13 research outputs found

    The case for inflow of the broad-line region of active galactic nuclei

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    The high-ionization lines of the broad-line region (BLR) of thermal active galactic nuclei (AGNs) show blueshifts of a few hundred km/s to several thousand km/sec with respect to the low-ionization lines. This has long been thought to be due to the high-ionization lines of the BLR arising in a wind of which the far side of the outflow is blocked from our view by the accretion disc. Evidence for and against the disc-wind model is discussed. The biggest problem for the model is that velocity-resolved reverberation mapping repeatedly fails to show the expected kinematic signature of outflow of the BLR. The disc-wind model also cannot readily reproduce the red side of the line profiles of high-ionization lines. The rapidly falling density in an outflow makes it difficult to obtain high equivalent widths. We point out a number of major problems with associating the BLR with the outflows producing broad absorption lines. An explanation which avoids all these problems and satisfies the constraints of both the line profiles and velocity-resolved reverberation-mapping is a model in which the blueshifting is due to scattering off material spiraling inwards with an inflow velocity of half the velocity of the blueshifting. We discuss how recent reverberation mapping results are consistent with the scattering-plus-inflow model but do not support a disc-wind model. We propose that the anti-correlation of the apparent redshifting of Hβ\beta with the blueshifting of CIV is a consequence of contamination of the red wings of Hβ\beta by the broad wings of [O III].Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures. To appear in special issue of Astrophysics and Space Science, "Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics

    Hot-spot model for accretion disc variability as random process - II. Mathematics of the power-spectrum break frequency

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    We study some general properties of accretion disc variability in the context of stationary random processes. In particular, we are interested in mathematical constraints that can be imposed on the functional form of the Fourier power-spectrum density (PSD) that exhibits a multiply broken shape and several local maxima. We develop a methodology for determining the regions of the model parameter space that can in principle reproduce a PSD shape with a given number and position of local peaks and breaks of the PSD slope. Given the vast space of possible parameters, it is an important requirement that the method is fast in estimating the PSD shape for a given parameter set of the model. We generated and discuss the theoretical PSD profiles of a shot-noise-type random process with exponentially decaying flares. Then we determined conditions under which one, two, or more breaks or local maxima occur in the PSD. We calculated positions of these features and determined the changing slope of the model PSD. Furthermore, we considered the influence of the modulation by the orbital motion for a variability pattern assumed to result from an orbiting-spot model. We suggest that our general methodology can be useful in for describing non-monotonic PSD profiles (such as the trend seen, on different scales, in exemplary cases of the high-mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 and the narrow-line Seyfert galaxy Ark 564). We adopt a model where these power spectra are reproduced as a superposition of several Lorentzians with varying amplitudes in the X-ray-band light curve. Our general approach can help in constraining the model parameters and in determining which parts of the parameter space are accessible under various circumstances.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics accepte

    Modelling the X-ray polarimetric signatures of complex geometry: the case study of the "changing look" AGN NGC 1365

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    "Changing look" Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are a subset of Seyfert galaxies characterized by rapid transitions between Compton-thin and Compton-thick regimes. In their Compton-thin state, the central engine is less obscured, hence spectroscopy or timing observations can probe their innermost structures. However, it is not clear if the observed emission features and the Compton hump are associated with relativistic reflection onto the accretion disc, or complex absorption by distant, absorbing gas clouds passing by the observer's line-of-sight. Here, we investigate these two scenarios under the scope of X-ray polarimetry, providing the first polarisation predictions for an archetypal "changing look" AGN: NGC 1365. We explore the resulting polarisation emerging from lamp-post emission and scattering off an accretion disc in the immediate vicinity of a supermassive black hole. The computed polarisation signatures are compared to the results of an absorption-dominated model, where high column density gas partially covers the central source. While the shape of the polarisation spectrum is similar, the two models differ in net polarisation percentage, with the relativistic reflection scenario producing significantly stronger polarisation. Additionally, the variation of the polarisation position angle is distinctly different between both scenarios: the reflection-dominated model produces smooth rotations of the polarisation angle with photon energy whereas circumnuclear absorption causes an orthogonal switch of the polarisation angle between the soft and the hard X-ray bands. By comparing the predicted polarisation of NGC 1365 to the detectability levels of X-ray polarimetry mission concepts proposed in the past, we demonstrate that with a large, soft X-ray observatory or a medium-sized mission equipped with a hard (6 - 35 keV) polarimeter, the correct interpretation would be unambiguous.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The Nuclear Reddening Curve for Active Galactic Nuclei and the Shape of the Infra-Red to X-Ray Spectral Energy Distribution

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    We present extinction curves derived from the broad emission lines and continua of large samples of both radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs. The curves are significantly flatter in the UV than are curves for the local ISM. The reddening curves for the radio-quiet LBQS quasars are slightly steeper than those of the radio-loud quasars in the UV, probably because of additional reddening by dust further out in the host galaxies of the former. The UV extinction curves for the radio-loud AGNs are very flat. This is explicable with slight modifications to standard MRN dust models: there is a relative lack of small grains in the nuclear dust. Our continuum and broad-emission line reddening curves agree in both shape and amplitude, confirming that the continuum shape is indeed profoundly affected by reddening for all but the bluest AGNs. With correction by our generic extinction curve, all of the radio-loud AGNs have continuous optical-UV spectra consistent with a single shape. We show that radio-quiet AGNs have very similar intrinsic UV to optical shape over orders of magnitude in luminosity. We also argue that radio-loud and radio-quiet AGNs probably share the same underlying continuum shape and that most of the systematic differences between their observed continuum shapes are due to higher nuclear reddening in radio-selected AGNs, and additional reddening from dust further out in the host galaxies in radio-quiet AGNs. Our conclusions have important implications for the modelling of quasar continua and the analysis of quasar demographics.Comment: 41 pages, including 6 figures and 3 tables. To appear in ApJ vol. 614, October 20 issue. Some slight wording changes. Some additional references added. Small changes in the model fit in section 6.2, to the analytical fit in the Appendix, and to the tabulated reddening curve in the Appendi