73 research outputs found

    Addictive links: The motivational value of adaptive link annotation

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    Adaptive link annotation is a popular adaptive navigation support technology. Empirical studies of adaptive annotation in the educational context have demonstrated that it can help students to acquire knowledge faster, improve learning outcomes, reduce navigational overhead, and encourage non-sequential navigation. In this paper, we present our exploration of a lesser known effect of adaptive annotation, its ability to significantly increase students' motivation to work with non-mandatory educational content. We explored this effect and confirmed its significance in the context of two different adaptive hypermedia systems. The paper presents and discusses the results of our work

    ToF-SIMS Investigation of the Effectiveness of Acid-Cleaning procedures for Genesis Solar Wind Collectors

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    ToF-SIMS images of Genesis sample surfaces contain an incredible amount of important information, but they also show that the crash-derived surface contamination has many components, presenting a challenge to cleaning. Within the variability, we have shown that there are some samples which appear to be clean to begin with, e.g. 60471, and some are more contaminated. Samples 60493 and 60500 are a part of a focused study of the effectiveness of aqua regia and/or sulfuric acid cleaning of small flight Si implanted with Li-6 using ToF-SIMS


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    The content of fluorine in atmospheric air, in soil, and in system of centralized household-drinking water supply of city of Bratsk are studied, data of branch of Federal Budgetary Healthcare Institution «The Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Irkutsk Region» in Bratsk and region of Bratsk, data of Bratsk branch of state institution «Irkutsk CGMS - P» are used. The assessment of prevalence of iodine deficiency of children in two ecologically various districts of city of Bratsk is given. Results of obtained data are turned into practical recommendations on prevention of iodine deficiency in conditions of industrial influence of fluorine. In chosen areas examination of children of preschool age is provided. The number of surveyed made 98 persons including 49 girls and 49 boys. Iodine and fluorine excretion with urine, and also content of fluorine in teeth were defined. Iodine in urine was determined with a spectrophotocolorimetry method. The content of fluorine in urine was determined by an electrometric method with the use of fluoride selective electrode complete with pH in meter according to TORMENTS 4.1.773 - 99. Approved, certified methods of definition of fluorine in teeth do not exist in Russian Federation. Fluorine definition in teeth is based on reaction with alizarin complexon and cerium nitrate with formation of the painted connection. Now it is the only reaction used for direct photometric definition of fluorine. We came to conclusion that contents of fluorine in such biosubstrates as urine and teeth in children of the Central district, though doesn>t exceed admissible level, is significantly above the one of children living in settlement Energetic. This results from the fact that atmospheric air in the Central district is more polluted by fluoric connections. It is known that iodine and fluorine are halogens, and the second one possesses more expressed biological activity and can replace the first in the competitive way. Thus, in this research we tried to prove experimentally that urinary iodine indicators directly depend on industrial influence of fluorine

    Social and cultural work with elderly people on the example of CCSON g. Upper Salda

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    The process of ageing is inevitable for human beings. Thus, at a certain point every generation of people attains the age of becoming ‘an elderly person’. As people age, their lifestyle changes. Due to the fact that people stop working, their social circle narrows, but the amount of spare time which they need to spend effectively doing something useful and meaningful in order to continue living a full life increases. Due to the growth of the population of elderly people the question about ‘active ageing’ is raised almost in every developing country. It becomes necessary to contribute to the solution of the problem of the elderly people`s free time management. In turn, senior citizens themselves are supposed to take part in building an image of old age, active and full of energy. Sociocultural work is a form of activity which represents a great number of opportunities to unlock the elderly people’s potential. The objective of this article is to study the peculiarities of sociocultural work with elderly people at the complex social service centre in Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Oblast. At the complex social service centre in Verkhnyaya Salda the research, which promoted to the fulfilment of the key steps of this work, was carried out. As part of this research elderly people`s interest in sociocultural work presented at the complex social service centre in Verkhnyaya Salda was studied with great attention. The main sources of receiving the research results were interviewing of the workers of the centre and analysing of documentation, mainly statistics. The study of elderly people`s needs enabled us to make a conclusion that the definition of old age should be connected with the major changes in socio-cultural roles of an individual. The results of the study confirmed that one of the ways to avoid loneliness, social deprivation is to increase the level of elderly people`s involvement in the public life. The important way to harmonise elderly person`s relations and develop their social bonding with the world is through sociocultural activity. Sports clubs which support health and physical activity turned out to be the most popular with elderly people. Educational courses, for example clubs of computer competence, proved to be the least important. In conclusion, it is necessary to develop different strands of sociocultural work at the complex social service centre in Verkhnyaya Salda, since their development considerably improves elderly people’s physical and mental health: revives spirits, arouses optimism, gives the feeling of life satisfaction and promotes to acquisition of new social roles.Процесс старения является неизбежным для человеческой природы. Соответственно, каждое поколение людей в определенный момент достигает возрастного рубежа, относящегося к понятию «пожилой человек». С возрастом образ жизни людей меняется. В связи с прекращением рабочей деятельности, сужается круг общения, однако увеличивается объем свободного времени, который нужно эффективно заполнить полезной и содержательной деятельностью для продолжения полноценной жизни. В связи с ростом численности пожилых людей встает вопрос практически во всех развивающихся странах мира об «активном старении». Возникает необходимость содействия в решении проблемы организации свободного времени пожилых людей. В свою очередь, формирование активного и наполненного жизненной энергией облика старости подразумевает деятельное участие в этом процессе самих пожилых граждан. Социально-культурная работа является той формой деятельности, которая предоставляет множество возможностей для реализации потенциала пожилых людей. Целью данной статьи является изучение особенностей социально-культурной работы с пожилыми людьми в комплексном центре социального обслуживания населения г. Верхняя Салда Свердловской области. В КЦСОН г. Верхняя Салда было проведено социологическое исследование, способствующее реализации ключевых задач работы. Особое место в рамках данного исследования уделялось изучению заинтересованности пожилых людей разными направлениями социально-культурной работы, представленной в КЦСОН. Основными источниками получения исследовательских результатов являлось интервью с сотрудниками учреждения, а также анализ документов, главным образом, статистических данных. Изучение потребностей пожилых людей позволило сделать вывод о том, что определение старости должно быть связано с основными перестройками в социально-культурных ролях индивида. Результаты исследования подтвердили, что один из способов избежать одиночества, социальной депривации - это повышение уровня включенности пожилого человека в общественную жизнь. Важным направлением гармонизации отношений пожилого человека и развития его социальных связей с обществом выступает социокультурная деятельность. Было выявлено, что спортивные клубы, деятельность которых направлена на поддержание здоровья и физической активности, пользуются наибольшей популярностью у пожилых граждан. Меньшую значимость для людей старшей возрастной группы имеет образовательное направление, в частности, клубы компьютерной грамотности. Делается вывод, о необходимости развития различных направлений социально-культурной деятельности в условиях КЦСОН г. Верхняя Салда, поскольку их развитие значительно улучшает здоровье и психическое состояние пожилого человека: поднимает настроение, пробуждает оптимизм, дает ощущение удовлетворенности жизнью, способствует освоению новых социальных ролей

    Invasive relief of exacerbation of the radicular syndrome in degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbar spine

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    This article presents an example of the effective use of combined (epidural + nerve root block) blocks in the exacerbation of the radicular syndrome in patients with degenerative spine conditions of the lumbar spineВ данной статье представлен пример эффективного применения комбинированной (эпидуральная + перирадикулярная) блокады при обострении радикулярного синдрома у пациентов с дегенеративно-дистрофическими заболеваниями поясничного отдела позвоночник

    Recommended Maximum Temperature For Mars Returned Samples

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    The Returned Sample Science Board (RSSB) was established in 2015 by NASA to provide expertise from the planetary sample community to the Mars 2020 Project. The RSSB's first task was to address the effect of heating during acquisition and storage of samples on scientific investigations that could be expected to be conducted if the samples are returned to Earth. Sample heating may cause changes that could ad-versely affect scientific investigations. Previous studies of temperature requirements for returned mar-tian samples fall within a wide range (-73 to 50 degrees Centigrade) and, for mission concepts that have a life detection component, the recommended threshold was less than or equal to -20 degrees Centigrade. The RSSB was asked by the Mars 2020 project to determine whether or not a temperature requirement was needed within the range of 30 to 70 degrees Centigrade. There are eight expected temperature regimes to which the samples could be exposed, from the moment that they are drilled until they are placed into a temperature-controlled environment on Earth. Two of those - heating during sample acquisition (drilling) and heating while cached on the Martian surface - potentially subject samples to the highest temperatures. The RSSB focused on the upper temperature limit that Mars samples should be allowed to reach. We considered 11 scientific investigations where thermal excursions may have an adverse effect on the science outcome. Those are: (T-1) organic geochemistry, (T-2) stable isotope geochemistry, (T-3) prevention of mineral hydration/dehydration and phase transformation, (T-4) retention of water, (T-5) characterization of amorphous materials, (T-6) putative Martian organisms, (T-7) oxidation/reduction reactions, (T-8) (sup 4) He thermochronometry, (T-9) radiometric dating using fission, cosmic-ray or solar-flare tracks, (T-10) analyses of trapped gasses, and (T-11) magnetic studies

    Strategies for Investigating Early Mars Using Returned Samples

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    The 2011 Visions & Voyages Planeary Science Decadal Survey identified making significant progress toward the return of samples from Mars as the highest priority goal for flagship missions in next decade. Numerous scientific objectives have been identified that could be advanced through the potential return and analysis of martian rock, regolith, and atmospheric samples. The analysis of returned martian samples would be particularly valuable in in-creasing our understanding of Early Mars. There are many outstanding gaps in our knowledge about Early Mars in areas such as potential astrobiology, geochronology, planetary evolution (including the age, context, and processes of accretion, differentiation, magmatic, and magnetic history), the history of water at the martian surface, and the origin and evolution of the martian atmosphere. Here we will discuss scientific objectives that could be significantly advanced by Mars sample return

    Genesis Solar Wind Collector Cleaning Assessment: 60366 Sample Case Study

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    In order to recognize, localize, characterize and remove particle and thin film surface contamination, a small subset of Genesis mission collector fragments are being subjected to extensive study via various techniques [1-5]. Here we present preliminary results for sample 60336, a Czochralski silicon (Si-CZ) based wafer from the bulk array (B/C)

    Geo-neutrinos: A systematic approach to uncertainties and correlations

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    Geo-neutrinos emitted by heat-producing elements (U, Th and K) represent a unique probe of the Earth interior. The characterization of their fluxes is subject, however, to rather large and highly correlated uncertainties. The geochemical covariance of the U, Th and K abundances in various Earth reservoirs induces positive correlations among the associated geo-neutrino fluxes, and between these and the radiogenic heat. Mass-balance constraints in the Bulk Silicate Earth (BSE) tend instead to anti-correlate the radiogenic element abundances in complementary reservoirs. Experimental geo-neutrino observables may be further (anti)correlated by instrumental effects. In this context, we propose a systematic approach to covariance matrices, based on the fact that all the relevant geo-neutrino observables and constraints can be expressed as linear functions of the U, Th and K abundances in the Earth's reservoirs (with relatively well-known coefficients). We briefly discuss here the construction of a tentative "geo-neutrino source model" (GNSM) for the U, Th, and K abundances in the main Earth reservoirs, based on selected geophysical and geochemical data and models (when available), on plausible hypotheses (when possible), and admittedly on arbitrary assumptions (when unavoidable). We use then the GNSM to make predictions about several experiments ("forward approach"), and to show how future data can constrain - a posteriori - the error matrix of the model itself ("backward approach"). The method may provide a useful statistical framework for evaluating the impact and the global consistency of prospective geo-neutrino measurements and Earth models.Comment: 17 pages, including 4 figures. To appear on "Earth, Moon, and Planets," Special Issue on "Neutrino Geophysics," Proceedings of Neutrino Science 2005 (Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 2005

    Complications after anesthesia in gynecological practice

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    The article presents a comparative analysis of complications in the early postoperative period, after the use of various types of intravenous anesthesia. The study was conducted by interviewing 25 patients of gynecological hospital.В статье представлен сравнительный анализ осложнений в раннем послеоперационном периоде, после применения различных видов внутривенной анестезии. Исследование проводилось путем опроса 25 пациенток гинекологического стационара