12 research outputs found

    The Influence of Aesthetic Surgery on the Profile of Emotion

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    In the clinical practise it has been observed that the person changes physically, too, after aesthetic surgery. The aim of this work was to examine, by objective psychological measurements, what changes occur, and what personality features change. Forty six subjects that had an aesthetic surgery were examined; they were tested before, and eighteen month after the surgery by the Profile Index of Emotion (PIE). Before the re-testing the subjects were analyzed by Ā»The Life Events ScaleĀ« to exclude the possibility of the influence of new life events on the results of the re-test. The control group of 29 volunteers was tested by the same psychological instruments. The control group never verbalized the wish for an aesthetic surgery; they were never in psychiatric treatment, and the corresponded to the experimental group in the age, sex and education level. Analysis of the data obtained from PIE test before and after the operation shows a statistical significant increase of the adaptability segments and an improvement of capacity for taking and giving. Emotional conflict does not disappear, but a new balance is established, satisfaction is higher, and the identity is more integrated


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    Abstract Modern technology and improvement in communications have significantly contributed to social development in the last 30 years. Although high quality telecommunications services are one of the most important factors of rapid economic development, their high costs prevent optimal growth of the economy/society. There is a lack of research that indicates the extent to which the growth is slowed down or has not reached its full potential due to high prices that are a burden to business ventures. The purpose of this paper is to discover possibilities of (a) optimizing telecommunications costs under given conditions, and (b) redirecting resources into developement of enterprises (education, lifelong learning, modernization of technology, etc.). Based on the existing relationships between social and telecommunications services\u27 development, and the positive role of applying high technology in business, the authors conducted a survey to research growth possibilities arising from optimization of telecommunications costs. This survey was conducted in a fast-growing company, by the use of interviews and comparison methods. The results of the study include recommendations for the fast-growing companies as bearers of economic growth, and consequently, of social development.Uvođenje suvremene visoke tehnologije te poboljÅ”anje komunikacija značajno su doprinijeli razvoju druÅ”tva u zadnjih 30 godina. Iako su kvalitetne telekomunikacijske usluge jedan od važnijih čimbenika brzog razvoja gospodarstva, njihove visoke cijene sprečavaju optimalni rast gospodarstva/druÅ”tva. Nedostaju istraživanja koja ukazuju u kojoj mjeri je rast usporen, odnosno, nije postignut njegov puni potencijal, usljed previsokih cijena koje opterećuju poslovanje gospodarskih subjekata. Cilj ovoga rada je otkriti mogućnosti (a) optimiziranja telekomunikacijskih troÅ”kova u zadanim uvjetima, te (b) preusmjeravanja tako uÅ”teđenih sredstava u razvoj poduzeća (primjerice u obrazovanje, cjeloživotno učenje, modernizaciju tehnologije i sl.). Na temelju već utvrđene veze između razvoja druÅ”tva i razvoja telekomunikacijskih usluga, te pozitivne uloge primjene visoke tehnologije u poslovanju, metodama intervjua i usporedbe provedeno je istraživanje mogućnosti optimizacije telekomunikacijskih troÅ”kova u svrhu pokretanja rasta na primjeru brzorastuće tvrtke. Istraživanje je rezultiralo formuliranjem preporuka za brzorastuća poduzeća kao nosilaca gospodarskog rasta, kao i razvoja druÅ”tva

    Acute heart failure

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    Zatajivanje srca definirano je kao poremećaj funkcije i strukture srca koji za posljedicu ima neadekvatnu opskrbu ciljnih organa kisikom. Akutno zatajivanje srca (AZS) predstavlja hitno, po život opasno stanje koje se u pravilu liječi u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja. NajčeŔći uzroci AZS-a su akutni koronarni sindrom, hipertenzivna kriza, poremećaji ritma srca i valvularne pogreÅ”ke. Dijagnostički postupak u ovih bolesnika mora biti brz i provodi se istovremeno s terapijskim mjerama uz stalnu procjenu stanja bolesnika. Uzrok AZS-a valja Å”to prije identificirati, kako bi se moglo provesti i specifično liječenje pojedinih stanja. Cilj liječenja brzo je poboljÅ”anje simptoma i znakova zatajivanja srca, te stabilizacija hemodinamskog stanja i smanjenje bolničke i kasne smrtnosti koja je u ovih bolesnika i dalje visoka. Klinički pregled bolesnika ključan je za brzo postavljanje dijagnoze, a valja ga dopuniti elektrokardiogramom, rendgenogramom grudnih organa, laboratorijskim pretragama i ehokardiografskim pregledom. Edem pluća i kardiogeni Å”ok najteži su oblici AZS-a. Liječenje se provodi ovisno o kliničkoj slici i bazira se na procjeni hemodinamskog statusa bolesnika te stanja koje je dovelo do akutnog zatajivanja. Kardiogeni plućni edem liječi se kisikom, diureticima, vazodilatatorima, a ako je potrebno i mehaničkom ventilatornom potporom. Liječenje kardiogenog Å”oka provodi se primjenom inotropa i vazokonstriktornih lijekova, te mehaničkom ventilatornom, a ponekad i hemodinamskom potporom. Bolnička i kasna smrtnost i dalje su visoke.Heart failure is defined as abnormality of cardiac function or cardiac structure, leading to failure of the heart to deliver oxygen to the metabolizing tissues pursuant to their requirements. Clinically, itā€™s usually defined as a syndrome in which patients have typically symptoms as fatigue, breathlessness, ankle swelling. Most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease. Acute heart failure is life threatening condition characterized with rapid onset of clinical signs and symtpoms, and itā€™s usually triggered by acute myocardial infarction, hypertension or arrhythmias. Diagnostics and treatment is preformed at the same time. Diagnostics includes physical examination, electrocardiography, blood tests, chest xray and echocardiography. Treatment of acute heart failure usually includes oxygen, diuretics, opioids, vazodilatators, and in cases of cardiogenic shock inotropic support. Early inhospital and late mortality remain high

    Acute heart failure

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    Zatajivanje srca definirano je kao poremećaj funkcije i strukture srca koji za posljedicu ima neadekvatnu opskrbu ciljnih organa kisikom. Akutno zatajivanje srca (AZS) predstavlja hitno, po život opasno stanje koje se u pravilu liječi u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja. NajčeŔći uzroci AZS-a su akutni koronarni sindrom, hipertenzivna kriza, poremećaji ritma srca i valvularne pogreÅ”ke. Dijagnostički postupak u ovih bolesnika mora biti brz i provodi se istovremeno s terapijskim mjerama uz stalnu procjenu stanja bolesnika. Uzrok AZS-a valja Å”to prije identificirati, kako bi se moglo provesti i specifično liječenje pojedinih stanja. Cilj liječenja brzo je poboljÅ”anje simptoma i znakova zatajivanja srca, te stabilizacija hemodinamskog stanja i smanjenje bolničke i kasne smrtnosti koja je u ovih bolesnika i dalje visoka. Klinički pregled bolesnika ključan je za brzo postavljanje dijagnoze, a valja ga dopuniti elektrokardiogramom, rendgenogramom grudnih organa, laboratorijskim pretragama i ehokardiografskim pregledom. Edem pluća i kardiogeni Å”ok najteži su oblici AZS-a. Liječenje se provodi ovisno o kliničkoj slici i bazira se na procjeni hemodinamskog statusa bolesnika te stanja koje je dovelo do akutnog zatajivanja. Kardiogeni plućni edem liječi se kisikom, diureticima, vazodilatatorima, a ako je potrebno i mehaničkom ventilatornom potporom. Liječenje kardiogenog Å”oka provodi se primjenom inotropa i vazokonstriktornih lijekova, te mehaničkom ventilatornom, a ponekad i hemodinamskom potporom. Bolnička i kasna smrtnost i dalje su visoke.Heart failure is defined as abnormality of cardiac function or cardiac structure, leading to failure of the heart to deliver oxygen to the metabolizing tissues pursuant to their requirements. Clinically, itā€™s usually defined as a syndrome in which patients have typically symptoms as fatigue, breathlessness, ankle swelling. Most common cause of heart failure is coronary artery disease. Acute heart failure is life threatening condition characterized with rapid onset of clinical signs and symtpoms, and itā€™s usually triggered by acute myocardial infarction, hypertension or arrhythmias. Diagnostics and treatment is preformed at the same time. Diagnostics includes physical examination, electrocardiography, blood tests, chest xray and echocardiography. Treatment of acute heart failure usually includes oxygen, diuretics, opioids, vazodilatators, and in cases of cardiogenic shock inotropic support. Early inhospital and late mortality remain high

    Izvantjelesna membranska oksigenacija u odraslih bolesnika.

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    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is a procedure that provides extracorporeal mechanical circulatory or respiratory support and is used primarily in patients with life-threatening forms of heart or respiratory failure. There are two basic types of ECMO support: veno-venous (VV) and veno-arterial (VA) ECMO. VV ECMO ensures blood gas exchange and is applied in cases of severe reversible respiratory insufficiency. VA ECMO supports the function of the heart and lungs; other than in reversible forms of damaged heart function, it can also be used in irreversible forms of heart failure as a bridge to heart transplantation or to the implantation of mechanical circulatory support device. ECMO is an invasive and technically complex procedure that is performed in critically ill patients and thus has a high risk of complications. Results of ECMO treatment vary depending on the indications for the procedure itself. Patients in whom ECMO was applied for respiratory support show better outcomes compared with those with cardiogenic shock or cardiac arrest. Despite a lack of evidence based on large randomized studies to support its application, in clinical practice ECMO represents a life-saving method of treatment in well-selected critical patients.Izvantjelesna membranska oksigenacija (engl. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, ECMO) postupak je izvantjelesne mehaničke cirkulacijske ili respiracijske potpore koji se primjenjuje primarno u bolesnika sa životno ugrožavajućim oblicima zatajivanja rada srca ili pluća. Dva su osnovna oblika ECMO potpore: vensko-venski (V-V) i vensko-arterijski (V-A) ECMO. V-V ECMO osigurava funkciju izmjene plinova u krvi i primjenjuje se u slučaju teÅ”ke reverzibilne respiracijske insuficijencije. V-A ECMO podržava funkciju rada srca i pluća, a, osim pri reverzibilnim oblicima oÅ”tećenja srčane funkcije, može se rabiti i pri njezinu ireverzibilnom oÅ”tećenju, kao premoÅ”tenje do transplantacije srca ili ugradnje uređaja za mehaničku cirkulacijsku potporu. ECMO je invazivan i tehnički složen postupak koji se obavlja u kritično bolesnih pa stoga nosi visok rizik od pojave komplikacija. Rezultati liječenja ECMO-om razlikuju se ovisno o indikaciji za sam postupak. Bolesnici u kojih je ECMO primijenjen radi respiracijske potpore imaju bolje ishode u usporedbi s onima s kardiogenim Å”okom ili zastojem srca. Iako nedostaju dokazi temeljeni na velikim randomiziranim studijama koji bi poduprli njegovu primjenu, ECMO je u kliničkoj praksi spasonosna metoda liječenja u dobro odabranih, kritičnih bolesnika

    The Influence of Aesthetic Surgery on the Profile of Emotion

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    In the clinical practise it has been observed that the person changes physically, too, after aesthetic surgery. The aim of this work was to examine, by objective psychological measurements, what changes occur, and what personality features change. Forty six subjects that had an aesthetic surgery were examined; they were tested before, and eighteen month after the surgery by the Profile Index of Emotion (PIE). Before the re-testing the subjects were analyzed by Ā»The Life Events ScaleĀ« to exclude the possibility of the influence of new life events on the results of the re-test. The control group of 29 volunteers was tested by the same psychological instruments. The control group never verbalized the wish for an aesthetic surgery; they were never in psychiatric treatment, and the corresponded to the experimental group in the age, sex and education level. Analysis of the data obtained from PIE test before and after the operation shows a statistical significant increase of the adaptability segments and an improvement of capacity for taking and giving. Emotional conflict does not disappear, but a new balance is established, satisfaction is higher, and the identity is more integrated


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    Abstract Modern technology and improvement in communications have significantly contributed to social development in the last 30 years. Although high quality telecommunications services are one of the most important factors of rapid economic development, their high costs prevent optimal growth of the economy/society. There is a lack of research that indicates the extent to which the growth is slowed down or has not reached its full potential due to high prices that are a burden to business ventures. The purpose of this paper is to discover possibilities of (a) optimizing telecommunications costs under given conditions, and (b) redirecting resources into developement of enterprises (education, lifelong learning, modernization of technology, etc.). Based on the existing relationships between social and telecommunications services\u27 development, and the positive role of applying high technology in business, the authors conducted a survey to research growth possibilities arising from optimization of telecommunications costs. This survey was conducted in a fast-growing company, by the use of interviews and comparison methods. The results of the study include recommendations for the fast-growing companies as bearers of economic growth, and consequently, of social development.Uvođenje suvremene visoke tehnologije te poboljÅ”anje komunikacija značajno su doprinijeli razvoju druÅ”tva u zadnjih 30 godina. Iako su kvalitetne telekomunikacijske usluge jedan od važnijih čimbenika brzog razvoja gospodarstva, njihove visoke cijene sprečavaju optimalni rast gospodarstva/druÅ”tva. Nedostaju istraživanja koja ukazuju u kojoj mjeri je rast usporen, odnosno, nije postignut njegov puni potencijal, usljed previsokih cijena koje opterećuju poslovanje gospodarskih subjekata. Cilj ovoga rada je otkriti mogućnosti (a) optimiziranja telekomunikacijskih troÅ”kova u zadanim uvjetima, te (b) preusmjeravanja tako uÅ”teđenih sredstava u razvoj poduzeća (primjerice u obrazovanje, cjeloživotno učenje, modernizaciju tehnologije i sl.). Na temelju već utvrđene veze između razvoja druÅ”tva i razvoja telekomunikacijskih usluga, te pozitivne uloge primjene visoke tehnologije u poslovanju, metodama intervjua i usporedbe provedeno je istraživanje mogućnosti optimizacije telekomunikacijskih troÅ”kova u svrhu pokretanja rasta na primjeru brzorastuće tvrtke. Istraživanje je rezultiralo formuliranjem preporuka za brzorastuća poduzeća kao nosilaca gospodarskog rasta, kao i razvoja druÅ”tva