2 research outputs found

    Determination of mixing power for gas dispersion with ABT turbine stirrer

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    V diplomskem delu je obravnavano dispergiranje različnih količin plina v kapljevino z uporabo treh različnih geometrij ABT mešala in določanje moči mešal. Meritve navorov pri različnih vrtljajih in pretokih plina so potekale na obstoječi napravi na Fakulteti za strojništvo. Meritve so bile izvedene pri pretokih plina 0 l/min, 6 l/min, 12 l/min in 15 l/min. Vsaka meritev je bila petkrat ponovljena. Rezultati pri manjših vrtljajih so bili zaradi napak nesmiselni, zato so obravnavani le rezultati meritev od 450 vrt/min naprej. Pri teh je bilo lepo videno, da se z večanjem pretoka plina, zmanjša navor.Diploma work contains dispersion of different quantities of gas into liquid with the use of three ABT stirrers, with different geometry and the determination of mixing power. The measurements of torque, with different stirrer speeds and overflow of gas took place on existing device at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Maribor. The measurements were conducted within the overflow of gas 0 l/min, 6 l/min, 12 l/min and 15 l/min. Each measurement was repeated five times. At the lowest stirrer speed the results were meaningless because of the error. Because of that, we only took into the consideration the results with the stirrer speed more than 450 rot/min. With those it was evident that with the increasing gas flow the torque reduces