2,542 research outputs found

    A Black Phase Female in the Historical Breeding Range of Canadian Swallowtails (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)

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    A black phase female, collected in 2000 in Isabella Co., MI, in the historical range of Papilio canadensis Rothschild and Jordan, could be a result of recent introgression by P. glaucus L. If so, black females may become widespread, though infrequent, in the northern Lower Peninsula

    Erasure Correction for Noisy Radio Networks

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    The radio network model is a well-studied model of wireless, multi-hop networks. However, radio networks make the strong assumption that messages are delivered deterministically. The recently introduced noisy radio network model relaxes this assumption by dropping messages independently at random. In this work we quantify the relative computational power of noisy radio networks and classic radio networks. In particular, given a non-adaptive protocol for a fixed radio network we show how to reliably simulate this protocol if noise is introduced with a multiplicative cost of poly(log Delta, log log n) rounds where n is the number nodes in the network and Delta is the max degree. Moreover, we demonstrate that, even if the simulated protocol is not non-adaptive, it can be simulated with a multiplicative O(Delta log ^2 Delta) cost in the number of rounds. Lastly, we argue that simulations with a multiplicative overhead of o(log Delta) are unlikely to exist by proving that an Omega(log Delta) multiplicative round overhead is necessary under certain natural assumptions

    Constrained Dynamics of Tachyon Field in FRWL Spacetime

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    In this paper we continue study of tachyon scalar field described by a Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) type action with constraints in the cosmological context. The proposed extension of the system introducing an auxiliary field in the minisuperspace framework is discussed. A new equivalent set of constraints is constructed, satisfying the usual regularity conditions.Comment: 10 pages, to be published in the Special Issue of the Facta Universitatis Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology devoted to the SEENET-MTP Balkan Workshop BSW2019 (3-14 June 2018, Nis, Serbia


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    Upon analyzing acts committed within the criminal offences of armed rebellion and war of aggression, it can be concluded that they do not contain elements of violence at all. However, they represent an exceptionally great abstract danger, as well as carry a possibility of causing unforeseeable and even tragic consequences for a country or even the international community itself. It follows from the above that such criminal offences, in theory and in practice, are positioned in between politics and law. Due to some unknown reasons, the expert public has not dealt with the analysis of the practice and theory of these criminal offences to a sufficient degree, although such an examination would have been ultimately justified in order to analyze the activities of various international criminal courts, especially the work of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991. (ICTY). The aim of this paper is to provoke readers into thinking about the relationship between the criminal offences of the war of aggression and the armed rebellion, as well as to point to the problem area in the implementation of national criminal law in relation to international criminal law.Анализирајући радње извршења код кривичних дела оружане побуне и агресивног рата можемо закључити да оне у себи не садрже елементе било каквог насиља, али и да је њихова апстрактна опасност изузетно велика уз могућност изазивања несагледивих и чак трагичних последица за неку државу или чак међународну заједницу. Тако да можемо закључити да се ова кривична дела у теорији и пракси налазе између политике и права. Из неких непознатих разлога, стручна јавност се није у довољној мери бавила анализом праксе и теорије ових кривичних дела, иако је то било крајње оправдано ради анализе рада различитих међународних кривичних судова, а посебно Међународног трибунала за кривично гоњење лица одговорних за тешка кршења међународног хуманитарног права на територији бивше Југославије након 1991 (Хашког трибунала). Сам рад је имао за циљ да покрене размишљања о односима кривичних дела агресивног рата и оружане побуне, као и да укаже на проблематику у примени националног кривичног права у односу на међународно кривично право

    Inflationary RSII Model with a Matter in the Bulk and Exponential Potential of Tachyon Field

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    In this paper we study a tachyon cosmological model based on dynamics of a 3-brane in the second Randall-Sundrum (RSII) model extended to include matter in the bulk. The presence of matter in the bulk changes warp factor which leads to modification of inflationary dynamics. The additional brane behaves effectively as a tachyon. We calculate numerically observation parameters of inflation: the scalar spectral index (nsn_s) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio (rr) for the exponential potential of tachyon field.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, will be published in the Special Issue of Facta Universitatis, Series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology devoted to the SEENET-MTP Balkan Workshop BSW2018 (3-14 June 2018

    Numerical Calculation of Hubble Hierarchy Parameters and Observational Parameters of Inflation

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    We present results obtained by a software we developed for computing observational cosmological inflation parameters: the scalar spectral index (nsn_s) and the tensor-to-scalar ratio (rr) for a standard single field and tachyon inflation, as well as for a tachyon inflation in the second Randall-Sundrum model with an additional radion field. The calculated numerical values of observational parameters are compared with the latest results of observations obtained by the Planck Collaboration. The program is written in C/C++. The \textit{GNU Scientific Library} is used for some of the numerical computations and R language is used for data analysis and plots.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, based on talk presented at The 10th Jubilee Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU10), 26-30 August 2018 (Sofia, Bulgaria

    Collaborative and intelligent networks and decision systems and services for supporting engineering and production management

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    Collaborative networks and systems (CNS) have received much attention in recent decades to reach a competitive advantage [...]This work was supported by national funds through the FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, through the R&D Units Project Scopes: UIDB/00319/2020, UIDB/50014/2020, and EXPL/EME-SIS/1224/2021

    Formal description technique SDL for manufacturing systems specification and description

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    This paper addresses the formal specification and description of manufacturing systems. It is considered the use of SDL (Specification and Description Language), a standard FDT (Formal Description Technique), to model the behaviour, data and structure aspects of a manufacturing system. SDL was originally developed for telecommunication systems (protocol specification and data processing). The adequacy of FDTs, namely SDL, for the manufacturing systems domain is investigated by developing the SDL specification of part of a Distributed/Virtual Manufacturing System cell installation (D/V MS Project), and analysing it