92 research outputs found

    Sub-threshold resonances in few-neutron systems

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    Three- and four-neutron systems are studied within the framework of the hyperspherical approach with a local S-wave nn-potential. Possible bound and resonant states of these systems are sought as zeros of three- and four-body Jost functions in the complex momentum plane. It is found that zeros closest to the origin correspond to sub-threshold (nnn) (1/2-) and (nnnn) (0+) resonant states. The positions of these zeros turned out to be sensitive to the choice of the nnnn--potential. For the Malfliet- Tjon potential they are E(nnn)=-4.9-i6.9 (MeV) and E(nnnn)=-2.6-i9.0 (MeV). Movement of the zeros with an artificial increase of the potential strength also shows an extreme sensitivity to the choice of potential. Thus, to generate ^3n and ^4n bound states, the Yukawa potential needs to be multiplied by 2.67 and 2.32 respectively, while for the Malfliet-Tjon potential the required multiplicative factors are 4.04 and 3.59.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, no PS-figures, submitted to J.Phys.

    Global Symmetries and D-Terms in Supersymmetric Field Theories

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    We study the role of D-terms in supersymmetry (SUSY) breaking. By carefully analyzing the SUSY multiplets containing various conserved currents in theories with global symmetries, we obtain a number of constraints on the renormalization group flow in supersymmetric field theories. Under broad assumptions, these results imply that there are no SUSY-breaking vacua, not even metastable ones, with parametrically large D-terms. This explains the absence of such D-terms in models of dynamical SUSY-breaking. There is, however, a rich class of calculable models which generate comparable D-terms and F-terms through a variety of non-perturbative effects; these D-terms can be non-abelian. We give several explicit examples of such models, one of which is a new calculable limit of the 3-2 model.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures; reference added, minor change

    Is the tetraneutron a bound dineutron-dineutron molecule?

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    In light of a new experiment which claims a positive identification, we discuss the possible existence of the tetraneutron. We explore a novel model based on a dineutron-dineutron molecule. We show that this model is not able to explain the tetraneutron as a bound state, in agreement with other theoretical models already discussed in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, J. Phys. G, in pres

    Early Pars Plana Vitrectomy for Treatment of Acute Infective Endophthalmitis

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of early pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) for the treatment of acute infective endophthalmitis, and identify prognostic factors for better visual outcome. Design: Retrospective cohort study. Methods: Consecutive patients who underwent early PPV within 72 hours of presentation for the treatment of acute infective bacterial endophthalmitis and presented to a large tertiary referral center in New South Wales, Australia, between January 2009 and December 2013 were included. Changes in best-corrected visual acuity (VA) from baseline to 1 year were examined. Results: A total of 64 patients were included. The inciting events were cataract surgery (53%), intravitreal injection (36%), trabeculectomy (3%), and endogenous (3%). The mean VA improved from 3.1 logMAR (hand motion) at baseline to 1.02 (approximately 20/200) at 1 year, with 42% achieving final VA equal to or better than 0.477 logMAR (20/60) following early PPV. Positive prognostic factors were negative microbial cultures (P < 0.01) and etiology of post-cataract surgery (P < 0.01). In multivariable analyses adjusting for age and prognostic factors, patients with baseline VA of light perception and hand motion achieved greater visual gains than those with counting fingers, with gains of logMAR of -2.68, -2.09, and -0.85, respectively (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Most patients who undergo early PPV experience substantial VA improvement. Negative microbial cultures and endophthalmitis after cataract surgery were associated with better final visual outcome. Patients with presenting VA of light perception or hand motion achieved higher visual gains than those with counting fingers, suggesting the possibility that early PPV may be beneficial in both groups

    A microscopic theory of gauge mediation

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    We construct models of indirect gauge mediation where the dynamics responsible for breaking supersymmetry simultaneously generates a weakly coupled subsector of messengers. This provides a microscopic realization of messenger gauge mediation where the messenger and hidden sector fields are unified into a single sector. The UV theory is SQCD with massless and massive quarks plus singlets, and at low energies it flows to a weakly coupled quiver gauge theory. One node provides the primary source of supersymmetry breaking, which is then transmitted to the node giving rise to the messenger fields. These models break R-symmetry spontaneously, produce realistic gaugino and sfermion masses, and give a heavy gravitino.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures, accepted to JHEP for publicatio

    Geometry and symmetries of multi-particle systems

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    The quantum dynamical evolution of atomic and molecular aggregates, from their compact to their fragmented states, is parametrized by a single collective radial parameter. Treating all the remaining particle coordinates in d dimensions democratically, as a set of angles orthogonal to this collective radius or by equivalent variables, bypasses all independent-particle approximations. The invariance of the total kinetic energy under arbitrary d-dimensional transformations which preserve the radial parameter gives rise to novel quantum numbers and ladder operators interconnecting its eigenstates at each value of the radial parameter. We develop the systematics and technology of this approach, introducing the relevant mathematics tutorially, by analogy to the familiar theory of angular momentum in three dimensions. The angular basis functions so obtained are treated in a manifestly coordinate-free manner, thus serving as a flexible generalized basis for carrying out detailed studies of wavefunction evolution in multi-particle systems.Comment: 37 pages, 2 eps figure

    General Gauge Mediation with Gauge Messengers

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    We generalize the General Gauge Mediation formalism to allow for the possibility of gauge messengers. Gauge messengers occur when charged matter fields of the susy-breaking sector have non-zero F-terms, which leads to tree-level, susy-breaking mass splittings in the gauge fields. A classic example is that SU(5) / SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) gauge fields could be gauge messengers. We give a completely general, model independent, current-algebra based analysis of gauge messenger mediation of susy-breaking to the visible sector. Characteristic aspects of gauge messengers include enhanced contributions to gaugino masses, (tachyonic) sfermion mass-squareds generated already at one loop, and also at two loops, and significant one-loop A-terms, already at the messenger scale.Comment: 79 pages, 5 figure

    Orientifolds of K3 and Calabi-Yau Manifolds with Intersecting D-branes

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    We investigate orientifolds of type II string theory on K3 and Calabi-Yau 3-folds with intersecting D-branes wrapping special Lagrangian cycles. We determine quite generically the chiral massless spectrum in terms of topological invariants and discuss both orbifold examples and algebraic realizations in detail. Intriguingly, the developed techniques provide an elegant way to figure out the chiral sector of orientifold models without computing any explicit string partition function. As a new example we derive a non-supersymmetric Standard-like Model from an orientifold of type IIA on the quintic Calabi-Yau 3-fold with wrapped D6-branes. In the case of supersymmetric intersecting brane models on Calabi-Yau manifolds we discuss the D-term and F-term potentials, the effective gauge couplings and the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The mirror symmetric formulation of this construction is provided within type IIB theory. We finally include a short discussion about the lift of these models from type IIB on K3 to F-theory and from type IIA on Calabi-Yau 3-folds to M-theory on G_2 manifolds.Comment: 82 pages, harvmac, 5 figures. v2: references added. v3: T^6 orientifold corrected, JHEP versio

    P and S velocity sturcture of the crust and the upper mantle beneath Central Java from local tomography inversion

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    Here we present the results of local source tomographic inversion beneath central Java. The data set was collected by a temporary seismic network. More than 100 stations were operated for almost half a year. About 13,000 P and S arrival times from 292 events were used to obtain three-dimensional (3-D) Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs models of the crust and the mantle wedge beneath central Java. Source location and determination of the 3-D velocity models were performed simultaneously based on a new iterative tomographic algorithm, LOTOS-06. Final event locations clearly image the shape of the subduction zone beneath central Java. The dipping angle of the slab increases gradually from almost horizontal to about 70°. A double seismic zone is observed in the slab between 80 and 150 km depth. The most striking feature of the resulting P and S models is a pronounced low-velocity anomaly in the crust, just north of the volcanic arc (Merapi-Lawu anomaly (MLA)). An algorithm for estimation of the amplitude value, which is presented in the paper, shows that the difference between the fore arc and MLA velocities at a depth of 10 km reaches 30% and 36% in P and S models, respectively. The value of the Vp/Vs ratio inside the MLA is more than 1.9. This shows a probable high content of fluids and partial melts within the crust. In the upper mantle we observe an inclined low-velocity anomaly which links the cluster of seismicity at 100 km depth with MLA. This anomaly might reflect ascending paths of fluids released from the slab. The reliability of all these patterns was tested thoroughly
