 individuals during autumn (10 times) and spring (5 times) migration. By the end of November migration ends, the number of birds has stabilized, and the location of the night roost becomes permanent. In winter the gathering is more stable and fluctuations in number lie within the limits of 500 individuals (8 times). The number of birds that roost collectively decreased from mid – March. In this article considerable attention is paid to processes of the birds’ dispersal from the roost site and gathering at the roost at night. The observations showed a high degree of dependence on day length and different intensity of these types of daily activity. During the analysis of the process of morning dispersal of birds from the collective roost, seasonal differences in the time of dispersal were found. In the winter months this period was significantly shorter than in the autumn and spring. The duration of dispersal of birds from the roost (28.4 ± 9 min; lim – 15–45 min) was reliably less than that of gathering at the roost (87.9 ± 14.8 min; lim – 30–115 min); the difference of averages is significant for the highest probability threshold of р ≥ 0.001 for the entire observation period. As a result of research on dispersal and gathering of birds at the roost site, the basic strategies of the birds’ behaviour were revealled. For morning dispersal of birds from the territory of the roost the strategy of “gathering with a pause” (16 registrations; 35.6%) is dominant. The strategy of “the damped wave” is sub dominant (14; 31.1%). The lowest percentage was taken up by the strategy of “three peaks” (1; 2.2%). For the evening gathering of birds at the roost, the strategy of “two peaks” is dominant. The lowest percentage was taken up by the strategy of “gathering with a pause” (2; 4.5%). The overall species diversity within a gathering and on the routes of birds’ flights reached 24 species. The undisputed dominant in numbers was the Rook, and the subdominan was the Jackdaw. Thus, corvids form the basis of the ornithological complex of the forest – park zone of Melitopol in the autumn and spring period.

    Remote detection of traces of high energetic materials

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    The possibility of remote detection of traces of high energetic materials using laser fragmentation/laser-induced fluorescence (LF/LIF) method is studied. Experimental data on the remote visualization of traces of trinitrotoluene, hexogen, composition B, octogen, and tetryl obtained at a distance of 5 m with a scanning lidar detector of traces of high energetic materials are presented

    Features of psychological accompanimentin the professional orientation of schoolchildren

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    Психологическое сопровождение в профессиональной ориентации старшеклассников содействует их жизненно важному выбору, который, как правило, определяет дальнейшее образование, будущую профессиональную карьеру и образ жизниPsychological accompaniment in the professional orientation of senior pupils assists to their vitally important choice, that, as a rule, determines further education, future professional career and way of lif

    Analysis of the efficiency of production of whole-muscle turkey products with vegetable sprinkles

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    Human health is largely determined by the nature, level and structure of nutrition. A promising direction in the development of new food products is the expansion of the base of used ingredients used to partially replace meat raw materials with vegetable ones, in order to maximize the saturation of products with nutrients that contribute to the maintenance of normal life of the consumer. The use of new food ingredients contributes to the actual task set by the State policy in the field of healthy eating — expanding the range of enriched and functional food products. The work is devoted to the study of baked whole-muscle products using turkey meat and vegetable dressing as sources of high protein content, which solves the problem of deficiency of this component in the diet. A recipe for brine with the addition of the food additive “Glimalask”, which has a complex effect on the products under study, has been presented. The evaluation of quality indicators of finished products has been carried out, the article presents the results of a comparative analysis of baked whole-muscle turkey meat products, calculations of the product cost price. The comparative analysis has shown that, in comparison with the control sample, the baked whole-muscle products from turkey meat with vegetative dressing have improved physical and chemical properties, outstanding organoleptic characteristics, the yield of the product increases by 9.0–12.0%, depending on the formulation. Differences in the dynamics of microbial growth in the experimental and control samples were insignificant, the vegetable dressing helps to slow the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the product. The presented baked whole-muscle turkey meat products using optimized brine and vegetable sprinkles of chickpeas, sesame and paprika are recommended to a wide range of consumers of different age groups

    Research of the Additional Losses Occurring in Optical Fiber at its Multiple Bends in the Range Waves 1310nm, 1550nm and 1625nm Long

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    Article is devoted to research of the additional losses occurring in the optical fiber at its multiple bends in the range waves of 1310 nanometers, 1550 nanometers and 1625 nanometers long. Article is directed on creation of the external factors methods which allow to estimate and eliminate negative influence. The automated way of calculation of losses at a bend is developed. Results of scientific researches are used by engineers of "Kazaktelekom" AS for practical definition of losses service conditions. For modeling the Wolfram|Alpha environment - the knowledge base and a set of computing algorithms was chosen. The greatest losses are noted on wavelength 1310nm and 1625nm. All dependences are nonlinear. Losses with each following excess are multiplicative

    Prediction of the Gene Expression in Normal Lung Tissue by the Gene Expression in Blood

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    Background: Comparative analysis of gene expression in human tissues is important for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying tissue-specific control of gene expression. It can also open an avenue for using gene expression in blood (which is the most easily accessible human tissue) to predict gene expression in other (less accessible) tissues, which would facilitate the development of novel gene expression based models for assessing disease risk and progression. Until recently, direct comparative analysis across different tissues was not possible due to the scarcity of paired tissue samples from the same individuals. Methods: In this study we used paired whole blood/lung gene expression data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. We built a generalized linear regression model for each gene using gene expression in lung as the outcome and gene expression in blood, age and gender as predictors. Results: For ~18 % of the genes, gene expression in blood was a significant predictor of gene expression in lung. We found that the number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) influencing expression of a given gene in either blood or lung, also known as the number of quantitative trait loci (eQTLs), was positively associated with efficacy of blood-based prediction of that gene’s expression in lung. This association was strongest for shared eQTLs: those influencing gene expression in both blood and lung. Conclusions: In conclusion, for a considerable number of human genes, their expression levels in lung can be predicted using observable gene expression in blood. An abundance of shared eQTLs may explain the strong blood/lung correlations in the gene expression