13 research outputs found

    Piracy as a form of modern terrorism at sea

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    The number of acts of piracy at sea has dramatically increased in recent years. In the age of globalization, piracy is not a trivial phenomenon - it is a global organized crime which currently poses the largest human threat at seas and oceans. In this article, models of preventive and timely effective operations of the ship against possible pirate attacks have been systematically analyzed, as well as the actions of the defence ship against pirate attacks during the sailing in piracy areas and beyond. Based on the results, after carrying out the research, the model of prevention of possible pirate attacks against the ship was made, with developed Risk Assessment model, Game Theory model, and proposed improvements to protect the ship against pirate attacks by means of simulations of different attacks scenarios made by the use of Petri nets


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    Fenomen eksplozivnog prodora osobnih računala istražuje se s aspekta uloge osobnih računala u izgradnji informacijskih sistema organizacija i izgradnje informacijske mreže uopće , Autor analizira dosadaÅ”nji razvoj osobnih računala i uvodi klasifikaciju prema kojoj najnovija osobna računala pripadaju III. generaciji. Ukazuje se na najÅ”iru promjenljivost osobnih računala kao univerzalnih radnih stanica. Istražuju se komunikacijske mogućnosti i uvodi se novi pojam - osobno računalo kao univerzalni informacijski terminal suvremene informacijske mreže

    Simulation Method - Based Oil Spill Pollution Risk Analysis for the Port of Å ibenik

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    Statistical data, analyses and assessment of maritime-passenger traffic in sea ports in the Republic of Croatia pertaining to the traffic in the Port of Å ibenik indicate that, following the expansion and reconstruction of berths for large ships in 2014, marine traffic in the waters of the Port of Å ibenik and the Channel of St. Ante has been on the rise. There is therefore a need for pollution risk analysis for the Port of Å ibenik. Risk assessment was made using the qualitative method of ā€œRisk assessment-based threat rankingā€, following which a scenario involving discharge of harmful substances (oil spill) and possible pollution of the Port of Å ibenik and the Channel of St. Ante in difficult navigating conditions in restricted waterways and bad weather was simulated. Marine pollution itself has no direct impact on human life. There are usually no human casualties, although major disasters can affect human health. There can therefore be dire indirect consequences, with negative impact on the eco-system, and consequently on some of the most important branches of industry like tourism, sports, fishing, etc. The prevalent northerly and southerly winds have a particularly high influence on the spreading of oil spills in closedoff waters like those of the Port of Å ibenik. The influence of sea currents in the Krka river basin and the Channel of St. Ante is exceptionally strong, especially during heavy rains accompanied by increased water flow. Oil spill simulation is therefore an important tool for planning preventive action and response operations in case of oil spill from ships

    Modeliranje i simuliranje piratskih napada uz pomoć hibridnih vremenskih Petrijevih mreža

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    U nastojanju da se poduzmu učinkovite mjere protiv piratskih napada pokazala se potreba za izradom modela koji će pridonijeti povećanju zaÅ”tite od piratskih napada na brodove u područjima gdje postoji visok rizik od te opasnosti. Zato je koriÅ”tenjem hibridnih vremenskih Petrijevih mreža izrađenasimulacija vremenske dinamike piratskog napada na brod u plovidbi. U simulaciji vremenske dinamike događanja tijekom piratskog napada ā€“ studija slučaja (CaseStudy) ā€“ koriÅ”tenjem Petrijevih mreža razvijeni su, prikazani i analizirani najnepovoljniji piratski napadi na brod u plovidbi uz dodatnu zaÅ”titu ratnog broda s helikopterom. Izrađena su i analizirana tri scenarija napada pirata na brod s jednim, dva i tri piratska broda. Ovakavje sustav u svojojprirodi vrlo složen. Sastoji se od kontinuiranog dijela (Continous Systems), tj. gibanja napadnutog broda, gibanja piratskog broda i gibanja vojnog broda/helikoptera (promjena brzine, udaljenosti), i diskretnog dijela (DiscreteEvent Systems), tj. početak napada, slanje distressa. Analizirani su čimbenici koji utječu na sigurnost plovidbe broda kroz područje povećanog rizika od mogućih piratskih napada. Navedeni su karakteristični pokazatelji i istraženi načini poboljÅ”anja sigurnosti kako bi se na kraju pokazalo darazvijena primjena vremenske dinamike piratskog napada vodi k optimalnom rjeÅ”enju planiranja plovidbe broda kroz piratska područja

    Scripta in honorem Igor Fisković: zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana

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    The International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages prepared a Festschrift in honour of one of its founders, Igor Fisković on the occassion of his 70th birthday. The Festschrift  includes works addressing the periods that Igor Fisković has dealt with most, thus reflecting the diversity of his interests, ranging from Late Antiquity to contemporary art, with key emphasis on the Late Middle Ages and early modernity. Due to the diversity and the broad period of time the texts are covering, they have been arranged more or less chronologically. The works focus mainly on the Late Middle Ages and the early modern period, Fiskovićā€™s forte and the topic of some of his best writings. There are also several texts addressing the baroque period, which was not one of the honoureeā€™s interests, but they were written by some of his closest friends and members of the generation of his former students who have had prestigious careers. (from the Foreword)Zbornik je pripredio Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek povodom sedamdesetog rođendana jednog od svojih osnivača Igora Fiskovića. Zbornik obuhvaća radove koje pokrivaju razdoblja kojima se Igor Fisković ponajviÅ”e bavio, reflektirajući raznolikost njegovih interesa, od početne kasne antike i suvremene umjetnosti, do ključnoga naglaska na kasnom srednjem vijeku i početku modernog doba. Zbog te raznolikosti i Å”irokog vremenskog razdoblja koje pokrivaju, radovi su poredani manje-viÅ”e kronoloÅ”ki. Ističe se brojem radova upravo kasnosrednjovjekovno doba i početci modernoga, forte u kojem je Igor Fisković dao svoje ponajbolje radove. Uz njih je i viÅ”e priloga koji pokrivaju razdoblje baroka, kojim se slavljenik nije bavio, no koji su iz pera njegovih najbliskijih prijatelja i one generacije njegovih bivÅ”ih studenata koji su danas ostvarili ugledne karijere. (iz Predgovora

    Scripta in honorem Igor Fisković: zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana

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    The International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages prepared a Festschrift in honour of one of its founders, Igor Fisković on the occassion of his 70th birthday. The Festschrift  includes works addressing the periods that Igor Fisković has dealt with most, thus reflecting the diversity of his interests, ranging from Late Antiquity to contemporary art, with key emphasis on the Late Middle Ages and early modernity. Due to the diversity and the broad period of time the texts are covering, they have been arranged more or less chronologically. The works focus mainly on the Late Middle Ages and the early modern period, Fiskovićā€™s forte and the topic of some of his best writings. There are also several texts addressing the baroque period, which was not one of the honoureeā€™s interests, but they were written by some of his closest friends and members of the generation of his former students who have had prestigious careers. (from the Foreword)Zbornik je pripredio Međunarodni istraživački centar za kasnu antiku i srednji vijek povodom sedamdesetog rođendana jednog od svojih osnivača Igora Fiskovića. Zbornik obuhvaća radove koje pokrivaju razdoblja kojima se Igor Fisković ponajviÅ”e bavio, reflektirajući raznolikost njegovih interesa, od početne kasne antike i suvremene umjetnosti, do ključnoga naglaska na kasnom srednjem vijeku i početku modernog doba. Zbog te raznolikosti i Å”irokog vremenskog razdoblja koje pokrivaju, radovi su poredani manje-viÅ”e kronoloÅ”ki. Ističe se brojem radova upravo kasnosrednjovjekovno doba i početci modernoga, forte u kojem je Igor Fisković dao svoje ponajbolje radove. Uz njih je i viÅ”e priloga koji pokrivaju razdoblje baroka, kojim se slavljenik nije bavio, no koji su iz pera njegovih najbliskijih prijatelja i one generacije njegovih bivÅ”ih studenata koji su danas ostvarili ugledne karijere. (iz Predgovora

    Statistička metoda prognoze minimalne temperature

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    Za dobivanje objektivne prognoze minimalne temperature u mjesecu siječnju za Zagreb koriÅ”tena je jednadžba mnogostruke linearne regresije. Odabrano je deset potencijalnih prediktora, mjerenih na opservatoriju Zagreb-Maksimir. Određeno je ukupno osam jednadžbi regresije, koristeći kombinacije od tri do pet, po mogućnosti međusobno nezavisnih, prediktora. Sve jednadžbe određene su iz petogodiÅ”njeg niza 1975-79. Ocjena jednadžbi učinjena je na podacima siječnja 1982. Za kombinaciju od pet međusobno nezavisnih prediktora koji su dali najveći doprinos redukciji varijance prediktanda, određena je jednadžba iz desetogodiÅ”njeg niza podataka 1972-81, čime su dobiveni stabilniji koeficijenti regresije

    Use of new information technologies in the maintenance of ship systems

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    In order to increase efficiency, security, reliability and availability of systems, while simultaneously reducing operational cost of maintenance, use of new information technologies continues to grow steadily. New information technologies are implemented as an integral part of ship systems or as an independent system, such as cloud computing, RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, diagnostic technology, software agents, etc. New information technologies allow optimal use of computer (general purpose, dedicated or industrial) aided ship systems, which results in the reduction of crew sizes and more efficient maintenance of ship systems. Finally, they allow shipping companies and marine equipment manufacturers to offer more competitive prices together with ensured level of reliability and availability of ship systems