333 research outputs found

    To American intellectuals

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    The Lower Depths

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    The Lower Depths is considered one of Maxim Gorky\u27s most masterful plays, and an exemplar of Russian social realism. The play first premiered in 1902 at the Moscow Arts Theatre, and focuses on a set of impoverished Russians living in a shelter and struggling to handle the harsh realities of their lives

    The Lower Depths

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    The Lower Depths is considered one of Maxim Gorky\u27s most masterful plays, and an exemplar of Russian social realism. The play first premiered in 1902 at the Moscow Arts Theatre, and focuses on a set of impoverished Russians living in a shelter and struggling to handle the harsh realities of their lives

    The Lower Depths

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    The Lower Depths is considered one of Maxim Gorky\u27s most masterful plays, and an exemplar of Russian social realism. The play first premiered in 1902 at the Moscow Arts Theatre, and focuses on a set of impoverished Russians living in a shelter and struggling to handle the harsh realities of their lives

    Critical Issues On Learning Process Amidst Covid-19 Perceived From Pedagogical Perspectives

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    This study examined the implementation of online learning that took place during the Covid-19  pandemic. The goal was to unravel and straighten out various doubts and complaints in the community who think that the implementation of online learning caused problems rather than an alternative to the practical mode of learning. The study utilized a literature study (library research), that is integrative review. It was closely related to the semi-structured review aiming at assessing, criticizing, and synthesizing the literature on the related research topic in a way that enables new theoretical frameworks and perspectives to emerge. Additionally, the process follows four phases: design, conduct, analysis, and finally structuring and writing the review. The study showed a broad misunderstanding in society about what happened during working and studying from the home period. Many people suspected that what happened was online learning. However, it is not online learning but an emergency remote teaching instead. This implied that most online learning in operations did not meet the standardized requirements as it was established. Furthermore, not using the intelligent flexible learning model (the Fifth Generation of Online Learning Mode) resulted in significant complications at the operational level. Moreover, what factually happened did not meet the characteristics of online learning systems and services. Above all, most online learning institutions still ignore the use of appropriate pedagogics. This study also demonstrated the importance of utilizing a complete instructional design so that the learning experience as a condition for the learning outcomes effectively achieved was equally present in the learning process. Comprehensive planning that was arranged systematically and structured will allow dialogue for students in the implementation stage. The dialogue space must occur not only between students and teachers as well as students and students but also, more importantly, self-dialogue for each student. Some insights for future consideration were also formulated and recommended for better online learning implementation &nbsp

    MicroSQUID Force microscopy in a dilution refrigerator

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    We present a new generation of a scanning MicroSQUID microscope operating in an inverted dilution refrigerator. The MicroSQUIDs have a size of 1.21$ \ \mum\textsuperscript{2} and a magnetic flux sensitivity of 120 \mu\Phi_{0} / \sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}andthusafieldsensitivityof and thus a field sensitivity of %550^{-6} \ \Phi_{0} / \sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}550 550 \ \mu \textrm{G}/ \sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}.Thescanrangeatlowtemperaturesisabout80. The scan range at low temperatures is about 80 \mu$m and a coarse displacement of 5 mm in x and y direction has been implemented. The MicroSQUID-to-sample distance is regulated using a tuning fork based force detection. A MicroSQUID-to-sample distance of 420 nm has been obtained. The reliable knowledge of this distance is necessary to obtain a trustworthy estimate of the absolute value of the superconducting penetration depth. An outlook will be given on the ongoing direction of development

    Assam against itself: a reply to Sanjib Baruah

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    In response to Professor Sanjib Baruah's article 'Stateless in Assam' which discussed a new focus on detention camps for 'stateless citizens', Suraj Gogoi, Gorky Chakraborty and Parag Jyoti Saikia reflect on the implications of reducing people to 'bare life'


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    The purpose of this study is to measure the extent to which teachers and education personnel have the motivation of public services and to determine the factors that become obstacles and drivers for teachers and education personnel to implement values ​​in the motivation of public services. The sample of respondents was determined as many as 22 people who were distributed into 6 schools. Data collection methods were carried out by direct observation in schools, interviews with respondents and through field surveys with questionnaires. Data processing using SPSS software and statistical analysis is done by testing the research hypothesis to examine the relationship between variables and solve research problems. The results of the study are based on hypothesis testing, namely that there is an effect of mentality on service motivation while performance has no effect on service motivation. Simultaneously mentality and performance affect the motivation of public services by 62.0%. The factor that is driving the implementation of values ​​in the motivation of public services is the level of teacher education, personality, dedication, ability and discipline, while the inhibiting factor comes from internal factors that come from within the teacher itself.   Guru dan tenaga kependidikan sebagai penyelenggara pendidikan bagi masyarakat mempunyai norma, etika dan peraturan yang mendasari perilaku mereka. Dalam praktek, masyarakat dapat melihat perilaku guru yang beragam, ada yang secara konsisten melaksanakan tugas-tugas pendidikan dengan bertanggungjawab dan berkualitas, namun ada pula yang melenceng dari norma sebagai pendidik. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur sejauh mana guru dan tenaga kependidikan memiliki motivasi layanan publik dan untuk menentukan faktor yang menjadi penghambat dan pendorong bagi guru dan tenaga kependidikan untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai dalam motivasi layanan publik. Sampel responden ditentukan sebanyak 22 orang yang terdistribusi ke dalam 6 sekolah. Metode pengumpulan  data yang dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung di sekolah, wawancara dengan responden dan melalui survei lapangan dengan kuesioner. Pengolahan data menggunakan software SPSS dan analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menguji hipotesis penelitian untuk mengkaji hubungan antara variabel dan memecahkan permasalahan penelitian. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan pengujian hipotesa yaitu terdapat pengaruh mentalitas terhadap motivasi pelayanan sedangkan kinerja tidak terdapat pengaruhterhadap motivasi pelayanan. Secara simultan mentalitas dan kinerja berpengaruh terhadap motivasi layanan publik sebesar 62,0 %. Faktor yang menjadi pendorong untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai dalam motivasi layanan publik yaitu tingkat pendidikan guru, kepribadian, dedikasi, kemampuan dan kedisiplinan, sedangkan faktor penghambat berasal dari faktor internal yang berasal dari dalam guru itu sendiri

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Aplikasi DESMOS Terhadap Kecerdasan Visual Spasial dan Resiliensi Matematis Siswa Kelas 8

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan aplikasi DESMOS terhadap kecerdasan visual spasial dan resiliensi matematis siswa. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen yang terdiri dari kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 8 yang berjumlah 73 siswa yang diambil dari populasi seluruh siswa kelas menengah pertama di salah satu sekolah swasta di Bekasi. Kelas eksperimen diberi perlakuan dengan media DESMOS, sedangkan kelas kontrol dengan media konvensional. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji-t sampel independen untuk melihat perbedaan rata-rata di antara dua kelas. Dari analisis uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji-t, didapatkan nilai t hitung sebesar 0,371 untuk visual spasial yang lebih kecil daripada t tabel = 2,03224 dan -0,177 untuk resiliensi matematis siswa yang lebih kecil daripada t tabel = 2,02809. Dengan demikian, hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah: (1) peningkatan kecerdasan visual spasial antara siswa yang menggunakan media DESMOS tidak lebih besar daripada siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran konvensional, dan (2) peningkatan resiliensi matematis antara siswa yang menggunakan media DESMOS tidak lebih besar daripada siswa yang menggunakan media pembelajaran konvensiona
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