27 research outputs found

    Determining unstable game states to aid the identification of perturbations in football

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    Alternative approaches to the reductionist method for analysing football are needed to better understand factors typically not considered, for example off the ball runs by teammates. The dynamical systems approach, where the complex relationships between players is emphasised, predicts that goal scoring opportunities are preceded by instability in the balance between the two teams’ behaviours. The aim was to create operational definitions for determining unstable game states to facilitate the identification of perturbations, that is the causes of instability. Validity tests involving four English Premier League (EPL) football coaches and two performance analysts and subsequent reliability tests established five unstable game states; penalty box possession, counter attack, ratio of attacking to defending players, successful cross and successful shot. Eighteen EPL matches were analysed to present exemplar statistics for three teams of different standard (based on final league position) suggesting that teams create unstable situations differently, likely due to individual player characteristics, with home advantage and opposition strength effects, suggesting this may be a component of what constitutes a performance indicator for a team. Future studies need to consider individual player actions that create instability as well as provide objective measures that substantiate findings

    Reliability of judging in DanceSport

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the new judging system in DanceSport. Methods Eighteen judges rated the 12 best placed adult dancing couples competing at an international competition. They marked each couple on all judging criteria on a 10 level scale. Absolute agreement and consistency of judging were calculated for all main judging criteria and sub-criteria. Results A mean correlation of overall judging marks was 0.48. Kendall’s coefficient of concordance for overall marks (W = 0.58) suggesting relatively low agreement among judges. Slightly lower coefficients were found for the artistic part [Partnering skills (W = 0.45) and Choreography and performance (W = 0.49)] compared to the technical part [Technical qualities (W = 0.56) and Movement to music (W = 0.54)]. ICC for overall criteria was low for absolute agreement [ICC(2,3) = 0.62] but higher for consistency [ICC(3,3) = 0.80]. Conclusion The relatively large differences between judges’ marks suggest that judges either disagreed to some extent on the quality of the dancing or used the judging scale in different ways. The biggest concern was standard error of measurement (SEM) which was often larger than the difference between dancers scores suggesting that this judging system lacks validity. This was the first research to assess judging in DanceSport and offers suggestions to potentially improve both its objectivity and validity in the future

    A Toxic Hepatitis Caused the Kombucha Tea – Case Report

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    Background: Toxic hepatitis may clinically manifest as other diseases of the liver, where it must always be considered in differential diagnoses of unexplained liver damage, such as poisoning with kombucha tea.Case report: 47-year old female patient was hospitalized and has consumed daily ounces of kombucha tea. During hospitalization patient was diagnosed with toxic hepatitis and treated with intravenous solutions of hepatic protective and ursodeoxycholic-acid (effective therapy). Conclusion: Examinations showed that kombucha tea has potential to revert the CCl4-induced hepatic toxicity, but used in overdose can induce toxicity himself

    Exergoeconomic evaluation of real processes for coffee roasting

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    Analysis and Pattern Detection on Large Amounts of Annotated Sport Motion Data Using Standard SQL

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    This paper proposes a inexpensive and flexible way to analyze large amounts of sport motion data, which are generated by automated motion tracking methods and complemented with manual annotations. A database, obtained by tracking and annotating over 100 squash plays was used. The goal was to find a way to automatically detect certain kinds of play, activities, certain predefined scenarios and to generate various statistics about these activities -- without hard-coding them in the executable code. We found that SQL-enabled databases provide a flexible and scalable solution to this problem. The examples of actual SQL queries for sport analysis are presented in the paper along with short tutorial on particular aspects of SQL language, which were exploited in our solution


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    In a time of permanent care for environmental protection, energy consumption and conservation of resources, heat pumps are becoming increasingly important as a technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions while preservation thermal comfort in build environment. This paper presents the experimental results of air-source heat pump in different real operating conditions, as follows: for space heating by low-temperature underfloor heating when the supply water temperature was set at 38°C, or for domestic hot water heating in the storage tank volume of 180 liters at a temperature of 46°C. In the low-temperature underfloor heating mode, the efficiency of the air-source heat pump could be increased if the maximum temperature at the end of the compression process and the condensing temperature were reduced in the initial phase of the heat pump operation. In the domestic hot water heating mode, the efficiency of the air-source heat pump could be increased if the maximum condensation temperature in the final phase of the heat pump operation was limited.U eri permanentne brige o zaštiti životne sredine, potrošnji energije i očuvanju resursa, toplotne pumpe sve više dobijaju na značaju kao tehnologije za smanjenje emisije gasova sa efektom staklene bašte pri očuvanju termičkog komfora u građevinskim objektima. U ovom radu predstavljeni su eksperimentalni rezultati rada vazdušne toplotne pumpe u različitim realnim uslovima eksploatacije, i to: za potrebe grejanja prostora putem niskotemperaturnog podnog grejanja kada je temperatura napojne vode bila zadata na 38°C, odnosno za potrebe zagrevanja sanitarne tople vode u akumulacionom tanku zapremine 180 litara na temperaturu od 46°C. Rezultati pokazuju da se u režimu niskotemperaturnog podnog grejanja, efikasnost rada vazdušne toplotne pumpe može podići ukoliko bi se u početnoj fazi rada toplotne pumpe smanjile maksimalna temperatura na kraju procesa kompresije i temperatura kondenzacije. U režimu zagrevanja sanitarne tople vode, efikasnost rada vazdušne toplotne pumpe mogla bi da se podigne ukoliko bi se ograničila maksimalna temperature kondenzacije u završnoj fazi rada toplotne pumpe