25 research outputs found

    A comparative study of nucleostemin family members in zebrafish reveals specific roles in ribosome biogenesis

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    Nucleostemin (NS) is an essential protein for the growth and viability of developmental stem cells. Its functions are multi-faceted, including important roles in ribosome biogenesis and in the p53-induced apoptosis pathway. While NS has been well studied, the functions of its family members GNL2 and GNL3-like (GNL3L) remain relatively obscure despite a high degree of sequence and domain homology. Here, we use zebrafish lines carrying mutations in the ns family to compare and contrast their functions in vertebrates. We find the loss of zebrafish ns or gnl2 has a major impact on 60S large ribosomal subunit formation and/or function due to cleavage impairments at distinct sites of pre-rRNA transcript. In both cases this leads to a reduction of total protein synthesis. In contrast, gnl3l loss shows relatively minor rRNA processing delays that ultimately have no appreciable effects on ribosome biogenesis or protein synthesis. However, the loss of gnl3l still results in p53 stabilization, apoptosis, and lethality similarly to ns and gnl2 loss. The depletion of p53 in all three of the mutants led to partial rescues of the morphological phenotypes and surprisingly, a rescue of the 60S subunit collapse in the ns mutants. We show that this rescue is due to an unexpected effect of p53 loss that even in wild type embryos results in an increase of 60S subunits. Our study presents an in-depth description of the mechanisms through which ns and gnl2 function in vertebrate ribosome biogenesis and shows that despite the high degree of sequence and domain homology, gnl3l has critical functions in development that are unrelated to the ribosome

    Ribosomal Protein Mutations Result in Constitutive p53 Protein Degradation through Impairment of the AKT Pathway

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    Mutations in ribosomal protein (RP) genes can result in the loss of erythrocyte progenitor cells and cause severe anemia. This is seen in patients with Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA), a pure red cell aplasia and bone marrow failure syndrome that is almost exclusively linked to RP gene haploinsufficiency. While the mechanisms underlying the cytopenia phenotype of patients with these mutations are not completely understood, it is believed that stabilization of the p53 tumor suppressor protein may induce apoptosis in the progenitor cells. In stark contrast, tumor cells from zebrafish with RP gene haploinsufficiency are unable to stabilize p53 even when exposed to acute DNA damage despite transcribing wild type p53 normally. In this work we demonstrate that p53 has a limited role in eliciting the anemia phenotype of zebrafish models of DBA. In fact, we find that RP-deficient embryos exhibit the same normal p53 transcription, absence of p53 protein, and impaired p53 response to DNA damage as RP haploinsufficient tumor cells. Recently we reported that RP mutations suppress activity of the AKT pathway, and we show here that this suppression results in proteasomal degradation of p53. By re-activating the AKT pathway or by inhibiting GSK-3, a downstream modifier that normally represses AKT signaling, we are able to restore the stabilization of p53. Our work indicates that the anemia phenotype of zebrafish models of DBA is dependent on factors other than p53, and may hold clinical significance for both DBA and the increasing number of cancers revealing spontaneous mutations in RP genes

    Organoid cell fate dynamics in space and time

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    Organoids are a major new tool to study tissue renewal. However, characterizing the underlying differentiation dynamics remains challenging. Here, we developed TypeTracker, which identifies cell fates by AI-enabled cell tracking and propagating end point fates back along the branched lineage trees. Cells that ultimately migrate to the villus commit to their new type early, when still deep inside the crypt, with important consequences: (i) Secretory cells commit before terminal division, with secretory fates emerging symmetrically in sister cells. (ii) Different secretory types descend from distinct stem cell lineages rather than an omnipotent secretory progenitor. (iii) The ratio between secretory and absorptive cells is strongly affected by proliferation after commitment. (iv) Spatial patterning occurs after commitment through type-dependent cell rearrangements. This "commit-then-sort" model contrasts with the conventional conveyor belt picture, where cells differentiate by moving up the crypt-villus axis and hence raises new questions about the underlying commitment and sorting mechanisms.BN/Sander Tans La

    A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension

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    The biogenesis of ribosomes and their coordination of protein translation consume an enormous amount of cellular energy. As such, it has been established that the inhibition of either process can extend eukaryotic lifespan. Here, we used next-generation sequencing to compare ribosome-associated RNAs from normal strains of Caenorhabditis elegans to those carrying the life-extending daf-2 mutation. We found a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), transcribed telomeric sequence 1 (tts-1), on ribosomes of the daf-2 mutant. Depleting tts-1 in daf-2 mutants increases ribosome levels and significantly shortens their extended lifespan. We find tts-1 is also required for the longer lifespan of the mitochondrial clk-1 mutants but not the feeding-defective eat-2 mutants. In line with this, the clk-1 mutants express more tts-1 and fewer ribosomes than the eat-2 mutants. Our results suggest that the expression of tts-1 functions in different longevity pathways to reduce ribosome levels in a way that promotes life extension.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension journaltitle: Cell Reports articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2014.12.029 content_type: article copyright: Copyright © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.status: publishe

    OrganoidTracker: Efficient cell tracking using machine learning and manual error correction

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    Time-lapse microscopy is routinely used to follow cells within organoids, allowing direct study of division and differentiation patterns. There is an increasing interest in cell tracking in organoids, which makes it possible to study their growth and homeostasis at the singlecell level. As tracking these cells by hand is prohibitively time consuming, automation using a computer program is required. Unfortunately, organoids have a high cell density and fast cell movement, which makes automated cell tracking difficult. In this work, a semi-automated cell tracker has been developed. To detect the nuclei, we use a machine learning approach based on a convolutional neural network. To form cell trajectories, we link detections at different time points together using a min-cost flow solver. The tracker raises warnings for situations with likely errors. Rapid changes in nucleus volume and position are reported for manual review, as well as cases where nuclei divide, appear and disappear. When the warning system is adjusted such that virtually error-free lineage trees can be obtained, still less than 2% of all detected nuclei positions are marked for manual analysis. This provides an enormous speed boost over manual cell tracking, while still providing tracking data of the same quality as manual tracking.BN/Sander Tans La

    A Long Noncoding RNA on the Ribosome Is Required for Lifespan Extension

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    The biogenesis of ribosomes and their coordination of protein translation consume an enormous amount of cellular energy. As such, it has been established that the inhibition of either process can extend eukaryotic lifespan. Here, we used next-generation sequencing to compare ribosome-associated RNAs from normal strains of Caenorhabditis elegans to those carrying the life-extending daf-2 mutation. We found a long noncoding RNA (lncRNA), transcribed telomeric sequence 1 (tts-1), on ribosomes of the daf-2 mutant. Depleting tts-1 in daf-2 mutants increases ribosome levels and significantly shortens their extended lifespan. We find tts-1 is also required for the longer lifespan of the mitochondrial clk-1 mutants but not the feeding-defective eat-2 mutants. In line with this, the clk-1 mutants express more tts-1 and fewer ribosomes than the eat-2 mutants. Our results suggest that the expression of tts-1 functions in different longevity pathways to reduce ribosome levels in a way that promotes life extension

    p53 protein is degraded by the proteasome and rescued by insulin in RP mutants.

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    <p><b>A)</b> Western blot analysis of p53 levels in 2 dpf wild type or <i>rpS7</i> mutant cells untreated or exposed to 20μM of the proteasome inhibitor MG132. <b>B)</b> Western blot analysis of p53 protein levels in either wild type or <i>rpS7</i> mutants exposed to 25 Gy ionizing radiation followed by the addition of 350nM insulin and/or 10mM Trolox. <b>C)</b> Model illustrating how impaired AKT activity by RP mutations may result in the failure of p53 to stabilize in response to ionizing radiation.</p