38,403 research outputs found

    Space station contamination modeling

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    Current plans for the operation of Space Station Freedom allow the orbit to decay to approximately an altitude of 200 km before reboosting to approximately 450 km. The Space Station will encounter dramatically increasing ambient and induced environmental effects as the orbit decays. Unfortunately, Shuttle docking, which has been of concern as a high contamination period, will likely occur during the time when the station is in the lowest orbit. The combination of ambient and induced environments along with the presence of the docked Shuttle could cause very severe contamination conditions at the lower orbital altitudes prior to Space Station reboost. The purpose here is to determine the effects on the induced external environment of Space Station Freedom with regard to the proposed changes in altitude. The change in the induced environment will be manifest in several parameters. The ambient density buildup in front of ram facing surfaces will change. The source of such contaminants can be outgassing/offgassing surfaces, leakage from the pressurized modules or experiments, purposeful venting, and thruster firings. The third induced environment parameter with altitude dependence is the glow. In order to determine the altitude dependence of the induced environment parameters, researchers used the integrated Spacecraft Environment Model (ISEM) which was developed for Marshall Space Flight Center. The analysis required numerous ISEM runs. The assumptions and limitations for the ISEM runs are described

    Determining dust temperatures and masses in the Herschel era: The importance of observations longward of 200 micron

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    Context. The properties of the dust grains (e.g., temperature and mass) can be derived from fitting far-IR SEDs (≥100 μm). Only with SPIRE on Herschel has it been possible to get high spatial resolution at 200 to 500 μm that is beyond the peak (~160 μm) of dust emission in most galaxies. Aims. We investigate the differences in the fitted dust temperatures and masses determined using only 200 μm data (new SPIRE observations) to determine how important having >200 μm data is for deriving these dust properties. Methods. We fit the 100 to 350 μm observations of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) point-by-point with a model that consists of a single temperature and fixed emissivity law. The data used are existing observations at 100 and 160 μm (from IRAS and Spitzer) and new SPIRE observations of 1/4 of the LMC observed for the HERITAGE key project as part of the Herschel science demonstration phase. Results. The dust temperatures and masses computed using only 100 and 160 μm data can differ by up to 10% and 36%, respectively, from those that also include the SPIRE 250 & 350 μm data. We find that an emissivity law proportional to λ^(−1.5) minimizes the 100–350 μm fractional residuals. We find that the emission at 500 μm is ~10% higher than expected from extrapolating the fits made at shorter wavelengths. We find the fractional 500 μm excess is weakly anti-correlated with MIPS 24 μm flux and the total gas surface density. This argues against a flux calibration error as the origin of the 500 μm excess. Our results do not allow us to distinguish between a systematic variation in the wavelength dependent emissivity law or a population of very cold dust only detectable at λ ≥ 500 μm for the origin of the 500 μm excess

    Arecibo Observatory support of the US international cometary Explorer mission encounter at comet Giacobini-Zinner

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    The Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico participated in the support of the U.S. International Cometary Explorer (ICE) mission when the ICE spacecraft passed through the tail of comet Giacobini-Zinner on September 11, 1985. The Arecibo Observatory is a research facility of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center (NAIC) operated by Cornell University under contract to the National Science Foundation (NSF). Coverage of the encounter involved the use of the observatory's 305-m (1000-ft) radio reflector antenna and RF and data system equipment fabricated or modified specifically for support of the ICE mission. The successful implementation, testing, and operation of this temporary receive, record, and data relay capability resulted from a cooperative effort by personnel at the Arecibo Observatory, the Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory

    Potential bronchoconstrictor stimuli in acid fog.

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    Acid fog is complex and contains multiple stimuli that may be capable of inducing bronchoconstriction. These stimuli include sulfuric and niric acids, the principal inorganic acids present; sulfites, formed in the atmosphere as a reaction product of sulfur dioxide and water droplets; fog water itself, a hypoosmolar aerosol; the organic acid hydroxymethanesulfonate, the bisulfite adduct of formaldehyde; and gaseous pollutants, e.g., sulfur dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone. Given this complexity, evaluation of the respiratory health effects of naturally occurring acid fog requires assessment of the bronchoconstrictor potency of each component stimulus and possible interactions among these stimuli. We summarize the results of three studies that involve characterization of the bronchoconstrictor potency of acid fog stimuli and/or their interaction in subjects with asthma. The results of the first study indicate that titratable acidity appears to be a more important stimulus to bronchoconstriction than is pH. The results of the second study demonstrate that sulfite species are capable of inducing bronchoconstriction, especially when inhaled at acid pH. The results of the third study suggest that acidity can potentiate hypoosmolar fog-induced bronchoconstriction

    Common-Resolution Convolution Kernels for Space- and Ground-Based Telescopes

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    Multi-wavelength study of extended astronomical objects requires combining images from instruments with differing point spread functions (PSFs). We describe the construction of convolution kernels that allow one to generate (multi-wavelength) images with a common PSF, thus preserving the colors of the astronomical sources. We generate convolution kernels for the cameras of the Spitzer Space Telescope, Herschel Space Observatory, Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX), Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), ground-based optical telescopes (Moffat functions and sum of Gaussians), and Gaussian PSFs. These kernels allow the study of the Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) of extended objects, preserving the characteristic SED in each pixel. The convolution kernels and the IDL packages used to construct and use them are made publicly available

    Midcourse maneuver operations program

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    Midcourse Maneuver Operations Program /MMOP/ computes the required velocity change to correct a spacecraft trajectory. The program establishes the existence of maneuvers which satisfy spacecraft constraints, explores alternate trajectories in the event that some out-of-tolerance condition forces a change in plans, and codes the maneuvers into commands

    Contact resistance and shot noise in graphene transistors

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    Potential steps naturally develop in graphene near metallic contacts. We investigate the influence of these steps on the transport in graphene Field Effect Transistors. We give simple expressions to estimate the voltage-dependent contribution of the contacts to the total resistance and noise in the diffusive and ballistic regimes.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; Figs 3 and 4 completed and appendix adde