653 research outputs found

    The Navy/NASA Engine Program (NNEP89): Interfacing the program for the calculation of complex Chemical Equilibrium Compositions (CEC)

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    The NNEP is a general computer program for calculating aircraft engine performance. NNEP has been used extensively to calculate the design and off-design (matched) performance of a broad range of turbine engines, ranging from subsonic turboprops to variable cycle engines for supersonic transports. Recently, however, there has been increased interest in applications for which NNEP is not capable of simulating, such as the use of alternate fuels including cryogenic fuels and the inclusion of chemical dissociation effects at high temperatures. To overcome these limitations, NNEP was extended by including a general chemical equilibrium method. This permits consideration of any propellant system and the calculation of performance with dissociation effects. The new extended program is referred to as NNEP89

    NNEPEQ: Chemical equilibrium version of the Navy/NASA Engine Program

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    The Navy NASA Engine Program, NNEP, currently is in use at a large number of government agencies, commercial companies and universities. This computer code has bee used extensively to calculate the design and off-design (matched) performance of a broad range of turbine engines, ranging from subsonic turboprops to variable cycle engines for supersonic transports. Recently, there has been increased interest in applications for which NNEP was not capable of simulating, namely, high Mach applications, alternate fuels including cryogenics, and cycles such as the gas generator air-turbo-rocker (ATR). In addition, there is interest in cycles employing ejectors such as for military fighters. New engine component models had to be created for incorporation into NNEP, and it was found necessary to include chemical dissociation effects of high temperature gases. The incorporation of these extended capabilities into NNEP is discussed and some of the effects of these changes are illustrated

    Computer program for calculating and fitting thermodynamic functions

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    A computer program is described which (1) calculates thermodynamic functions (heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy, and free energy) for several optional forms of the partition function, (2) fits these functions to empirical equations by means of a least-squares fit, and (3) calculates, as a function of temperture, heats of formation and equilibrium constants. The program provides several methods for calculating ideal gas properties. For monatomic gases, three methods are given which differ in the technique used for truncating the partition function. For diatomic and polyatomic molecules, five methods are given which differ in the corrections to the rigid-rotator harmonic-oscillator approximation. A method for estimating thermodynamic functions for some species is also given

    Theoretical Rocket Performance of JP-4 Fuel with Several Fluorine-Oxygen Mixtures Assuming Equilibrium Composition

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    Theoretical rocket performance for equilibrium composition during expansion was calculated for JP-4 fuel with several fluorine-oxygen mixtures for a range of pressure ratios and oxidant-fuel ratios. The parameters included are specific impulse, combustion-chamber temperature, nozzle-exit temperature, molecular weight, characteristic velocity, coefficient of thrust, ratio of nozzle-exit area to throat area, specific heat at constant pressure, isentropic exponent, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and equilibrium gas compositions. A correlation is given for the effect of chamber pressure on several of the parameters. The maximum value of specific impulse for a chamber pressure of 600 pounds per square inch absolute (40.827 atm) and an exit pressure of 1 atmosphere is 325.7 for 70.37 percent fluorine in the oxidant as compared with 284.9 and 305.1 for 100 percent oxygen and 100 percent fluorine, respectively

    Thermodynamic data for fifty reference elements

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    This report is a compilation of thermodynamic functions of 50 elements in their standard reference state. The functions are C(sub p)(sup 0), (H(sup 0)(T) - H(sup 0)(0)), S(sup 0)(T), and -(G(sup 0)(T) - H(sup 0)(O)) for the elements Ag, Al, Ar, B, Ba, Be, Br2, C, Ca, Cd, Cl2, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, F2, Fe, Ge, H2, He, Hg, I2, K, Kr, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, N2, Na, Nb, Ne, Ni, O2, P, Pb, Rb, S, Si, Sn, Sr, Ta, Th, Ti, U, V, W, Xe, Zn, and Zr. Deuterium D2 and electron gas e(sup -) are also included. The data are tabulated as functions of temperature as well as given in the form of least-squares coefficients for two functional forms for C(sub p)(sup 0) with integration constants for enthalpy and entropy. One functional form for C(sub p)(sup 0) is a fourth-order polynomial and the other has two additional terms, one with T(exp -1) and the other with T(exp -2). The gases Ar, D2, e(sup -), H2, He, Kr, N2, Ne, O2, and Xe are tabulated for temperatures from 100 to 20,000 K. The remaining gases Cl2 and F2 are tabulated from 100 to 6000 K and 1000 to 6000 K. The second functional form for C(sub p)(sup 0) has an additional interval from 6000 to 20,000 K for the gases tabulated to 20,000 K. The fits are constrained so that the match at the common temperature endpoints. The temperature ranges for the condensed species vary with range of the data, phase changes, and shapes of the C(sub p)(sup 0) curves

    Thermodynamic Data to 20,000 K For Monatomic Gases

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    This report contains standard-state thermodynamic functions for 50 gaseous atomic elements plus deuterium and electron gas, 51 singly ionized positive ions, and 36 singly ionized negative ions. The data were generated by the NASA Lewis computer program PAC97, a modified version of PAC91 reported in McBride and Gordon. This report is being published primarily to document part of the data currently being used in several NASA Lewis computer programs. The data are presented in tabular and graphical format and are also represented in the form of least-squares coefficients. The tables give the following data as functions of temperature : heat capacity, enthalpy, entropy Gibbs energy, enthalpy of formation, and equilibrium constant. A brief discussion and a comparison of calculated results are given for several models for calculating ideal thermodynamic data for monatomic gases

    Theoretical rocket performance of JP-4 fuel with mixtures of liquid ozone and fluorine

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    Data were estimated by means of a heat correction equation using data for JP-4 fuel with mixtures of oxygen and flourine. The estimated data were checked for several cases by direct calculations. The difference in specific impulse between the estimated and directly calculated values was from 0.2 to 0.8 pound-second per pound. The maximum value of specific impulse was 334.9 pound-seconds per pound for a combustion-chamber pressure of 600 pounds per square inch absolute and an exit pressure of 1 atmosphere