766 research outputs found


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    Objective: Separation and identification of the process impurities in the manufacture of temsirolimus drug viz., rapamycin, temsirolimus regioisomer (monoester) (TS monoester), and temsirolimus diester (TS diester). Methods: During the process development of temsirolimus (TS), three process impurities-rapamycin, temsirolimus regioisomer (monoester) and temsirolimus diester-were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Impurities were isolated by medium pressure liquid Chromatography (MPLC) and characterized by ESI-MS/MS, 1H NMR, FT-IR spectral data. Results: These impurities are characterised with the help of ESI MS/MS, 1H NMR, and FT-IR data. The impurities are identified and characterised as the process impurities. One of them is the starting material i.e. rapamycin and the other two are formed during the manufacture of the drug. This method offers advantages over using photodiode-array UV detection (LC-PDA) for the determination of peak purity, viz. components with similar UV spectra can be distinguished. Conclusion: The structures of these impurities were characterized as rapamycin, TS Monoester, and TS Diester. Out of these process impurities, rapamycin has been previously identified while the other two are previously unreported

    Probabilistic group recommendation via information matching

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    Increasingly, web recommender systems face scenarios where they need to serve suggestions to groups of users; for exam- ple, when families share e-commerce or movie rental web accounts. Research to date in this domain has proposed two approaches: computing recommendations for the group by merging any members’ ratings into a single profile, or com- puting ranked recommendations for each individual that are then merged via a range of heuristics. In doing so, none of the past approaches reason on the preferences that arise in individuals when they are members of a group . In this work, we present a probabilistic framework, based on the notion of information matching, for group recommendation. This model defines group relevance as a combination of the item’s relevance to each user as an individual and as a member of the group; it can then seamlessly incorporate any group rec- ommendation strategy in order to rank items for a set of individuals. We evaluate the model’s efficacy at generating recommendations for both single individuals and groups us- ing the MovieLens and MoviePilot data sets. In both cases, we compare our results with baselines and state-of-the-art collaborative filtering algorithms, and show that the model outperforms all others over a variety of ranking metrics

    The effect of personality on collaborative task performance and interaction

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    Collocated, multi-user technologies, which support group-work are becoming increasingly popular. Examples include MERL's Diamondtouch and Microsoft's Surface, both of which have evolved from research prototypes to commercial products. Many applications have been developed for such technologies which support the work and entertainment needs of small groups of people. None of these applications however, have been studied in terms of the interactions and performances of their users with regards to their personality. In this paper, we address this research gap by conducting a series of user studies involving dyads working on a number of multi-user applications on the DiamondTouch tabletop device

    Registro de neoplasias caninas diagnosticadas en la Unidad de Prácticas Veterinarias, Universidad Maza, Mendoza, Argentina, 2006-2020

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    This study aims to present the relative frequency of canine tumors diagnosed at a Veterinary Practice Unit, University service with regional scope, in the period 2006- 2020. A retrospective analysis was carried out based on the information extracted from the medical records. In total, 4500 clinical histories were consulted, among which 238 cases of canine tumors were diagnosed. Information about epidemiological aspects was recorded. Neoplasms were confirmed by histological or cytological analysis in 49% of the cases, which were mostly malignant (60%). In the canine population under study, the animals manifested tumors primarily between 9 and 10 years of age. The 49.5% of the animals with neoplasia were of purebreds, represented mostly by Argentinian Dogo with squamous cell carcinoma and hemangiosarcoma, and boxer with mast cell tumor and multicentric lymphoma, which suggests a predisposition of certain breeds to some type of neoplasms. The most common tumor was Transmissible Venereal Tumor TVT (16% of the total neoplasms), presented mainly in mixed breeds. Next in order of frequency, mast cell tumors and hemangiosarcoma (8.4% each), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (7.6%). The registration of animal tumors is important to delineate the behavior of cancer in the canine population and to provide data that can be compared with human ones, useful for identifying possible risk factors. This study constitutes a preliminary step to characterize and understand the occurrence of canine tumors in the region.Este estudio tiene como objetivo presentar la frecuencia relativa de tumores caninos diagnosticados en una Unidad de Prácticas Veterinarias, servicio universitario de ámbito regional, en el periodo 2006- 2020. El análisis retrospectivo se realizó a partir de la información extraída de las historias clínicas, se consultaron 4500 en total, que evidenciaron 238 casos de tumores caninos. Se registró la información disponible acerca de aspectos epidemiológicos. Las neoplasias se confirmaron mediante análisis histológico o citológico en el 49% de los casos, los que en su mayoría fueron malignos (60%). En la población canina objeto de estudio, los animales manifestaron tumores principalmente entre los 9 y 10 años de edad. El 49,5% de los animales con neoplasia eran de raza pura, representados en su mayoría por Dogo Argentino con carcinoma de células escamosas y hemangiosarcoma, y bóxer con mastocitoma y linfoma multicéntrico, lo que sugiere una predisposición de ciertas razas a algún tipo de neoplasias. El tumor más frecuente fue el Tumor Venéreo Transmisible TVT (16% del total), presentado principalmente en mestizos. Le siguen en orden de frecuencia el mastocitoma y el hemangiosarcoma (8,4% cada uno), seguidos del carcinoma de células escamosas (7,6%). El registro de tumores en animales es importante para delinear el comportamiento del cáncer en la población canina y proporcionar datos que puedan compararse con los humanos, lo cual es útil para identificar posibles factores de riesgo. Este estudio constituye un paso preliminar para caracterizar y comprender la ocurrencia de tumores caninos en la región

    Robustness of a bisimulation-type faster-than preorder

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    TACS is an extension of CCS where upper time bounds for delays can be specified. Luettgen and Vogler defined three variants of bismulation-type faster-than relations and showed that they all three lead to the same preorder, demonstrating the robustness of their approach. In the present paper, the operational semantics of TACS is extended; it is shown that two of the variants still give the same preorder as before, underlining robustness. An explanation is given why this result fails for the third variant. It is also shown that another variant, which mixes old and new operational semantics, can lead to smaller relations that prove the same preorder.Comment: Express Worksho


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    Objective: To develop a fast and sensitive UV spectrophotometric method for the quantitative estimation of Hydrazine in Atazanavir Sulfate drug substances and validate as per ICH guidelines. Methods: The method was based upon the observation, that a characteristic colour results upon addition of a solution of p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde in ethyl alcohol and hydrochloric acid to hydrazine and estimated at absorbance maximum  458 nm in Atazanavir drug substance. Results: The developed method resulted in Hydrazine exhibiting linearity in the range 0.2 to 2.7 µg/g. The Intraday and interday precision is exemplified by relative standard deviation of 0.959 % and 0.947%. Percentage Mean recovery was found to be in the range of 97â€101%, during accuracy studies. The limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantitiation (LOQ) were found to be 0.2 µg/g and 0.6 µg/g respectively. Conclusion: The present work was aimed to develop a visible spectrophotometric method, which is simple, sensitive, accurate and cost effective to evaluate the quality of the bulk and pharmaceutical formulations

    Canine lymphoma: use of immunohistochemistry for accurate typing

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    El linfoma es una neoplasia hematopoyética, con un comportamiento biológico definido por la morfología celular y las características tisulares, con una alta incidencia en la especie canina. Debido a que existen diversos subtipos de linfomas, con dificultad para diferenciar mediante métodos complementarios convencionales, resulta necesario recurrir a técnicas como la histopatología e inmunohistoquímica para identificar su origen celular. Se presenta el caso de un canino macho entero Labrador retriever de 8 años de edad. El motivo de la consulta fue adelgazamiento progresivo y tos seca. En función del examen clínico, se continuó con el diagnóstico mediante los siguientes métodos complementarios: ecografía abdominal, punción aspiración con aguja fina de linfonódulo poplíteo, radiografía de tórax y analítica sanguínea. Se estableció como diagnóstico presuntivo linfoma multicéntrico, etapa IV, sub estadio clínico B. El tratamiento sugerido para el linfoma de células B de alto grado, como el que padecía el individuo reportado, es ciclofosfamida, vincristina, prednisolona y doxorrubicina (CHOP), ya que existe una óptima respuesta a esta terapia multimodal. Por razones económicas del propietario, se comenzó con un tratamiento paliativo monoquimioterápicocon prednisolona. Debido al deterioro rápido y progresivo del paciente, sumado al pronóstico desfavorable del mismo, el veterinario decidió, con el consentimiento del propietario, la eutanasia del animal. Post-mortem se realizaron estudios histopatológicos e inmunohistoquímicos del tejido neoplásico, para determinar el origen celular específico. Se utilizaron anticuerpos anti-CD20 y anti-CD3. La lectura fue positiva para el marcador de membrana CD20, que indica el origen celular de linfoctios B para este caso.El diagnóstico histopatológico fue compatible con la presencia de un linfoma difuso de células grandes inmunoblástico de alto grado originado en centros germinativos. El estudio inmunohistoquímico permitió establecer un diagnóstico definitivo según la clasificación de la OMS: linfoma difuso de células grandes inmunoblástico de linfocitos B.La determinación del inmunofenotipo permite establecer el origen celular preciso de la neoplasia y apunta a implementar tratamientos específicos y a la posibilidad de cruzar información con los conocimientos de linfomas humanos en pos de una medicina traslacional.Fil: Caliri, M. N.. Universidad "Juan Agustín Maz"Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Ambientales. Laboratorio de Investigación En Genética, Ambiente y Reproducción; ArgentinaFil: Tapia, A.. Universidad "Juan Agustín Maz"Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Ambientales. Laboratorio de Investigación En Genética, Ambiente y Reproducción; ArgentinaFil: Gorla, Nora Bibiana Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Universidad "Juan Agustín Maz"Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Ambientales. Laboratorio de Investigación En Genética, Ambiente y Reproducción; ArgentinaXII Reunión Argentina de Patología Veterinaria; 14° Seminario de la Fundación Davis ThompsonBalcarceArgentinaInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Estación Experimental Balcarc

    On the relative expressiveness of higher-order session processes

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    By integrating constructs from the λ-calculus and the π-calculus, in higher-order process calculi exchanged values may contain processes. This paper studies the relative expressiveness of HOπ, the higher-order π-calculus in which communications are governed by session types. Our main discovery is that HO, a subcalculus of HOπ which lacks name-passing and recursion, can serve as a new core calculus for session-typed higher-order concurrency. By exploring a new bisimulation for HO, we show that HO can encode HOπ fully abstractly (up to typed contextual equivalence) more precisely and efficiently than the first-order session π-calculus (π). Overall, under session types, HOπ, HO, and π are equally expressive; however, HOπ and HO are more tightly related than HOπ and π

    Searches for neutrinoless double beta decay

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    Neutrinoless double beta decay is a lepton number violating process whose observation would also establish that neutrinos are their own anti-particles. There are many experimental efforts with a variety of techniques. Some (EXO, Kamland-Zen, GERDA phase I and CANDLES) started take data in 2011 and EXO has reported the first measurement of the half life for the double beta decay with two neutrinos of 136^{136}Xe. The sensitivities of the different proposals are reviewed.Comment: 8 pages, prepared for TAUP 201

    The Future of Neutrino Mass Measurements: Terrestrial, Astrophysical, and Cosmological Measurements in the Next Decade. Highlights of the NuMass 2013 Workshop. Milano, Italy, February 4 - 7, 2013

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    The third Workshop of the NuMass series ("The Future of Neutrino Mass Measurements: Terrestrial, Astrophysical, and Cosmological Measurements in the Next Decade: NuMass 2013") was held at Dipartimento di Fisica "G. Occhialini, University of Milano-Bicocca in Milano, Italy, on 4-7 February 2013. The goal of this international workshop was to review the status and future of direct and indirect neutrino mass measurements in the laboratory as well as from astrophysical and cosmological observations. This paper collects most of the contributions presented during the Workshop