38 research outputs found

    Prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije

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    U radu je dat prikaz vanrednog prevoza na putnoj mreži Republike Srbije. Razmatrane su dozvole za vanredni prevoz koje izdaje javno preduzeće Putevi Srbije za dva reprezentativna meseca april i septembar u 2019. godini. Analizirani su sledeći podaci: dimenzije vozila, broj osovina, ukupna masa vozila, kao i preopterećenje po osovinama. U prvom delu rada prikazan je kratak pregled dosadašnje analize vanrednog prevoza u Evropi i svetu tokom prethodnih 20 godina. kao i tendencije i očekivanja u narednom periodu. Drugi deo rada predstavlja statističku obradu i analizu podataka iz razmatranih dozvola za vanredni prevoz na teritoriji Republike Srbije. Na kraju su dati diskusija i zaključci na osnovu urađene analize podataka iz dozvola

    Otpadne vode Topole

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    In this paper we can see the basic characteristics and the quality of wastewater of Topola before and after the process of purification. Only households and catering Facilities are connected to the town's sewage network, so that at treatment of wastewater, only mechanical and biological procedures of purification are applied. The central place at the Plant for waste water purification is bioaeration pool, where microbiological degradation reduces the presence of organic pollution.The significant reduction of values of basic organic pollution indicators BOD5 (81,84%) and COD (82,27%) in wastewater after the purification process confirm the efficiency and justification of the applied technological process.U radu su prikazane osnovne karakteristike i kvalitet otpadnih (kanalizacionih) voda Topole pre i posle procesa prešićavanja. Na gradsku kanalizacionu mrežu Topole su priključena isključivo domaćinstva i ugostiteljski objekti, tako da su u tretmanu otpadnih voda primenjeni postupci mehaničkog i biološkog prečišćavanja. Centralno mesto u Postrojenju za prečišćavanje otpadnih voda zauzima bioaeracioni bazen u kome se mikrobiološkom razgradnjom smanjuje prisutno organsko zagađenje. Značajno sniženje vrednosti osnovnih pokazatelja organskog zagađenja BPK5 (81,84%) i HPK (82,27%) u otpadnoj vodi nakon procesa prečišćavanja potvrđuju efikasnost i opravdanost primenjenog tehnološkog postupka


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    Cilj ovog rada bio je da se odrede koncentracije nekih metala (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Ni, Cr) u zemljištu i vrsti Eupatorium cannabinum L. na jalovištu i flotacije rudnika DOO “Rudnik”. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da su koncentracije Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni i Cu u istraživanom zemljištu prelazile propisane maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu i Zn granične, a Pb i Cu remedijacione vrednosti ovih metala u zemljištu saglasno uredbi i pravilniku Republike Srbije. Najveći sadržaj svih ispitivanih metala pokazao je list vrste E. canabinum u kojima su koncentracije Cu, Ni, Pb i Cd bile u nivou toksičnih koncentracija, a Cr iznad toksične koncentracije. Koren je sadržao više Mn, Ni, Fe i Cu od stabla, a stablo Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd od korena proučavane vrste. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata možemo preporučiti upotrebu vrste E. canabinum u fitoekstrakciji ispitivanih metala iz zagađenih zemljišta, pre svega Zn, Cr, Ca, Mg, Pb i Cd.Publishe

    Attracting Private Financing to Roads: Case Study of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    While countries worldwide have used public-private partnerships (PPP) to improve their road networks, such investments have not yet materialized in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Attracting private financing to road projects would help the country to keep road infrastructure in acceptable condition and carry out required expansions under budgetary constraints. Because of relatively low traffic levels on potential PPP motorways and expressways in BiH, it is anticipated that a combination of government support (e.g., capital grants and/or availability payments) and toll collection would generate enough revenues to attract private partners to compete for public-private partnership (PPP) road projects in BiH. The paper presents, as a case study, the quantitative financial assessment of a potential PPP project, the Mostar – Zvirovići motorway section, showing that the project could attract private investors with a combination of availability payments and construction subsidies to keep the toll rates at the deemed affordable level of €0.06/car-km

    Combining Capital Grant and Availability Payment to Keep Toll Rates Affordable

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    In several countries public budgets cannot provide all the funds needed to build priority transport and other infrastructure projects that are economically justified and environmentally and socially sound. Under certain circumstances, projects meeting such conditions can be implemented by involving private financing, through public-private partnerships (PPP), which is a means to get projects completed by leveraging scarce public resources. Priority highway PPP projects may require toll rates above the affordability level of road users, particularly when construction costs are relatively high and traffic volumes are relatively low. The provision of capital grants and/or availability payments to the concessionaire (i.e., the private partner) by the government (i.e., the public partner) would reduce the toll rate required to attract private investors for the project. Such projects, where the sources of revenue to the private partner (or concessionaire) include both the users of the facility and the government, are usually called hybrid PPPs. A key step in assuring that a proposed PPP highway project would attract private investors is to determine whether financial public support would be required, and if so, how much. To this endeavor, this paper reviews and applies a hybrid PPP financial model for highways that facilitates carrying out projects' financial viability by decision makers and practitioners. A numerical case study is used to illustrate applications of the model to conditions deemed representative of Southeastern European countries. The main outputs generated by the model include the project’s internal rate of return, equity internal rate of return, annual debt service coverage ratio, and the present value of the government’s cash flow. A sensitivity analysis carried out shows the impact of key input parameters on the main outputs

    Does empathy always inhibit amorality and offending?

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    Results of previous studies have been inconsistent over the role of emotional and cognitive empathy in aggressive and antisocial behavior. The aim of this study is to clarify the specific nature of the empathic profiles associated with different types of amoral behavior (induced by impulsivity, frustration and brutality), measured through self-reports. The sample consists of male prisoners who have committed violent and non-violent types of offenses (robberies and thefts) and the control group with no criminal history (N=200). Results demonstrate that general amorality which combines all three types of amoral attitudes is negatively associated both with emotional and cognitive empathy, but the association with the emotional empathy is much stronger one. On the other hand, amorality induced by frustration (characterized by resentment, dark picture of reality which justifies personal Machiavellianism) is positively associated with cognitive empathy which might be used for manipulation. These results provide guidelines for empathy trainings for offenders, highlighting the significance of increasing emotional empathy [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018

    Mechanism of primary fragmentation of coal in fluidized bed

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    In order to lay a foundation of a credible primacy fragmentation model, a theoretical analysis of the thermo-mechanical processes in a devolatilizing solid fuel particle was carried out. The devolatilization model comprises heat transfer, chemical processes of generation of gaseous products of combustion (volatiles), volatile transfer, and solid mechanic processes. A spatial and temporal analysis of the stresses within the particle showed that the radial stress is caused primarily by the pressure of generated volatiles. This stress monotonously decreases from the particle center towards the particle surface, without changing its sign. The tangential stress is caused primarily by the thermal shock. Close to the surface, it changes its sign. In the particle cross-section, the radial stress prevails close to the particle center, whilst the tangential stress is dominant in the surface region. At the points where these stresses exceed the particle tensile strength, cracks occur. Cracks extend tangentially close to the surface, and radially close to the center of the particle

    Lanthanide doped alkaline metal sulphates as candidates for EPR dosimetry

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    The applicability of lanthanide doped alkaline metal sulphates as a new type of dosimeters for EPR dosimetery of ionizing radiation has been investigated in an attempt to obtain a dosimeter with better characteristics than the commonly used alanine dosimeter. Irradiation of samples doped with different lanthanides (Y, Ln, Gd) showed that the best sensitivity is obtained using dosimeters doped with Y2(SO4)3. Different procedures for manufacturing dosimeters were studied and an optimum procedure was established. The time stability of the EPR signal of the irradiated Y2(SO4)3 dosimeter was investigated using a 15N-PDT standard and no fading of the EPR signal was observed over at least two weeks. The dose dependence of alanine and Y2(SO4)3 doped K3Na(SO4)13 dosimeters irradiated in the range 20 Gy 200 kGy was analysed using a combination of 1-hit and 2-hit mechanisms of free radicals creation