22 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of research into dragonflies (Odonata) in Međimurje, Croatia

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    Iako je za Hrvatsku zabilježena 71 vrsta vretenaca (Odonata), za županiju Međimurje do sada podaci nisu bili sređeni. Sistematskim istraživanjem 1998. i 1999. godine, te fragmentarnim uzorkovanjem vretenaca do kraja 2005. godine sakupljeno je 59 ličinaka bentos mrežicom, 200 odraslih entomoloÅ”kom mrežicom i 9 svlakova rukom. Utvrđena je ukupno 31 vrsta vretenaca Å”to čini 43 % hrvatske faune vretenaca. Vrsta Sympetrum pedemontanum je po prvi put uvrÅ”tena u registar vretenaca Hrvatske. Prvi nalazi potječu od F. KoŔčeca i pohranjeni su u njegovoj entomoloÅ”koj zbirci u Varaždinu. Novo utvrđeno staniÅ”te za ovu vrstu je kanal Goričan. Osim toga značajni su i nalazi veće populacije vrste Coenagrion ornatum u obraÅ”tenom i protočnom melioracijskom kanalu MurŔčak kod DomaÅ”inca, te vrste Lestes dryas koja je stanovnik Ā«Husićeve grabeĀ» kod graničnog prijelaza Goričan, koja se povremeno isuÅ”uje. Obrađeni materijal pohranjen je u Hrvatskom prirodoslovnom muzeju u Zagrebu.Although 71 species of dragonfl ies (Odonata) have been recorded in Croatia, previously no data have been systematically collected concerning this genus in Međimurje. Systematic investigation in 1998 and 1999 and sporadic sampling of material up to the end of 2005 led to the collection of 59 larvae with a benthos net, 200 imagos with an entomological net and 9 exuviae by hand. All told, 31 species of dragonfl y were determined, equivalent to 43% of all dragonfl ies in the Croatian dragonfl y fauna. The species Sympetrum pedemontanum was established in the Croatian fauna for the fi rst time although the fi rst fi nding of this species is in the entomological collection of F. KoŔčec in Varaždin. In conjunction with a fi nding of the species on Gorican Channel / Canal, this paper is publishing for the fi rst time an earlier fi nd of a species from Varaždin, kept in the Franjo KoŔčec Entomological Collection in Varaždin City Museum. In addition to this, there are important fi nds of a quite large population of the species Coenagrion ornatum in the MurŔčak overgrown but fl owing channel, by DomaÅ”inec, and the species Lestes dryas, which inhabits HuÅ”ićeva graba (ditch) by the border crossing at Goričan, which occasionally dries up depending on weather conditions. The material processed is stored in the Croatian Natural History Museum in Zagreb

    Molecular characterization of red clover genotypes utilizing microsatellite markers

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    Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm

    Hijaluronska kiselina u dermokozmetičkim proizvodima

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    Hyaluronic acid is natural component of the skin. Due to its numerous functions and ability of water binding, hyaluronic acid influences skin hydration, keeps the moisture and elasticity of the skin and therefore it is useful for a number of cosmetic skin care products. Hyaluronic acid is used for years in skin care products, but because of its high molecular mass it cannot pass through stratum corneum (SC), accomplishing only the superficial hydration and skin care effect. In order to have better hyaluronic acid penetration to the epidermis, cosmetic industry offers hyaluronic acid fragments which are nowadays incorporated in numerous cosmetic products. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acids have stronger effect in decreasing skin roughness and wrinkles due to better penetration in SC and similar moisturizing effect, comparing to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid. On the other hand, dermal fillers with hyaluronic acid are widely used due to their positive influence in reducing wrinkles with immediate effect after application of the preparation and less potential for allergic reaction than collagen fillers. This work will discuss the hyaluronic acid as component of the skin, the skin effects of hyaluronic acid containing cosmetic products and effects of hyaluronic acid fillers as well as the new trends in cosmetology related to so called hyaluronic acid fragments.Hijaluronska kiselina je prirodni sastojak kože. Zahvaljujući njenim brojnim funkcijama i izraženoj sposobnosti vezivanja vode, hijaluronska kiselina vrÅ”i hidrataciju kože, utiče na vlažnost i elastičnost kože, te se koristi za izradu brojnih kozmetičkih proizvoda. U preparatima za negu kože, hijaluronska kiselina se godinama koristi. Ali, zbog velike molekulske mase ne prolazi u stratum corneum (SC), već ostvaruje (samo) povrÅ”inski efekat hidratacije i nege kože. U cilju boljeg penetriranja hijaluronske kiseline u epidermis, kozmetička industrija je ponudila fragmente hijaluronske kiseline koji su danas ugrađeni u mnoge kozmetičke proizvode. Oni imaju izraženiji efekat na smanjenje hrapavosti kože i ublažavanje bora zahvaljujući efikasnijoj penetraciji u SC, u odnosu na hijaluronsku kiselinu velike molekulske mase, sa veoma sličnim efektima na vlaženje kože. Sa druge strane, dermalni punioci/fileri sa hijaluronskom kiselinom se koriste zbog efekta ublažavnja bora koji se javlja vrlo brzo nakon primene ovih preparata, ali i zbog manje alergijskih reakcija u odnosu na punioce sa kolagenom. U ovom radu biće izloženi uloga hijaluronske kiseline kao sastojka kože, njen efekat na koži koji ostvaruje posle primene kozmetičkih proizvoda, efekti koje postiže kada se daje kao dermatoloÅ”ki punilac, kao i novi trendovi u kozmetologiji u cilju dobijanja efikasnijih molekula, tzv. fragmenata hijaluronske kiseline

    Phytoremediation of agricultural land contaminated with pesticides

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    Pesticides are substances intended for preventing, destroying, suppressing or reducing pests. They are in use for more than 60 years and they are divided according to purpose, chemical composition and toxicity category. The use of pesticides in agriculture has positive and negative sides, both from an economic as well as a social and environmental point of view. It is known that pesticides through biogeochemical cycles mature to all environmental media, and even the food chain, which explicitly has an impact on human health. Phytoremediation is one of the natural methods used for solving the problem of the presence of pesticides in agricultural soils, using plant species that perform stabilization and degradation of pesticides. During the planning ecoremediation project of degraded agricultural land, selection of phytoremediation techniques depends on many factors, among other things, the types of contaminants and plant species that will be used. After examining the results of some studies, reports, and regulations, this paper shows the importance of phytoremediation of degraded agricultural land in the light of affordable and green technology without negative effects and products on the environment and human health as well as appropriate techniques of modern man who seeks to sustainable development. It is necessary to take into consideration the use of biopesticides as alternatives to current trend of uncontrolled use of conventional pesticides

    Molekularna karakterizacija genotipova ječma (Hordeum vulgare L.) iz gen banke Srbije SSR markerima

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    Molecular diversity of 145 barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare L.) accessions from the Serbian GenBank was assessed by single sequence repeats (SSR) markers. A set of 15 SSRs, covering all chromosomes of the diploid barley genome with 2-3 SSR markers per chromosome, with a range of 4-18 alleles per locus were used. In total, 15 loci and 119 alleles were detected, with an average of 7.93 alleles per locus. The Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.220 to 0.782 with a mean value of 0.534. Regarding the growth habit and row type groups, gene diversity was comparatively higher for the spring (0.616) and six-rowed accessions (0.616) than for the winter and two- rowed accessions (0.322 and 0.478, respectively). Analysis of molecular variance showed that all sources of variation were significant (P lt 0.01), but the between-group component was predominant (76.85%) for growth habit and 89.45% for row type. Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA) cluster analysis based on the shared allele distance (DSA) matrix estimated on the SSR data assigned the genotypes into two clusters - the first smaller consisting of the six 6-rowed spring cultivars and the second comprising six subclusters. Genotype MBR1012 was separated from all other genotypes that constitute UPGMA tree. The associations of genotypes belonging to different growth habit and row type groups were assessed using Principal Coordinate Analysis revealing separation of winter growth habit group from facultative one. The use of the STRUCTURE clustering algorithm allowed the identification of 2 subpopulations of genotypes.Molekularni diverzitet 145 genotipova ječma (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare L.) iz Gen Banke Srbije je procenjen SSR markerima. KoriŔćeno je SSR markera sa svih hromozoma diploidnog genoma ječma u proseku 2-3 markera po hromozomu i sa 4-18 alela po lokusu. Utvrđeno je 15 lokusa i 119 alela sa prosekom od 7.93 alela po lokusu. PIC je bio u opsegu od 0.220 do 0.782 sa prosekom 0.534. Genski diverzitet je bio veći za jare (0.616) i Å”estorede genotipove (0.616) u odnosu na ozime i dvorede (0.322 i 0.478). Analizom molekularne varijanse utvrđena je značajnost svih izvora variranja (P lt 0.01), ali je međugrupna komponenta dominirala. Primenom metoda UPGMA analize zasnovane na zajedničkoj distanci alela (DSA) na osnovu SSR podataka dobijeno je grupisanje genotipove u dva klastera-jedan manji koji sadrži Å”est Å”estoredih jarih genotipova ječma i drugi koji je obuhvatao Å”est podklastera. Genotip MBR1012 je bio odvojen od svih ostalih genotipova. KoriŔćenjem metoda Osnovna Analiza Koordinata dobijeno je razdvajanje ozimih genotipova ječma od fakultativnih. Utvrđeno je postojanje dve podpopulacije genotipova primenom algoritma grupisanja STRUCTURE

    Efekti doze gena kod hordeina u triploidnom endospermu ječma (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    The presence of two maternal chromosome sets in triploid barley endosperm allows the distinction of maternal and paternal hordein bands in an electrophoregram: the maternal bands are stronger due to the higher gene dose. In the F1 generation there are differences between reciprocal crosses and in the F2 generation all 16 classes that are theoretically possible for a pair of polymorphic loci can be distinguished. This full classification is rarely possible in genetic studies, and allows more accurate estimates of recombination rates. Two hordein gene clusters (Hor1 and Hor2, corresponding to hordein C and hordein B respectively) were analyzed in hybrids obtained by crossing two winter barley cultivars Partizan and HWV-247. Hordein separation was performed by acid-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at pH 3.2 (A-PAGE). A set of most informative bands of B and C hordeins was selected in each cross by two criteria: (1) presence or absence of bands in the parents and (2) signal strength to allow doses scoring. The average genetic distance between Hor1 and Hor2 loci was 11 cM. Distances in male and female maps were not significantly different, suggesting a similar recombination rate in male and female meiosis.Prisustvo dva majčinska seta hromozoma u triploidnom endospermu zrna ječma omogućuje razlikovanje hordeinskih traka u elektroforegramu koje potiču od majke i oca: majčinske komponente su jače ispoljene usled dejstva efekta doze gena. U F1 generaciji vidljive su razlike kod recipročnog ukrÅ”tanja, a u F2 generaciji je moguće razlikovati svih 16 teoretski očekivanih klasa za par polimorfnih lokusa. Ova potpuna klasifikacija redak je fenomen u genetičkim studijama te zbog toga omogućuje precizniju procenu rekombinacija. Dve grupe hordeinskih gena, Hor1 i Hor2 koji kodiraju C I B hordeine, su analizirane kod hibrida nastalih ukrÅ”tanjem dve ozime sorte ječma Partizan i HWV-247. Separacija hordeina je izvrÅ”ena primenom kisele poliakrilamidne gel elektriforeze pri pH 3.2 (A-PAGE). Set najinformativnijih hordeinskih trajka za B i C hordeine je odabran na osnovu sledećih kriterijuma: (1) prisustvo ili odsustvo trake kod roditelja i (2) jačina signala koja omogućava ocenu efekta doze gena. Prosečna genetička distance između Hor1 i Hor2 lokusa bila je 11 cM. Genetičke distance kod roditeljskih komponenti nisu se statistički značajno razlikovale Å”to sugeriÅ”e sličnu distribuciju rekombinacija u obe mejoze

    Detection and phylogenetic analyses of fig-infecting viruses in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro

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    During spring 2016, a survey was carried out in Bosnian-Herzegovinian (BiH) and Montenegrin (MNE) fig orchards, germplasm collection plots and outdoor gardens, to investigate the presence of unreported fig viruses possibly present in both countries, i.e. Fig leaf mottle-associated virus 2 (FLMaV-2), Fig latent virus 1 (FLV-1), Fig cryptic virus 1 (FCV-1), Fig fleck-associated virus (FFkaV) and Fig badnavirus 1 (FBV-1); as well as those previously reported, i.e. Fig leaf mottle-associated virus 1 (FLMaV-1), Fig mild mottle-associated virus (FMMaV) and Fig mosaic emaravirus (FMV). A total of 84 fig samples (49 from BIH and 35 from MNE) were collected and tested by PCR/RT-PCR using sets of virus-specific primers. Results showed that FBV-1 was the prevailing virus with all samples (100%) infected, followed by FLMaV-1 (54%), FMV (35%), FMMaV (7%), FFkaV (6%) and FLMaV-2 (1%); whereas FLV-1 and FCV-1 were not detected. Excluding the FBV-1 detection, 35% of tested trees were infected with at least one other virus. Sequence analyses of PCR/RT-PCR fragments obtained from different viruses showed that FBV-1 was the least variable (0.9% of nucleotides divergent) compared with FLMaV-1 (15.7% sequence variation), FLMaV-2 (17.4%), FMMaV (14.9%), FMV (16.9%) and FFkaV (14.3%). Phylogenetic trees constructed with obtained sequences, together with their homologues retrieved from the Genbank database, showed distinct separation of the BiH and MNE isolates from those of different origins, in particular for FFkaV and FMV; whereas for closteroviruses (FLMaV-1, FLMaV-2 and FMMaV), there was no distinction between the isolates. This is the first report on sequence analyses of fig viruses in this geographical region, and of the presence of FBV-1 in BiH and MNE, and of FLMaV-2 and FFkaV

    Comparison of four international cardiovascular disease prediction models and the prevalence of eligibility for lipid lowering therapy in HIV infected patients on antiretroviral therapy

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    Aim To compare four cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk models and to assess the prevalence of eligibility for lipid lowering therapy according to the 2013 American College of Cardiology/ American Heart Association (ACC/AHA) guidelines, European AIDS Clinical Society Guidelines (EACS), and European Society of Cardiology and the European Atherosclerosis Society (ESC/EAS) guidelines for CVD prevention in HIV infected patients on antiretroviral therapy. Methods We performed a cross-sectional analysis of 254 consecutive HIV infected patients aged 40 to 79 years who received antiretroviral therapy for at least 12 months. The patients were examined at the HIV-treatment centers in Belgrade and Zagreb in the period February-April 2011. We compared the following four CVD risk models: the Framingham risk score (FRS), European Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation Score (SCORE), the Data Collection on Adverse Effects of Anti-HIV Drugs study (DAD), and the Pooled Cohort Atherosclerotic CVD risk (ASCVD) equations. Results The prevalence of current smoking was 42.9%, hypertension 31.5%, and hypercholesterolemia (>6.2 mmol/L) 35.4%; 33.1% persons were overweight, 11.8% were obese, and 30.3% had metabolic syndrome. A high 5-year DAD CVD risk score (>5%) had substantial agreement with the elevated (ā‰„7.5%) 10-year ASCVD risk equation score (kappa = 0.63). 21.3% persons were eligible for statin therapy according to EACS (95% confidence intervals [CI], 16.3% to 27.4%), 25.6% according to ESC/EAS (95% CI, 20.2% to 31.9%), and 37.9% according to ACC/AHA guidelines (95% CI, 31.6 to 44.6%). Conclusion In our sample, agreement between the high DAD CVD risk score and other CVD high risk scores was not very good. The ACC/AHA guidelines would recommend statins more often than ESC/EAS and EACS guidelines. Current recommendations on treatment of dyslipidemia should be applied with caution in the HIV infected population


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    U jedinicama intenzivnoga liječenja (JIL) intrahospitalne infekcije (nozokomijalne ili bolničke infekcije) (IHI) i sepsa su prosječno 5-10 puta učestalije u usporedbi s drugim bolničkim odjelima. Predispoziciju tome čine mnogi intrinzični i ekstrinzični faktori. Među njima su i neizostavne metode invazivnoga liječenja (IT). Učestalost IHI nastalih kao posljedica primjene IT-a (IHI-IT) u JIL-u iznosi 19 %. Incidencija IHI-IT-a je različita i specifi čna prema pojedinoj vrsti JIL-a (2-49 %). NajčeŔće IHI-IT su kateter sepse povezane s primjenom centralnog venskog katetera (IHI-CVK), pneumonije povezane s primjenom mehaničke ventilacije (IHI-VAP), infekcije urinarnog trakta kao posljedice uvedenog urinarnog katetera (IHI-UK) i infekcije pridružene kirurÅ”kim ranama (IHI-KR). IHI-KR se najčeŔće, zbog osobite specifi čnosti, opisuju odvojeno od IHI-IT-a. U posljednjih godina u izolatima kultura IHI-IT-a dominiraju gram-negativni bacili (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae i Acinetobacter spp) u odnosu na gram-pozitivne bakterije (Staphylococcusaureus, Enterococcus spp), nerijetko rezistentnih sojeva. Posljedično, gljivične infekcije urotrakta, povezane s IHI-UK pokazuju sve viÅ”u incidenciju. Infekcije i/ili sepse uzrokovane invazivnim liječenjem dodatno otežavaju stanje intenzivnoga bolesnika, usporavaju njegov oporavak, produžavaju dužinu hospitalizacije i povećavaju mortalitet. IHI-IT su od posebnog interesa bolničkih i nacionalnih povjerenstava za nadzor infektivnih bolesti radi unaprjeđenja cjelokupne sigurnosti i kvalitete liječenja bolesnika u JIL-u te racionalizacije ukupnih sredstava nužnih u liječenju bolesnika s IHI-IT-em. Praćenje učestalosti IHI-IT u JIL-u je najkorisnija intra- i interhospitalna metoda praćenja učinkovitosti nadzora i provedenih preventivnih mjera. Kao takva podliježe uniformnoj standardizaciji prema jedinstvenim međunarodnim protokolima CDC-a (engl. Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention; u SAD-u NHSN - ā€œThe National Healthcare Safety Networkā€ ili u Europi TESSy - ā€žThe European Surveillance System for Communicable Diseaseā€œ) sadržanima u dokumentaciji svakog bolničkog povjerenstva za praćenje infektivnih bolesti.The incidence of healthcare-associated infections and sepsis (HAIs) is 5-10 times higher in patients in intensive care units (ICUs) than in those at other hospital departments. Predisposition for these lies in many intrinsic (disease severity, loss of immunity) and extrinsic factors (frequent use of broad-spectrum antibiotics with consequent presence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens). The majority of HAIs in ICUs are associated with the use of invasive devices (DA-HAIs; device-associated healthcare-associated infections) (19%). Their incidence differs among specifi c types of ICUs (2%-49%). The most frequent DA-HAI are central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLA-BSI), ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) and surgical site infections (SSI). SSI is most often described as a distinct and separate entity of HAIs in ICUs. Recently, gram-negative bacilli (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Acinetobacter spp.) are more frequently isolated in DA-HAIs than gram-positive ones (Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus spp.), often present as resistant strains. On the other hand, urinary or/and systemic infections tend to increase. DA-HAIs endanger and slow down patient recovery, prolong hospital stay, and generally increase the mortality rate. DA-HAIs are of special interest of the Hospital Committee Center for Infective Disease in order to improve patient safety and reduce total cost allocated for prevention of DA-HAIs. DA-HAI rate is the most useful intra- and inter-hospital measure to compare surveillance and effectiveness of preventive procedures among different ICU types

    Fenotipska varijabilnost osobina klasa i genetička struktura populacije u kolekciji jarih ječmova

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    Domestication, selection and modern breeding narrow the genetic variability of barley, and thus create the need for re-integration of variability as a basis for barley breeding. In this study, 4 barley cultivars and 48 landraces from Serbian gene bank were analysed during two years. Phenotypic variability and genetic structure of the two quantitative spike traits: length and width, and one trait of grain: 1000 grain weight, were analyzed in a population with genotypes of known type of vegetation and spike form. Average spike length ranged from 4,2 to 10,2 cm, spike width 0,65 to 1,27 cm and 1000 grain weight from 27,58 to 51,35 g. Analysis of variance has a significant F value for all sources of variation in all traits. Analysis with 16 SSR markers detected a total of 105 allelic forms. Observing the groups of vegetation type and spike form, diversity of genes was the highest in the spring barley (two-row and six-row forms) and six-row barley (spring and winter types). The results of AMOVA test for spike form showed highly significant values for both sources of variation, while the intergroup component was dominant both for the type of vegetation (91,26 %) and form of the spike (90,83 %). Based on the cluster dendrogram 52 genotypes are classified into three main groups and 11 sub-groups. The results showed there is considerable variability of examined traits in the collection, so it can be used in barley breeding programs.Domestikacija, selekcija i moderno oplemenjivanje suzili su genetičku varijabilnost ječma, a time stvorili potrebu za ponovnim stvaranjem varijabilnosti kao baze za oplemenjivanje ove biljne vrste. U radu je tokom dve godine ispitivano 4 sorte ječma i 48 lokalnih populacija iz Banke biljnih gena Srbije. Analizirana je fenotipska varijabilnost i genetička struktura dve kvantitativne osobine klasa: dužina i Å”irina klasa, i jedna osobina zrna: masa 1000 zrna, u populaciji sa genotipovima poznatog tipa vegetacije i oblika klasa. Prosečna dužina klasa iznosila je 4,2-10,2 cm, Å”irina 0,65-1,27 cm, a masa 1000 zrna 27,58-51,35 g. Analiza varijanse imala je značajnu F vrednost za sve izvore variranja kod svih osobina. Analizom Å”esnaest SSR markera detektovano je ukupno 105 alelnih formi. Posmatrajući grupe, tip vegetacije i oblik klasa, diverzitet gena je bio najveći kod jarog (dvoredog i Å”estoredog) i Å”estoredog (jarog i ozimog) ječma. Rezultati AMOVA testa za oblik klasa su pokazali visoko značajne vrednosti za oba izvora varijacije, dok je međugrupna komponenta bila dominantna i za tip vegetacije (91,26%) i za oblik klasa (90,83%). UPGMA klaster analizom konstruisan je dendogram kojim su 52 genotipa svrstana u tri glavne grupe i 11 podgrupa. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da u proučavanoj kolekciji postoji značajna varijabilnost ispitivanih osobina, koja se može koristiti u oplemenjivačkim programima ječma