21 research outputs found

    Fractality and Lapidus zeta functions at infinity

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    We study fractality of unbounded sets of finite Lebesgue measure at infinity by introducing the notions of Minkowski dimension and content at infinity. We also introduce the Lapidus zeta function at infinity, study its properties and demonstrate its use in analysis of fractal properties of unbounded sets at infinity.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Quasiperiodic sets at infinity and meromorphic extensions of their fractal zeta functions

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    In this paper we introduce an interesting family of relative fractal drums (RFDs in short) at infinity and study their complex dimensions which are defined as the poles of their associated Lapidus (distance) fractal zeta functions introduced in a previous work by the author. We define the tube zeta function at infinity and obtain a functional equation connecting it to the distance zeta function at infinity much as in the classical setting. Furthermore, under suitable assumptions, we provide general results about existence of meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions at infinity in the Minkowski measurable and nonmeasurable case. We also provide a sufficiency condition for Minkowski measurability as well as an upper bound for the upper Minkowski content, both in terms of the complex dimensions of the associated RFD. We show that complex dimensions of quasiperiodic sets at infinity posses a quasiperiodic structure which can be either algebraic or transcedental. Furthermore, we provide an example of a maximally hyperfractal set at infinity with prescribed Minkowski dimension, i.e., a set such that the abscissa of convergence of the corresponding fractal zeta function is in fact its natural boundary.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure

    Fractal Tube Formulas for Compact Sets and Relative Fractal Drums: Oscillations, Complex Dimensions and Fractality

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    We establish pointwise and distributional fractal tube formulas for a large class of relative fractal drums in Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimensions. A relative fractal drum (or RFD, in short) is an ordered pair (A,Ω)(A,\Omega) of subsets of the Euclidean space (under some mild assumptions) which generalizes the notion of a (compact) subset and that of a fractal string. By a fractal tube formula for an RFD (A,Ω)(A,\Omega), we mean an explicit expression for the volume of the tt-neighborhood of AA intersected by Ω\Omega as a sum of residues of a suitable meromorphic function (here, a fractal zeta function) over the complex dimensions of the RFD (A,Ω)(A,\Omega). The complex dimensions of an RFD are defined as the poles of its meromorphically continued fractal zeta function (namely, the distance or the tube zeta function), which generalizes the well-known geometric zeta function for fractal strings. These fractal tube formulas generalize in a significant way to higher dimensions the corresponding ones previously obtained for fractal strings by the first author and van Frankenhuijsen and later on, by the first author, Pearse and Winter in the case of fractal sprays. They are illustrated by several interesting examples. These examples include fractal strings, the Sierpi\'nski gasket and the 3-dimensional carpet, fractal nests and geometric chirps, as well as self-similar fractal sprays. We also propose a new definition of fractality according to which a bounded set (or RFD) is considered to be fractal if it possesses at least one nonreal complex dimension or if its fractal zeta function possesses a natural boundary. This definition, which extends to RFDs and arbitrary bounded subsets of RN\mathbb{R}^N the previous one introduced in the context of fractal strings, is illustrated by the Cantor graph (or devil's staircase) RFD, which is shown to be `subcritically fractal'.Comment: 90 pages (because of different style file), 5 figures, corrected typos, updated reference

    Complex dimensions of fractals and meromorphic extensions of fractal zeta functions

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    We study meromorphic extensions of distance and tube zeta functions, as well as of geometric zeta functions of fractal strings. The distance zeta function ζA(s):=Aδd(x,A)sNdx\zeta_A(s):=\int_{A_\delta} d(x,A)^{s-N}\mathrm{d}x, where δ>0\delta>0 is fixed and d(x,A)d(x,A) denotes the Euclidean distance from xx to AA extends the definition of the zeta function associated with bounded fractal strings to arbitrary bounded subsets AA of RN\mathbb{R}^N. The abscissa of Lebesgue convergence D(ζA)D(\zeta_A) coincides with D:=dimBAD:=\overline\dim_BA, the upper box dimension of AA. The complex dimensions of AA are the poles of the meromorphic continuation of the fractal zeta function of AA to a suitable connected neighborhood of the "critical line" {(s)=D}\{\Re(s)=D\}. We establish several meromorphic extension results, assuming some suitable information about the second term of the asymptotic expansion of the tube function At|A_t| as t0+t\to0^+, where AtA_t is the Euclidean tt-neighborhood of AA. We pay particular attention to a class of Minkowski measurable sets, such that At=tND(M+O(tγ))|A_t|=t^{N-D}(\mathcal M+O(t^\gamma)) as t0+t\to0^+, with γ>0\gamma>0, and to a class of Minkowski nonmeasurable sets, such that At=tND(G(logt1)+O(tγ))|A_t|=t^{N-D}(G(\log t^{-1})+O(t^\gamma)) as t0+t\to0^+, where GG is a nonconstant periodic function and γ>0\gamma>0. In both cases, we show that ζA\zeta_A can be meromorphically extended (at least) to the open right half-plane {(s)>Dγ}\{\Re(s)>D-\gamma\}. Furthermore, up to a multiplicative constant, the residue of ζA\zeta_A evaluated at s=Ds=D is shown to be equal to M\mathcal M (the Minkowski content of AA) and to the mean value of GG (the average Minkowski content of AA), respectively. Moreover, we construct a class of fractal strings with principal complex dimensions of any prescribed order, as well as with an infinite number of essential singularities on the critical line {(s)=D}\{\Re(s)=D\}.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures, improved parts of the paper and shortened the paper by reducing background material, to appear in Journal of mathematical analysis and applications in 201

    Essential singularities of fractal zeta functions

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    We study the essential singularities of geometric zeta functions ζL\zeta_{\mathcal L}, associated with bounded fractal strings L\mathcal L. For any three prescribed real numbers DD_{\infty}, D1D_1 and DD in [0,1][0,1], such that D<D1DD_{\infty}<D_1\le D, we construct a bounded fractal string L\mathcal L such that Dpar(ζL)=DD_{\rm par}(\zeta_{\mathcal L})=D_{\infty}, Dmer(ζL)=D1D_{\rm mer}(\zeta_{\mathcal L})=D_1 and D(ζL)=DD(\zeta_{\mathcal L})=D. Here, D(ζL)D(\zeta_{\mathcal L}) is the abscissa of absolute convergence of ζL\zeta_{\mathcal L}, Dmer(ζL)D_{\rm mer}(\zeta_{\mathcal L}) is the abscissa of meromorphic continuation of ζL\zeta_{\mathcal L}, while Dpar(ζL)D_{\rm par}(\zeta_{\mathcal L}) is the infimum of all positive real numbers α\alpha such that ζL\zeta_{\mathcal L} is holomorphic in the open right half-plane {Res>α}\{{\rm Re}\, s>\alpha\}, except for possible isolated singularities in this half-plane. Defining L\mathcal L as the disjoint union of a sequence of suitable generalized Cantor strings, we show that the set of accumulation points of the set SS_{\infty} of essential singularities of ζL\zeta_{\mathcal L}, contained in the open right half-plane {Res>D}\{{\rm Re}\, s>D_{\infty}\}, coincides with the vertical line {Res=D}\{{\rm Re}\, s=D_{\infty}\}. We extend this construction to the case of distance zeta functions ζA\zeta_A of compact sets AA in RN\mathbb{R}^N, for any positive integer NN.Comment: Theorem 3.2 (b) was wrong in the previous version, so we have decided to omit it and pursue this issue at some future time. Part (b) of Theorem 3.2. was not used anywhere else in the paper. Theorem 3.2. is now called Proposition 3.2. on page 12. Corrected minor typos and added new references To appear in: Pure and Applied Functional Analysis; issue 5 of volume 5 (2020