169 research outputs found

    Spectral gradients in central cluster galaxies: further evidence of star formation in cooling flows

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    We have obtained radial gradients in the spectral features D4000 and Mg2 for a sample of 11 central cluster galaxies (CCGs). The new data strongly confirm the correlations between line-strength indices and the cooling flow phenomenon found in our earlier study. We find that such correlations depend on the presence and characteristics of emission lines in the inner regions of the CCGs. CCGs in cooling flow clusters exhibit a clear sequence in the D4000-Mg2 plane, with a neat segregation depending on emission-line types and blue morphology. This sequence can be modelled, using stellar population models with a normal IMF, by a recent burst of star formation. In CCGs with emission lines, the gradients in the spectral indices are flat or positive inside the emission-line regions, suggesting the presence of young stars. Outside the emission-line regions, and in cooling flow galaxies without emission lines, gradients are negative and consistent with those measured in CCGs in clusters without cooling flows and giant elliptical galaxies. Index gradients measured exclusively in the emission-line region correlate with mass deposition rate. We have also estimated the radial profiles of the mass transformed into new stars which are remarkably parallel to the radial behaviour of the mass deposition rate. A large fraction (probably most) of the cooling flow gas accreted into the emission-line region is converted into stars. We discuss the evolutionary sequence suggested by McNamara (1997), in which radio triggered star formation bursts take place several times during the lifetime of the cooling flow. This scenario is consistent with the available observations.Comment: 19 pages, 18 PostScript figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reliable random error estimation in the measurement of line-strength indices

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    We present a new set of accurate formulae for the computation of random errors in the measurement of atomic and molecular indices. The new expressions are in excellent agreement with numerical simulations. We have found that, in some cases, the use of approximated equations can give misleading line-strength index errors. It is important to note that accurate errors can only be achieved after a full control of the error propagation throughout the data reduction with a parallel processing of data and error frames. Finally, simple recipes for the estimation of the required signal-to-noise ratio to achieve a fixed index error are presented.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX file + 5 PostScript figures, psfig.sty and laa-s.sty required, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics Supplement Serie

    Near-IR line-strengths in elliptical galaxies: evidence for IMF variations?

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    We present new relations between recently defined line-strength indices in the near-IR (CaT*, CaT, PaT, MgI, and sTiO) and central velocity dispersion (sigma_0) for a sample of 35 early-type galaxies, showing evidence for significant anti-correlations between CaII triplet indices (CaT* and CaT) and log(sigma_0). These relations are interpreted in the light of our recent evolutionary synthesis model predictions, suggesting the existence of important Ca underabundances with respect to Fe and/or an increase of the dwarf to giant stars ratio along the mass sequence of elliptical galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Pink Pages. See related information in http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/ellipt/CATRIPLET.htm

    Empirical calibration of the near-IR Ca II triplet - I. The stellar library and index definition

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    A new stellar library at the near-IR spectral region developed for the empirical calibration of the Ca II triplet and stellar population synthesis modeling is presented. The library covers the range 8348-9020 Angstrom at 1.5 Angstrom (FWHM) spectral resolution, and consists of 706 stars spanning a wide range in atmospheric parameters. We have defined a new set of near-IR indices, CaT*, CaT and PaT, which mostly overcome the limitations of previous definitions, the former being specially suited for the measurement of the Ca II triplet strength corrected for the contamination from Paschen lines. We also present a comparative study of the new and the previous calcium indices, as well as the corresponding transformations between the different systems. A thorough analysis of the sources of index errors and the procedure to calculate them is given. Finally, index and error measurements for the whole stellar library are provided together with the final spectra.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, LaTeX. For associated spectra, tables and software, see http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/ellipt/CATRIPLET.html or http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/~ppzrfp/CATRIPLET.htm

    Spectral Indices in Cooling Flow Galaxies: Evidence for Star Formation

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    Through the study of two absorption spectral features in the optical range (Mg2 and the 4000 A break), we find evidence for star formation in the inner regions of cooling-flow galaxies. The application of simple stellar population models reveals that the measured indices are explained if a relatively small fraction of the total mass flow (5-17%) is forming new stars with a normal IMF. However, we argue that this is only a lower limit, and conclude that a large fraction of the gas accreted inside the galaxy could be forming stars. In addition, the analysis of line-strength gradients in the inner galaxy regions reveals that, in the mean, they are lower than those of normal ellipticals, and exhibit a hint of correlation with the mass accretion rate. Simultaneously, the spectral indices in the outer regions of some galaxies, with and without cooling flow, attain extremely low values, suggesting that they could be hosting star formation with an origin not related to the cooling flows.Comment: PostScript file (compressed and encoded) containing 21 page

    Early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster: a new piece in the calcium puzzle

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    We present measurements of the CaII triplet and the Ca4227 Lick-index for a sample of early-type galaxies in the Coma cluster, deriving, for the first time, their corresponding relationships with velocity dispersion. Compared with a similar subsample of ellipticals in the field, Coma galaxies with velocity dispersions in the range ~ 180-270 km/s exhibit significant differences in the strengths of the Ca features, suggesting an influence of the environment on the star formation histories of these galaxies. We argue that the main scenarios previously proposed to explain the relatively low CaII triplet of galaxies are not able by themselves to simultaneously reconcile the strengths of the two Ca indices in both environments.Comment: 6 pages including 2 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJL. For associated data tables see http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/ellipt/CATRIPLET.htm

    Empirical calibration of the near-IR CaII triplet - IV. The stellar population synthesis models

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    We present a new stellar population synthesis model, which predicts SEDs for single-age single-metallicity stellar populations, SSPs, at resolution 1.5A (FWHM) in the spectral region of the near-IR CaII triplet feature. The main ingredient of the model is a new extensive empirical stellar spectral library presented in Cenarro et al., which is composed of more than 600 stars. Two main products of interest for stellar population analysis are presented. The first is a library of SEDs for SSPs covering a large range of ages, metallicities and different IMF types. They are well suited to model galaxy data, since the SSP spectra, with flux-calibrated response curves, can be smoothed to match the resolution of galaxy data, taking into account the internal velocity dispersion of the galaxy, allowing the user to analyze the observed spectrum in its own system. We also produce integrated absorption line indices for the same SSPs in the form of equivalent widths. We find the following behaviour for the CaII feature in old-aged SSPs: i) the CaII triplet feature does not change much with time for all metallicities for ages larger than ~3 Gyr, ii) this index shows a strong dependence with metallicity for values below [M/H] ~-0.5 and iii) for larger metallicities this feature does not show a significant dependence either on age or on the metallicity, being more sensitive to changes in the slope of power-like IMF shapes. The SSP spectra have been calibrated with measurements for globular clusters. Fitting the models to two early-type galaxies of different luminosities, we find that the CaII measurements cannot be fitted unless a very dwarf-dominated IMF is imposed, or if the Ca abundance is even lower than the Fe abundance.Comment: 32 pages, 20 postscript figures, LaTeX. MNRAS, in press. Model predictions can be found at http://www.iac.es/galeria/vazdekis/ or http://www.ucm.es/info/Astrof/ellipt/CATRIPLET.htm

    The Relationship between Brachycephalic Head Features in Modern Persian Cats and Dysmorphologies of the Skull and Internal Hydrocephalus

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    Background: Cat breeders observed a frequent occurrence of internal hydrocephalus in Persian cats with extreme brachycephalic head morphology. Objective: To investigate a possible relationship among the grade of brachycephaly, ventricular dilatation, and skull dysmorphologies in Persian cats. Animals: 92 Persian-, 10 Domestic shorthair cats. Methods: The grade of brachycephaly was determined on skull models based on CT datasets. Cranial measurements were examined with regard to a possible correlation with relative ventricular volume, and cranial capacity. Persians with high (peke-face Persians) and lower grades of brachycephaly (doll-face Persians) were investigated for the presence of skull dysmorphologies. Results: The mean cranial index of the peke-face Persians (0.97 ± 0.14) was significantly higher than the mean cranial index of doll-face Persians (0.66 ± 0.04; P < 0.001). Peke-face Persians had a lower relative nasal bone length (0.15 ± 0.04) compared to doll-face (0.29 ± 0.08; P < 0.001). The endocranial volume was significantly lower in doll-face than peke-face Persians (89.6 ± 1.27% versus 91.76 ± 2.07%; P < 0.001). The cranial index was significantly correlated with this variable (Spearman´s r: 0.7; P < 0.0001). Mean ventricle: Brain ratio of the peke-face group (0.159 ± 0.14) was significantly higher compared to doll-face Persians (0.015 ± 0.01; P < 0.001). Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: High grades of brachycephaly are also associated with malformations of the calvarial and facial bones as well as dental malformations. As these dysmorphologies can affect animal welfare, the selection for extreme forms of brachycephaly in Persian cats should be reconsidered
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