74 research outputs found

    Computational Biology in Brazil

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    Increased economic activity boosted research investment. Government policies for research and development. Genomics and bioinformatics. The current state of computational biology: services versus research. Is there applied science without science to be applied? Knowledge derived from genomics projects. Brazilian association for bioinformatics and computational biology. Opportunites for entrepreneurship. Educational activities. Acknowledgments

    ISMB 2006

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    New mutation in the myocilin gene segregates with juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma in a Brazilian family

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    AbstractMutations in the myocilin gene (MYOC) account for most cases of autosomal dominant juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma (JOAG), an earlier and more severe form of POAG. We accessed seven members of a Brazilian JOAG family by clinical and molecular investigation. Four out of seven family members were diagnosed with JOAG. All of these patients presented high intraocular pressure and two of them were bilaterally blind. The disease onset varied from 20 to 30years old. There was a nine-year-old family member who had not yet manifested the disease, although he was also a carrier of the mutation. Ophthalmologic examination included: evaluation of the visual field and optic disc, intraocular pressure measurement, and gonioscopy. The three exons and intron/exon junctions of the MYOC gene were screened for mutations through direct sequencing of PCR-amplified DNA fragments. Mutation screening revealed an in-frame mutation in the third exon of the MYOC gene: an insertion of six nucleotides between the cDNA positions 1187 and 1188 (c.1187_1188insCCCAGA, p.D395_E396insDP). This mutation presented an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, segregating with the disease in four family members for three generations, and it was absent in 60 normal controls. We also performed a computational structure modeling of olfactomedin-like domain of myocilin protein and conducted in silico analysis to predict the structural changes in the myocilin protein due to the presence of the mutation. These findings may be important for future diagnosis of other presymptomatic family members, as well as for the increase of the panel of MYOC mutations and their effects on phenotype

    Analysis of binding properties and specificity through identification of the interface forming residues (IFR) for serine proteases in silico docked to different inhibitors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Enzymes belonging to the same super family of proteins in general operate on variety of substrates and are inhibited by wide selection of inhibitors. In this work our main objective was to expand the scope of studies that consider only the catalytic and binding pocket amino acids while analyzing enzyme specificity and instead, include a wider category which we have named the Interface Forming Residues (IFR). We were motivated to identify those amino acids with decreased accessibility to solvent after docking of different types of inhibitors to sub classes of serine proteases and then create a table (matrix) of all amino acid positions at the interface as well as their respective occupancies. Our goal is to establish a platform for analysis of the relationship between IFR characteristics and binding properties/specificity for bi-molecular complexes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a novel method for describing binding properties and delineating serine proteases specificity by compiling an exhaustive table of interface forming residues (IFR) for serine proteases and their inhibitors. Currently, the Protein Data Bank (PDB) does not contain all the data that our analysis would require. Therefore, an <it>in silico </it>approach was designed for building corresponding complexes</p> <p>The IFRs are obtained by "rigid body docking" among 70 structurally aligned, sequence wise non-redundant, serine protease structures with 3 inhibitors: bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI), ecotine and ovomucoid third domain inhibitor. The table (matrix) of all amino acid positions at the interface and their respective occupancy is created. We also developed a new computational protocol for predicting IFRs for those complexes which were not deciphered experimentally so far, achieving accuracy of at least 0.97.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The serine proteases interfaces prefer polar (including glycine) residues (with some exceptions). Charged residues were found to be uniquely prevalent at the interfaces between the "miscellaneous-virus" subfamily and the three inhibitors. This prompts speculation about how important this difference in IFR characteristics is for maintaining virulence of those organisms.</p> <p>Our work here provides a unique tool for both structure/function relationship analysis as well as a compilation of indicators detailing how the specificity of various serine proteases may have been achieved and/or could be altered. It also indicates that the interface forming residues which also determine specificity of serine protease subfamily can not be presented in a canonical way but rather as a matrix of alternative populations of amino acids occupying variety of IFR positions.</p

    Using linear algebra for protein structural comparison and classification

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    In this article, we describe a novel methodology to extract semantic characteristics from protein structures using linear algebra in order to compose structural signature vectors which may be used efficiently to compare and classify protein structures into fold families. These signatures are built from the pattern of hydrophobic intrachain interactions using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) techniques. Considering proteins as documents and contacts as terms, we have built a retrieval system which is able to find conserved contacts in samples of myoglobin fold family and to retrieve these proteins among proteins of varied folds with precision of up to 80%. The classifier is a web tool available at our laboratory website. Users can search for similar chains from a specific PDB, view and compare their contact maps and browse their structures using a JMol plug-in

    STING Millennium Suite: integrated software for extensive analyses of 3d structures of proteins and their complexes

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    BACKGROUND: The integration of many aspects of protein/DNA structure analysis is an important requirement for software products in general area of structural bioinformatics. In fact, there are too few software packages on the internet which can be described as successful in this respect. We might say that what is still missing is publicly available, web based software for interactive analysis of the sequence/structure/function of proteins and their complexes with DNA and ligands. Some of existing software packages do have certain level of integration and do offer analysis of several structure related parameters, however not to the extent generally demanded by a user. RESULTS: We are reporting here about new Sting Millennium Suite (SMS) version which is fully accessible (including for local files at client end), web based software for molecular structure and sequence/structure/function analysis. The new SMS client version is now operational also on Linux boxes and it works with non-public pdb formatted files (structures not deposited at the RCSB/PDB), eliminating earlier requirement for the registration if SMS components were to be used with user's local files. At the same time the new SMS offers some important additions and improvements such as link to ProTherm as well as significant re-engineering of SMS component ConSSeq. Also, we have added 3 new SMS mirror sites to existing network of global SMS servers: Argentina, Japan and Spain. CONCLUSION: SMS is already established software package and many key data base and software servers worldwide, do offer either a link to, or host the SMS. SMS (Sting Millennium Suite) is web-based publicly available software developed to aid researches in their quest for translating information about the structures of macromolecules into knowledge. SMS allows to a user to interactively analyze molecular structures, cross-referencing visualized information with a correlated one, available across the internet. SMS is already used as a didactic tool by some universities. SMS analysis is now possible on Linux OS boxes and with no requirement for registration when using local files

    STING Report: convenient web-based application for graphic and tabular presentations of protein sequence, structure and function descriptors from the STING database

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    The Sting Report is a versatile web-based application for extraction and presentation of detailed information about any individual amino acid of a protein structure stored in the STING Database. The extracted information is presented as a series of GIF images and tables, containing the values of up to 125 sequence/structure/function descriptors/parameters. The GIF images are generated by the Gold STING modules. The HTML page resulting from the STING Report query can be printed and, most importantly, it can be composed and visualized on a computer platform with an elementary configuration. Using the STING Report, a user can generate a collection of customized reports for amino acids of specific interest. Such a collection comes as an ideal match for a demand for the rapid and detailed consultation and documentation of data about structure/function. The inclusion of information generated with STING Report in a research report or even a textbook, allows for the increased density of its contents. STING Report is freely accessible within the Gold STING Suite at http://www.cbi.cnptia.embrapa.br, http://www.es.embnet.org/SMS/, http://gibk26.bse.kyutech.ac.jp/SMS/ and http://trantor.bioc.columbia.edu/SMS (option: STING Report)

    Mutants of common bean alpha-amylase inhibitor-2 as an approach to investigate binding specificity to alpha-amylases

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    Apesar de possuir uma família de proteínas de defesa, o feijão-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) pode ser atacado por insetos bruquídeos causando sérios danos aos grãos armazenados. O P. vulgaris possui duas formas ativas de inibidores de a-amilases, denominadas a-AI1 e a-AI2, que apresentam diferentes especificidades em relação às a-amilases. A a-amilase de Zabrotes subfasciatus é inibida por a-AI2 mas não por a-AI1. Em contraste, a a-amilase pancreática de porco é inibida por a-AI1 mas não é por a-AI2. O objetivo deste trabalho foi entender as bases moleculares da especificidade desses inibidores em relação às a-amilases. Para tanto, foram construídos mutantes do a-AI2, os quais foram expressados em plantas de fumo. Todos os inibidores mutantes deixaram de inibir a a-amilase de inseto sem, contudo, passar a exibir atividade contra a a-amilase de mamífero. Os modelos estruturais explicam por que a substituição de His33 do a-AI2 pela seqüência correspondente do a-AI1 (Ser-Tyr-Asn) aboliu a inibição da a-amilase de Z. subfasciatus. Dos estudos de modelagem molecular pode-se concluir que o tamanho e a complexidade da interface a-amilase-inibidor explicam por que a mutação da alça N-terminal e a quebra da atividade inibitória para a-amilase de Z. subfasciatus não levam ao ganho de atividade inibitória do mutante em relação à a-amilase de porco.Despite the presence of a family of defense proteins, Phaseolus vulgaris can be attacked by bruchid insects resulting in serious damage to stored grains. The two distinct active forms of α-amylase inhibitors, α-AI1 and α-AI2, in P. vulgaris show different specificity toward α-amylases. Zabrotes subfasciatus α-amylase is inhibited by α-AI2 but not by α-AI1. In contrast, porcine α-amylase is inhibited by α-AI1 but not by α-AI2. The objective of this work was to understand the molecular basis of the specificity of two inhibitors in P. vulgaris (α-AI1 and α-AI2) in relation to α-amylases. Mutants of α-AI2 were made and expressed in tobacco plants. The exhibited activity toward the mammalian α-amylase. The replacement of His33 of α-AI2 with the α-AI1-like sequence Ser-Tyr-Asn abolished inhibition of Z. subfasciatus α-amylase. From structural modeling, the conclusion is that the size and complexity of the amylase-inhibitor interface explain why mutation of the N-terminal loop and resultant abolition of Z. subfasciatus α-amylase inhibition are not accompanied by gain of inhibitory activity against porcine α-amylase

    The Diamond STING server

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    Diamond STING is a new version of the STING suite of programs for a comprehensive analysis of a relationship between protein sequence, structure, function and stability. We have added a number of new functionalities by both providing more structure parameters to the STING Database and by improving/expanding the interface for enhanced data handling. The integration among the STING components has also been improved. A new key feature is the ability of the STING server to handle local files containing protein structures (either modeled or not yet deposited to the Protein Data Bank) so that they can be used by the principal STING components: (Java)Protein Dossier ((J)PD) and STING Report. The current capabilities of the new STING version and a couple of biologically relevant applications are described here. We have provided an example where Diamond STING identifies the active site amino acids and folding essential amino acids (both previously determined by experiments) by filtering out all but those residues by selecting the numerical values/ranges for a set of corresponding parameters. This is the fundamental step toward a more interesting endeavor—the prediction of such residues. Diamond STING is freely accessible at and