92 research outputs found

    Late time cosmic acceleration from natural infrared cutoff?

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    In this paper, inspired by the ultraviolet deformation of the Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker geometry in loop quantum cosmology, we formulate an infrared-modified cosmological model. We obtain the associated deformed Friedmann and Raychaudhuri equations and we show that the late time cosmic acceleration can be addressed by the infrared corrections. As a particular example, we applied the setup to the case of matter dominated universe. This model has the same number of parameters as Λ\LambdaCDM, but a dynamical dark energy generates in the matter dominated era at the late time. According to our model, as the universe expands, the energy density of the cold dark matter dilutes and when the Hubble parameter approaches to its minimum, the infrared effects dominate such that the effective equation of state parameter smoothly changes from weff=0w_{_{\rm eff}}=0 to weff=2w_{_{\rm eff}}=-2. Interestingly and nontrivially, the unstable de Sitter phase with weff=1w_{_{\rm eff}}=-1 is corresponding to Ωm=Ωd=0.5\Omega_m=\Omega_d =0.5 and the universe crosses the phantom divide from the quintessence phase with weff>1w_{_{\rm eff}}>-1 and Ωm>Ωd\Omega_m> \Omega_d to the phantom phase with weff<1w_{_{\rm eff}}<-1 and Ωm<Ωd \Omega_m<\Omega_d which shows that the model is observationally viable. The results show that the universe finally ends up in a big rip singularity for a finite time proportional to the inverse of the minimum of the Hubble parameter. Moreover, we consider the dynamical stability of the model and we show that the universe starts from the matter dominated era at the past attractor with weff=0w_{_{\rm eff}}=0 and ends up in a future attractor at the big rip with weff=2w_{_{\rm eff}}=-2.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PL

    Spin-2 dark matter from inflation

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    The seed of dark matter can be generated from light spectator fields during inflation through a similar mechanism that the seed of observed large scale structures are produced from the inflaton field. The accumulated energy density of the corresponding excited modes, which is subdominant during inflation, dominates energy density of the universe later around the time of matter and radiation equality and plays the role of dark matter. For spin-2 spectator fields, Higuchi bound may seem to prevent excitation of such light modes since deviation of the inflationary background from the exact de Sitter spacetime is very small. However, sizable interactions with the inflaton field breaks (part of) isometries of the de Sitter space in the inflationary background and relaxes the Higuchi bound. Looking for this possibility in the context of effective field theory of inflation, we suggest a dark matter model consisting of spin-2 particles that produce during inflation.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Deviation from the Standard Uncertainty Principle and the Dark Energy Problem

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    Quantum fluctuations of a real massless scalar field are studied in the context of the Generalized Uncertainty Principle (GUP). The dynamical finite vacuum energy is found in spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson- Walker (FRW) spacetime which can be identified as dark energy to explain late time cosmic speed-up. The results show that a tiny deviation from the standard uncertainty principle is necessary on cosmological ground. By using the observational data we have constraint the GUP parameter even more stronger than ever.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, to appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Detection of Focal Epileptic Seizure Using NIRS Signal Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform

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    Background: Despite the large number of research and significant advances in neuroscience, the hemodynamic activities of epilepsy have been rarely investigated due to high costs, need for contrast agents in fMRI and PET, lack of signals during epileptic seizure and un-portability of the equipment. Recently, Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system has attracted a large number of researchers. This system does not have the above-mentioned problems and provides a better temporal resolution than the other equipment; however, it cannot be compared to PET or fMRI, in terms of spatial resolution. The project was conducted with a feasibility study to detect epileptic seizures and extraction of epileptic dynamics using a time multiplex system at 2 wavelengths of 740 and 850 nm. Analyzing the frequency and temporal-domains of 8 patients with focal epilepsy in temporal area during the time of sleeping, we can identify the most difference between epileptic and normal conditions in low-frequencies at the high order Daubechies wavelet transform of hemodynamic components. The main challenge is the significant resemblances between epileptic dynamic and motion artifact in low frequencies. Finally, using the most appropriate features such as Shannon entropy and the new index that we named “upgraded cumulants” showing proper separability under t test and also by using different classifiers, the best result was achieved with the help of SVM classifier with an accuracy of 78.57%