80 research outputs found

    On the fractional Poisson process and the discretized stable subordinator

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    The fractional Poisson process and the Wright process (as discretization of the stable subordinator) along with their diffusion limits play eminent roles in theory and simulation of fractional diffusion processes. Here we have analyzed these two processes, concretely the corresponding counting number and Erlang processes, the latter being the processes inverse to the former. Furthermore we have obtained the diffusion limits of all these processes by well-scaled refinement of waiting times and jumpsComment: 30 pages, 4 figures. A preliminary version of this paper was an invited talk given by R. Gorenflo at the Conference ICMS2011, held at the International Centre of Mathematical Sciences, Pala-Kerala (India) 3-5 January 2011, devoted to Prof Mathai on the occasion of his 75 birthda

    Laplace-Laplace analysis of the fractional Poisson process

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    We generate the fractional Poisson process by subordinating the standard Poisson process to the inverse stable subordinator. Our analysis is based on application of the Laplace transform with respect to both arguments of the evolving probability densities.Comment: 20 pages. Some text may overlap with our E-prints: arXiv:1305.3074, arXiv:1210.8414, arXiv:1104.404

    Continuous time random walk, Mittag-Leffler waiting time and fractional diffusion: mathematical aspects

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    We show the asymptotic long-time equivalence of a generic power law waiting time distribution to the Mittag-Leffler waiting time distribution, characteristic for a time fractional CTRW. This asymptotic equivalence is effected by a combination of "rescaling" time and "respeeding" the relevant renewal process followed by a passage to a limit for which we need a suitable relation between the parameters of rescaling and respeeding. Turning our attention to spatially 1-D CTRWs with a generic power law jump distribution, "rescaling" space can be interpreted as a second kind of "respeeding" which then, again under a proper relation between the relevant parameters leads in the limit to the space-time fractional diffusion equation. Finally, we treat the `time fractional drift" process as a properly scaled limit of the counting number of a Mittag-Leffler renewal process.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figures (5 files eps). Invited lecture by R. Gorenflo at the 373. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Anomalous Transport: Experimental Results and Theoretical Challenges, Physikzentrum Bad-Honnef (Germany), 12-16 July 2006; Chairmen: R. Klages, G. Radons and I.M. Sokolo

    On an explicit finite difference method for fractional diffusion equations

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    A numerical method to solve the fractional diffusion equation, which could also be easily extended to many other fractional dynamics equations, is considered. These fractional equations have been proposed in order to describe anomalous transport characterized by non-Markovian kinetics and the breakdown of Fick's law. In this paper we combine the forward time centered space (FTCS) method, well known for the numerical integration of ordinary diffusion equations, with the Grunwald-Letnikov definition of the fractional derivative operator to obtain an explicit fractional FTCS scheme for solving the fractional diffusion equation. The resulting method is amenable to a stability analysis a la von Neumann. We show that the analytical stability bounds are in excellent agreement with numerical tests. Comparison between exact analytical solutions and numerical predictions are made.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure
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