9 research outputs found

    Utjecaj procesa pridruživanja Europskoj uniji na organizacijsku kulturu poduzeća koja posluju u tranzicijskim zemljama

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    The aim of this research is to reveal the direction of change the cultural dimensions of companies in AP Vojvodina, when the Republic of Serbia ā€“ as a country in transition ā€“ was being included in the European division of labor. Foreign direct investments from EU countries are used as a method of transposing cultural patterns. The research methodology used here included the application of the Mann Whitney and the Chi square tests to compare the attitudes of the managers of these two groups of companies in AP Vojvodina. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the attitudes of managers of the two groups of companies, in terms of the questionnaire items that explore the power distance dimension. In AP Vojvodina, masculinity and individualism are still valued to a greater extent by the managers of companies with foreign capital than by those with domestic capital. Managers of the companies with foreign capital show a higher degree of uncertainty avoidance than those with domestic capital, which is contrary to authorsā€™ expectations, though explicable in the context of the recessionary business conditions under which the research was conducted.poduzeća koja posluju u AP Vojvodini, u momentu kada se Republika Srbija ā€“ kao tranzicijska zemlja ā€“ nalazi u procesu uključivanja u Europsku podjelu rada. Inozemna izravna ulaganja iz zemalja članica EU, služe kao metoda za prenoÅ”enja kulturnih obrazaca. Metodologija istraživanja koja je ovdje koriÅ”tena uključuje primjenu Mann Whitney i hi-kvadrat testova u cilju uspoređivanja stavova menadžera dviju skupina poduzeća u AP Vojvodini. Rezultati pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna razlika u stavovima menadžera dvije grupe poduzeća, u odnosu na pitanja koja određuju distancu moći. U AP Vojvodini, rodno muÅ”ke vrijednosti i individualizam joÅ” uvijek su cijenjene u većoj mjeri od strane menadžera poduzeća koja posluju s privatnim kapitalom stranog podrijetla u odnosu na menadžere poduzeća koja posluju s privatnim kapitalom domaćega podrijetla. Menadžeri poduzeća sa stranim kapitalom pokazuju veći stupanj izbjegavanja neizvjesnosti u odnosu na menadžere poduzeća koja posluju s privatnim kapitalom domaćeg podrijetla, Å”to je u suprotnosti s očekivanjima autora, ali se objaÅ”njava recesijskim uvjetima poslovanja pod kojima je provedeno istraživanje

    Portfolio optimization in investments : empirical evidence from the Republic of Serbia

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    The main subject in this study is to test and analyze efficient portfolio optimization in investments with focus on the financial market of the Republic of Serbia. The basic objective of the research is to provide quantitative information about specific aspects of portfolio optimization in investments, especially having in mind the specificities of the financial market of the Republic of Serbia. The methodology used in the research includes quantitative methods in area of portfolio optimization. The results of the research point to the necessity of portfolio optimization in function of return maximization from the investment activities

    Fuzzy linear programming in investments

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    The possibility of the investment performances assessment is especially important in the dynamic business conditions. Hence, the appropriate methodology enables an optimal investment decision. The main objective of the research is to test and analyse the possibility of fuzzy linear programming application in the investment processes with special attention to the investment performances. The methodology used in the research understands the methods of analyses and synthesis and also application of the fuzzy linear programming. The quantitative and qualitative results of the research imply that the application of fuzzy linear programming provide important information about the effects from the investment activities

    Efficient management in environmental protection

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    The subject of this study is to research, analyse and assess the causal relations between efficient management as a useful and necessary "tool" in the daily operations and the modern aspects of environmental protection in contemporary business conditions. The research objective is to achieve the concrete, practically confirmed knowledge of practical, actually usable relation between efficient management and modern aspects and trends of environmental protection. The study methodology includes descriptive and exploratory techniques, as well as analysis and synthesis. The main research hypothesis is that without an efficient management, the optimum approach to the environmental protection cannot be expected nor can an adequate relation towards environment be ensured. The research results provide actual information about the place, role and significance of efficient management in the contemporary environmental protection

    Efficient Portfolio Selection and Its Applications to Decision Making

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    AbstractĆ¢ā‚¬ā€Dynamic nature of investment return requires the application of the appropriate methodology, especially regarding enhanced volatility induced by frequent extreme events occurrence. The subject of the research is to analyze the possibility of efficient portfolio selection on the transitional financial market of the Republic of Serbia.  The main objective is to gather empirical evidence about the investment portfolio performance with special attention to the decision making process. The methodology in the research implies the usage of the appropriate portfolio optimization methods. The research results stress the significance of efficient portfolio selection in contemporary business conditions. It can be concluded that it is necessary to examine the volatility of the portfolio assets and thus enabling the efficient portfolio selection, which is especially challenging on transitional markets

    Analysis of emloyees awareness of energy costs

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    In this document analysis of employee awareness about energy costs in companies is given trough tests of questionnaire. There was tree main questions observed about other sources of energy, including fossil fuels and renewable energy as a supplementation and\or replacement for the electric energy. In the conducted research 150 respondent (employees) was included with their opinion about the importance of source of energy related to companiesā€™ energy costs. In this paper relation between companies (employees) with higher energy costs and the level of awareness about different energy source is proven

    The impact of the EU accession process to the organizational culture of the companies operating in the transition countries

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    The aim of this research is to reveal the direction of change the cultural dimensions of companies in AP Vojvodina, when the Republic of Serbia ā€“ as a country in transition ā€“ was being included in the European division of labor. Foreign direct investments from EU countries are used as a method of transposing cultural patterns. The research methodology used here included the application of the Mann Whitney and the Chi square tests to compare the attitudes of the managers of these two groups of companies in AP Vojvodina. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the attitudes of managers of the two groups of companies, in terms of the questionnaire items that explore the power distance dimension. In AP Vojvodina, masculinity and individualism are still valued to a greater extent by the managers of companies with foreign capital than by those with domestic capital. Managers of the companies with foreign capital show a higher degree of uncertainty avoidance than those with domestic capital, which is contrary to authorsā€™ expectations, though explicable in the context of the recessionary business conditions under which the research was conducted