3 research outputs found

    Multicriteria analysis model forprofessional competences of student basedon information technology

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    Disertacije se bavi problematikom identifikovanja stručnih kompetencija zasnovnaih na informacionim tehnologijama i načinom implementacije istih u postojeće nastavne planove i programe. U okviru disertacije je dizajniran model višekriterijumeske analize stručnih kompetencija studenta zasnovnih na informacionim tehnologijama. Model se sastoji iz tri modula: Modul za identifikacju stručnih kompetencija, Modul za rangiranje stručnih komepetencija i Modul za preporuku stručnih komepetencija. Identifikacija stručnih kompetencija vrši se iz različitih izvora kako bi dobili što  potpuniju sliku šta je to potrebno od stručnih kompetencija zasnovnih na informacionimtehnologijama u profesionalnoj praksi. Uokviru modula za rangiranje uz pomoćvišekriterijumaske - višeekspertne analize vrši se rangiranje identifikovanih stručnihkompetencija. Modul za preporuke stručnih kompetencija uz pomoć komparativneanalize rangiranih stručnih kompetencija definiše preporuke za izmjene nastavnihplanova i programa prema potrebama profesionalne prakse. Model jeimplementiran na studijskom programuTelekomunikacije i poštanski saobraćaj naSaobraćajnom fakultetu u Doboju,Univerzitet u Istočnom Sarajevu, Bosna iHercegovina. Model definisan na ovakavnačin pomaže u poboljšanju kvaliteta kao i približavanju prakse Nastavnim planovima iprogramima.The dissertation deals with the problem of identifying professional competences based on information technologies, and with they implementation in existing curricula. A multicriteria analysis model for ranking professional competences of student based on information technology is formed. The Model consists of three modules: Module for identification of professional competences based on information technologies, Module for ranking professional competences and Module for the recommendation of professional cometences. Identification of professional competencies is done from different sources in order to get more complete picture which professional competences are needed in professional practice. Identified professional competencies are ranked within the ranking module by using multi-criteriamulti- expert analysis. The module for the recommendations of professional competences by using comparative analysis method proposes recommendations for changes in curricula based on the needs of professional practice. The model was implemented at the study program Telecommunications and Postal Traffic at the Faculty of Traffic Engineering in Doboj, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina. The model helps in improving quality as well as bringing professional practice closer to teaching plans and programs

    Obrazovne inovacije u funkciji poboljšanja IKT sposobnosti kod studenata

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    Information technology has lately become an integral part of the educational system. Application of modern digital technologies in teaching has changed teaching methods. This research is based on forming a teaching model in order to improve the level of ICT knowledge and skills of students applicable in the area of technical sciences. The objective of this research is to establish a methodology to improve and adapt curricula with the goal of enhancing digital competences of learners according to European standards and the needs of teaching at technical faculties.Informacijske su tehnologije u posljednje vrijeme postale sastavni dio obrazovnog sustava. Primjena suvremenih digitalnih tehnologija u nastavi utjecala je na promjenu metoda poučavanja. Ovo se istraživanje temelji na oblikkovanju modela poučavanja sa svrhom poboljšanja razine studentskih IKT znanja i vještina primjenjivih u području tehničkih znanosti. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja uspostava metodologije za poboljšanje i prilagodbu kurikula kako bi se studentske digitalne kompetencije poboljšale i bile u skladu s europskim standardima i potrebama nastave na tehničkim fakultetima

    Analysis of the possibility of implementing photovoltaic systems as an auxiliary energy source in the power supply of electric vehicles intended for urban areas

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    The paper analyzes the possibilities of implementing a photovoltaic system as an additional energy source in electric vehicles. Electric vehicles have the ability to charge batteries via the power grid. A significant number of vehicles in urban areas serve as a daily means of transportation to go to work. Most of the time, vehicles are parked, which opens up opportunities for the use of solar radiation energy through conversion into electricity, and the use of that energy to recharge the built-in batteries and thus increase the range of movement of vehicles