3,650 research outputs found

    Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: Colin Haslam, Nick Tsitsianis, Glen Lehman, Tord Andersson, and John Malamatenios, ‘Accounting for decarbonisation and reducing capital at risk in the S&P500’, Accounting Forum, Vol. 42 91): 119-129, March 2018. Under embargo until 7 August 2019. The final, definitive version is available online at doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.accfor.2018.01.004.This article accounts for carbon emissions in the S&P 500 and explores the extent to which capital is at risk from decarbonising value chains. At a global level it is proving difficult to decouple carbon emissions from GDP growth. Top-down legal and regulatory arrangements envisaged by the Kyoto Protocol are practically redundant given inconsistent political commitment to mitigating global climate change and promoting sustainability. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and European Commission (EC) are promoting the role of financial markets and financial institutions as drivers of behavioural change mobilising capital allocations to decarbonise corporate activity.Peer reviewe

    The moral technical imaginaries of internet convergence in an American television network

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    How emergent technologies are imagined, discussed, and implemented reveals social morality about how society, politics, and economics should be organized. For the television industry in the United States, for instance, the development of internet “convergence” provoked the rise of a new discourse about participatory democracy as well as the hopes for lucrative business opportunities. The simultaneity of technical, moral, and social ordering defines the “moral technical imaginary.” Populating this concept with ethnographic and historical detail, this article expands the theory of the moral technical imaginary with information from six years of participant observation, interviews, and employment with Current TV, an American-based television news network founded by Vice President Al Gore to democratize television production. This chapter explores the limits of political participation and morality when faced with neoliberal capitalism

    An immunotherapy survivor population: health-related quality of life and toxicity in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors

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    © The Author(s) 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.Purpose The immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have resulted in subgroups of patients with metastatic melanoma achievinghigh-quality durable responses. Metastatic melanoma survivors are a new population in the era of cancer survivorship. The aimofthis study was to evaluate metastatic melanoma survivors in terms of health-related quality of life (HRQoL), immune-relatedadverse events (irAEs) and exposure to immunosuppressive agents in a large single centre in the UK.Methods We defined the survivor population as patients with a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma who achieved a durableresponse to an ICI and had been followed-up for a minimum of 12 months from initiation of ICI without disease progression.HRQoL was assessed using SF-36. Electronic health records were accessed to collect data on demographics, treatments, irAEsand survival. HRQoL data was compared with two norm-based datasets.Results Eighty-four metastatic melanoma survivors were eligible and 87% (N = 73) completed the SF-36. ICI-related toxicity ofany grade occurred in 92%of patients and 43%had experienced a grade 3 or 4 toxicity. Almost half (49%) of the patients requiredsteroids for the treatment of ICI-related toxicity, whilst 14% required treatment with an immunosuppressive agent beyondsteroids.Melanoma survivors had statistically significant lower HRQoL scores with regard to physical, social and physical rolefunctioning and general health compared with the normative population. There was a trend towards inferior scores in patientswith previous exposure to ipilimumab compared with those never exposed to ipilimumab.Conclusions Our results show that metastatic melanoma survivors have potentially experienced significant ICI-related toxicityand experience significant impairments in specific HRQoL domains. Future service planning is required to meet this population’sunique survivorship needs.Peer reviewe


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    INTRODUCTION: One of the major problems associated with rehabilitation from impact- associated running injuries is maintaining cardiovascular fitness. Recently, elliptical motion exercise machines have been developed in an attempt to simulate running while minimizing impact forces. These machines have been shown to maintain cardiovascular fitness. However, they have not yet been shown to truly simulate the running motion. The purpose of this study was to provide a quantitative comparison of two elliptical motion exercise machines (C1 and C2) and treadmill running (C3). METHODS: Both of the elliptical motion machines fixed stride length, although one allowed a greater stride length (C1). Eight subjects were tested in each of three submaximal exercise conditions during a 15 minute bout. Subjects performed at a stride frequency that resulted in a heart rate of 65% of their age-predicted maximum heart rate. Five 60 Hz digital cameras were used to collect lower extremity kinematic data. Pre-amplified surface electrodes measured the muscle activity of seven lower extremity muscles. Impact forces were assessed using a 1.7g PCB accelerometer placed on the distal medial aspect of the tibia. Both the accelerometer and EMG data were collected concurrently on a microcomputer sampling at 600 Hz. Lower extremity joint and segment parameters, onset and offset of muscles during stride, peak impact force and time to peak impact force were calculated. An analysis of variance was used to compare the measured parameters between each machine condition and to identify whether the duration of the exercise bout had an effect. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in stride duration with controlled stride frequency. The results of the analysis of the kinematic data showed that the majority of the differences between the machines and treadmill running occurred at the ankle and knee joints. At the ankle and knee joints, the touchdown angle was greater for the two machines (C1 and C2) than for treadmill running (ankle: 11.97 o and 22.14 o versus 2.23o; knee: 34.94 o and 33.89 o versus 12.05 o). At the ankle joint, the maximum plantar flexion angle was greatest in treadmill running, while there were no significant differences in any knee angles subsequent to touchdown. There were no differences in any of the hip angles at any time in the stride. Impact values on the two machines were 30% of those measured during treadmill running, and the time of occurrence of the impact was substantially longer into the stride. The results of the EMG data showed that the duration of muscle activity throughout the stride was different in the triceps surae, rectus femoris and vastus lateralis. In each case, the duration of the stride in which these muscles were active was least in treadmill running. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, while there are a few differences between the elliptical machines and running, it appears that the machines could be considered representative of running with distinctly less impact. Thus, these machines could be used as rehabilitation tools for runners recovering from impact-related injuries

    Controlling Light Through Optical Disordered Media : Transmission Matrix Approach

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    We experimentally measure the monochromatic transmission matrix (TM) of an optical multiple scattering medium using a spatial light modulator together with a phase-shifting interferometry measurement method. The TM contains all information needed to shape the scattered output field at will or to detect an image through the medium. We confront theory and experiment for these applications and we study the effect of noise on the reconstruction method. We also extracted from the TM informations about the statistical properties of the medium and the light transport whitin it. In particular, we are able to isolate the contributions of the Memory Effect (ME) and measure its attenuation length

    High dose melphalan, BCNU and etoposide with autologous bone marrow transplantation for Hodgkin's disease.

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    Thirty-eight patients with previously treated Hodgkin's disease were given high dose combination chemotherapy using melphalan and BCNU and autologous bone marrow transplantation. In 25 patients etoposide was added in conventional dosage. During the course of the study the dose of melphalan was increased from 80 to 140 mg m-2 and the dose of BCNU from 300 to 600 mg m-2. The response rate was 76% with 53% complete remission. Forty-five per cent of the patients are free of disease at 4-20 months follow-up. There were eight (26%) treatment-related deaths due to lung damage (seven cases) and irreversible cardiac failure (one case). Fatal lung damage occurred only in patients receiving 600 mg m-2 of BCNU with high dose melphalan. The dose of BCNU given with high dose melphalan should not exceed 500 mg m-2. This treatment is effective against relapsed Hodgkin's disease but must be used cautiously. The best time for its use remains to be determined

    Kolektivne i jednočestične strukture u jezgrama bogatim neutronima

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    The neutron-rich nuclei of 104,106Mo, 139,141Ba, 139Xe, 115,117Ag and 133,135Te have been studied by using the spontaneous fission source of 252Cf with the Gammasphere array. In the present work, the collective and single particle structures in these neutron-rich nuclei have been reported. Gamma type vibrational bands in 104,106Mo, particle and hole states, including candidates for tilted rotor bands in 133,135Te and a 7/2[413] rotational band in both 115,117Ag have been observed. The N = 83 135Te and 139Ba show marked differences associated with differences in their particle and hole states. New levels in 141Ba and 139Xe extend evidence for two opposite parity doublets characteristic of stable octupole deformation.Proučavali smo neutronima bogate jezgre 104,106Mo, 139,141Ba, 139Xe, 115,117Ag i 133,135Te pomoću izvora spontane fisije 252Cf, primjenom uređaja Gammasphere. Prikazujemo njihove kolektivne i jednočestične strukture. Opazili smo γ-vibracijske vrpce u 104,106Mo, čestična i šupljinska stanja, uključivši kandidate za nagnutu rotorsku vrpcu u 133,135Te i rotacijsku vrpcu 7/2[413] u 115,117Ag. Jezgre 135Te i 139Ba s N = 83 su izrazito različite zbog razlika u njihovim čestičnim i šupljinskim stanjima. Novi nivoi jezgara 141Ba i 139Xe daju dodatni dokaz za postojanje dvaju dubleta suprotne parnosti koji su karakteristični za stabilnu oktupolnu deformaciju

    Enhanced anti-tumour activity of carmustine (BCNU) with tumour necrosis factor in vitro and in vivo.

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    The effects on experimental melanoma of a combination of recombinant human tumour necrosis factor alpha (rhTNF alpha) and carmustine (BCNU) were studied in vitro and in vivo. In vitro, BCNU alone was cytotoxic to murine B16 melanoma cells, and at all concentrations of BCNU this toxicity was increased by the addition of TNF. In vivo, BCNU and TNF, when given separately, caused tumour growth delay of B16 melanoma and of human melanoma xenografts in immune-deprived mice. The combination of TNF at low dose 2.5 x 10(5) U kg-1 = 122 ng kg-1) with BCNU (35 mg kg-1) resulted in significant growth delay (compared with either drug alone) in B16 melanoma (P = 0.005). There was no significant increase in toxicity as assessed by weight loss and peripheral blood counts. Experiments with human melanoma xenografts yielded similar results (P = 0.001) but only at higher doses of TNF (1 x 10(6) U kg-1 = 489 ng kg-1). The enhancement of BCNU cytotoxicity by TNF may be important if it can be translated into patients with melanoma. A randomised study is now underway to investigate the clinical potential of this observation