25 research outputs found

    Post-Emergence Movements and Overwintering of Snapping Turtle, Chelydra serpentina, Hatchlings in New York and New Hampshire

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    Hatchling Common Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) were captured within, or as they emerged from, their nest cavities in Long Island, New York, and in southeastern New Hampshire. They were fitted with radiotransmitters and released at their nest sites. Their movements were monitored for as long as possible, which for some included tracking them to their overwintering sites and relocating them the following spring. On Long Island, all hatchlings initially moved to water. Later movements were both aquatic and terrestrial, and those that could be located while overwintering had left the water and hibernated in spring seeps, where they were recovered alive the following April. In New Hampshire, hatchlings moved directly to nearby aquatic habitats after emergence, where they spent the winter submerged in shallow water in root masses near banks

    The physiology of hibernation among painted turtles: the midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata

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    Abstract Midland painted turtles from Michigan were submerged at 3°C in normoxic and anoxic water. In predive, and in turtles submerged for up to 150 days, plasma PO 2 , PCO 2 , pH, [ , total Mg, total Ca, lactate, glucose, and osmolality were measured; hematocrit and mass were determined, and plasma [HCO 3 − ] was calculated. Anoxic turtles developed a severe metabolic acidosis, accumulating lactate from a predive value of 4.4 mmol/L to a 150-day value of 185 mmol/L, associated with a fall in pH from 7.983 to 7.189. To buffer lactate increase, total calcium and magnesium rose from 3.7 and 2.6 to 58.9 and 11.8 mmol/L, respectively. Plasma [HCO 3 − ] was titrated from 39.2 to 4.8 mmol/L in anoxic turtles. Turtles in normoxic water had only minor disturbances of their acid -base and ionic statuses, associated with a much smaller increase of lactate to 23 mmol/L; there was a marked increase in hematocrit from 29.1% to 42.1%. We suggest that it is ecologic, rather than phylogenetic, relationships that determine the responses of painted turtles to prolonged submergence associated with hibernation

    Altered spring phenology of North American freshwater turtles and the importance of representative populations

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    Globally, populations of diverse taxa have altered phenology in response to climate change. However, most research has focused on a single population of a given taxon, which may be unrepresentative for comparative analyses, and few long-term studies of phenology in ectothermic amniotes have been published. We test for climate- altered phenology using long-term studies (10–36 years) of nesting behavior in 14 populations representing six genera of freshwater turtles (Chelydra, Chrysemys, Kinosternon, Malaclemys, Sternotherus, and Trachemys). Nesting season initiation oc- curs earlier in more recent years, with 11 of the populations advancing phenology. The onset of nesting for nearly all populations correlated well with temperatures during the month preceding nesting. Still, certain populations of some species have not advanced phenology as might be expected from global patterns of climate change. This collection of findings suggests a proximate link between local climate and reproduction that is potentially caused by variation in spring emergence from hibernation, ability to process food, and thermoregulatory opportunities prior to nesting. However, even though all species had populations with at least some evi- dence of phenological advancement, geographic variation in phenology within and among turtle species underscores the critical importance of representative data for accurate comprehensive assessments of the biotic impacts of climate change

    A feature selection method for classification within functional genomics experiments based on the proportional overlapping score

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    Background: Microarray technology, as well as other functional genomics experiments, allow simultaneous measurements of thousands of genes within each sample. Both the prediction accuracy and interpretability of a classifier could be enhanced by performing the classification based only on selected discriminative genes. We propose a statistical method for selecting genes based on overlapping analysis of expression data across classes. This method results in a novel measure, called proportional overlapping score (POS), of a feature's relevance to a classification task.Results: We apply POS, along-with four widely used gene selection methods, to several benchmark gene expression datasets. The experimental results of classification error rates computed using the Random Forest, k Nearest Neighbor and Support Vector Machine classifiers show that POS achieves a better performance.Conclusions: A novel gene selection method, POS, is proposed. POS analyzes the expressions overlap across classes taking into account the proportions of overlapping samples. It robustly defines a mask for each gene that allows it to minimize the effect of expression outliers. The constructed masks along-with a novel gene score are exploited to produce the selected subset of genes

    Time domains of the hypoxic ventilatory response in ectothermic vertebrates

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    Over a decade has passed since Powell et al. (Respir Physiol 112:123–134, 1998) described and defined the time domains of the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) in adult mammals. These time domains, however, have yet to receive much attention in other vertebrate groups. The initial, acute HVR of fish, amphibians and reptiles serves to minimize the imbalance between oxygen supply and demand. If the hypoxia is sustained, a suite of secondary adjustments occur giving rise to a more long-term balance (acclimatization) that allows the behaviors of normal life. These secondary responses can change over time as a function of the nature of the stimulus (the pattern and intensity of the hypoxic exposure). To add to the complexity of this process, hypoxia can also lead to metabolic suppression (the hypoxic metabolic response) and the magnitude of this is also time dependent. Unlike the original review of Powell et al. (Respir Physiol 112:123–134, 1998) that only considered the HVR in adult animals, we also consider relevant developmental time points where information is available. Finally, in amphibians and reptiles with incompletely divided hearts the magnitude of the ventilatory response will be modulated by hypoxia-induced changes in intra-cardiac shunting that also improve the match between O2 supply and demand, and these too change in a time-dependent fashion. While the current literature on this topic is reviewed here, it is noted that this area has received little attention. We attempt to redefine time domains in a more ‘holistic’ fashion that better accommodates research on ectotherms. If we are to distinguish between the genetic, developmental and environmental influences underlying the various ventilatory responses to hypoxia, however, we must design future experiments with time domains in mind

    Ecology and Physiology of Overwintering

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