113 research outputs found

    Fluctuations in statistical models

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    Proceedings of 4th International Workshop "Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement", July 9-13, 2007, Darmstadt, Germany: The multiplicity fluctuations of hadrons are studied within the statistical hadron-resonance gas model in the large volume limit. The role of quantum statistics and resonance decay effects are discussed. The microscopic correlator method is used to enforce conservation of three charges - baryon number, electric charge, and strangeness - in the canonical ensemble. In addition, in the micro-canonical ensemble energy conservation is included. An analytical method is used to account for resonance decays. The multiplicity distributions and the scaled variances for negatively and positively charged hadrons are calculated for the sets of thermodynamical parameters along the chemical freeze-out line of central Pb+Pb (Au+Au) collisions from SIS to LHC energies. Predictions obtained within different statistical ensembles are compared with the preliminary NA49 experimental results on central Pb+Pb collisions in the SPS energy range. The measured fluctuations are significantly narrower than the Poisson ones and clearly favor expectations for the micro-canonical ensemble. Thus, this is a first observation of the recently predicted suppression of the multiplicity fluctuations in relativistic gases in the thermodynamical limit due to conservation laws

    On the early stage of nucleus-nucleus collisions

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    A statistical model of the early stage of central nucleus--nucleus (A+A) collisions is developed. We suggest a description of the confined state with several free parameters fitted to a compilation of A+A data at the AGS. For the deconfined state a simple Bag model equation of state is assumed. The model leads to the conclusion that a Quark Gluon Plasma is created in central nucleus--nucleus collisions at the SPS. This result is in quantitative agreement with existing SPS data on pion and strangeness production and gives a natural explanation for their scaling behaviour. The localization and the properties of the transition region are discussed. It is shown that the deconfinement transition can be detected by observation of the characteristic energy dependence of pion and strangeness multiplicities, and by an increase of the event--by--event fluctuations. An attempt to understand the data on J/psi production in Pb+Pb collisions at the SPS within the same approach is presented

    Charm estimate from the dilepton spectra in nuclear collisions

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    A validity of a recent estimate of an upper limit of charm production in central Pb+Pb collisions at 158 AGeV is critically discussed. Within a simple model we study properties of the background subtraction procedure used for an extraction of the charm signal from the analysis of dilepton spectra. We demonstrate that a production asymmetry between positively and negatively charged background muons and a large multiplicity of signal pairs leads to biased results. Therefore the applicability of this procedure for the analysis of nucleus-nucleus data should be reconsidered before final conclusions on the upper limit estimate of charm production could be drawn

    Evidence for statistical production of J/psi mesons in nuclear collisions at the CERN SPS

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    The hypothesis of statistical production of J/psi mesons at hadronization is formulated and checked against experimental data. It explains in the natural way the observed scaling behavior of the J/psi to pion ratio at the CERN SPS energies. Using the multiplicities of J/psi and eta mesons the hadronization temperature T_H = 175 MeV is found, which agrees with the previous estimates of the temperature parameter based on the analysis of the hadron yield systematics

    Power law in hadron production

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    In high energy p+p(bar) interactions the mean multiplicity and transverse mass spectra of neutral mesons from eta to Upsilon (m = 0.5 - 10 GeV/c^2) and the transverse mass spectra of pions (m_T > 1 GeV/c^2) reveal a remarkable behaviour: they follow, over more than 10 orders of magnitude, the power-law function:The parameters C and P are energy dependent, but similar for all mesons produced at the same collision energy. This scaling resembles that expected in the statistical description of hadron production: the parameter P plays the role of a temperature and the normalisation constant C is analogous to the system volume. The fundamental difference is, however, in the form of the distribution function. In order to reproduce the experimental results and preserve the basic structure of the statistical approach the Boltzmann factor e^(-E/T) appearing in standard statistical mechanics has to be substituted by a power-law factor (E/Lambda)^(-P)