9 research outputs found

    Spin state crossover in Co3BO5

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    We have investigated the spin and oxidation states of Co in Co3BO5 using x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and dc magnetic susceptibility measurements. At low temperatures, XMCD experiments have been performed at the Co K-edge in Co3BO5 and Co2FeBO5 single crystals in the fully ferrimagnetically ordered phase. The Co (K-edge) XMCD signal is found to be related to the Co2+ magnetic sublattices in both compounds, providing strong experimental support for the low-spin (LS) Co3+ scenario. The paramagnetic susceptibility is highly anisotropic. An estimation of the effective magnetic moment in the temperature range 100-250 K correlates well with two Co2+ ions in the high-spin (HS) state and some orbital contribution, while Co3+ remains in the LS state. The crystal structure of the Co3BO5 single crystal has been solved in detail at the T range 296-703 K. The unit cell parameters and volume show anomalies at 500 and 700 K. The octahedral environment of the Co4 site strongly changes with heating. The generalized gradient approximation with Hubbard U correction calculations have revealed that, at low-temperatures, the system is insulating with a band gap of 1.4 eV, and the Co2+ ions are in the HS state, while Co3+ are in the LS state. At high temperatures (T > 700 K), the charge ordering disappears, and the system becomes metallic with all Co ions in 3d7 electronic configuration and HS state. © 2021 American Physical Society

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved

    Palivizumab: Four seasons in Russia

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    In 2010, the Russian Federation (RF) registered palivizumab - innovative drug, based on monoclonal antibodies for passive immunization of seasonal respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in children of disease severe progress risk group, which include primarily premature infants, children with bronchopulmonary dysplasia and hemodynamically significant congenital heart disease. Currently, palivizumab is included in the list of recommended medicines and medical care standards of different countries, including Russia. In the review the results of Russian research on the progress of RSV infection, its epidemiology and immunization experience gained over the 2010-2014 period are summarized in relation to the foreign data. During the four epidemic seasons palivizumab immunization covered more than 3,200 children of severe RSV infection risk group with a progressive annual increase in the number of patients who received the drug. Geography of palivizumab immunization is also greatly expanded in our country during this time. If during the first two seasons measures of immunization were taken mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, at the present time, thirty one territorial entities of the Russian Federation have the experience in the drug application. Analysis of the results of RSV infection immunization (made in several regions) confirms the high clinical efficacy and palivizumab safety already demonstrated in international studies. In addition, the analysis presents the potential to improve the efficiency of the integrated RSV infection immunization programs, realizing in the establishment of high-risk child group register, adequate counseling for parents, as well as the development of the routing of patients and coordination of interaction between different health institutions during the immunization. © 2014, Izdatel'stvo Meditsina. All rights reserved