11 research outputs found

    Trypanosomes can initiate nuclear export co-transcriptionally

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    The nuclear envelope serves as important messenger RNA (mRNA) surveillance system. In yeast and human, several control systems act in parallel to prevent nuclear export of unprocessed mRNAs. Trypanosomes lack homologues to most of the involved proteins and their nuclear mRNA metabolism is nonconventional exemplified by polycistronic transcription and mRNA processing by trans-splicing. We here visualized nuclear export in trypanosomes by intra- and intermolecular multi-colour single molecule FISH. We found that, in striking contrast to other eukaryotes, the initiation of nuclear export requires neither the completion of transcription nor splicing. Nevertheless, we show that unspliced mRNAs are mostly prevented from reaching the nucleus-distant cytoplasm and instead accumulate at the nuclear periphery in cytoplasmic nuclear periphery granules (NPGs). Further characterization of NPGs by electron microscopy and proteomics revealed that the granules are located at the cytoplasmic site of the nuclear pores and contain most cytoplasmic RNAbinding proteins but none of the major translation initiation factors, consistent with a function in preventing faulty mRNAs from reaching translation. Our data indicate that trypanosomes regulate the completion of nuclear export, rather than the initiation. Nuclear export control remains poorly understood, in any organism, and the described way of control may not be restricted to trypanosomes

    Nuclear periphery granules in Trypanosomen - Eine Charakterisierung in Komposition und Funktion

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    The nuclear envelope serves as important mRNA surveillance system. In yeast and humans, several control mechanisms act in parallel to prevent nuclear export of unprocessed mRNAs. However, trypanosomes lack homologues to most of the proteins involved. In addition, gene expression in trypanosomes relies almost completely on post-transcriptional regulation as they transcribe mRNAs as long polycistrons, which are subsequently processed into individual mRNA molecules by trans-splicing. As trans-splicing is not error-free, unspliced mRNAs may be recognized and prevented from reaching the cytoplasm by a yet unknown mechanism. When trans-splicing is inhibited in trypanosomes, the formation of a novel RNA granule type at the cytoplasmic periphery of the nucleus, so called nuclear periphery granules (NPGs) was previously observed. To identify potential regulators of nuclear export control, changes in protein localization which occur when trans-splicing is inhibited, were globally analyzed during this work. For this, trypanosome nuclei were purified under conditions maintaining NPG attachment to the nucleus, in the absence and presence of trans-splicing. Mass spectrometry analyses identified 128 proteins which are specifically enriched in nuclear preparations of cells inhibited for trans-splicing. Amongst them are proteins, which change their localization to the nucleus or to the nuclear pores as well as many proteins that move into NPGs. Some of these proteins are promising candidates for nuclear export control proteins, as the changes in localization (to the nucleus or nuclear pores) were specific to the accumulation of unspliced mRNAs. The NPG proteome almost exclusively contains proteins involved in mRNA metabolism, mostly unique to trypanosomes, notably major translation initiation factors were absent. These data indicate that NPGs are RNP complexes which have started or completed nuclear export, but not yet entered translation. As a byproduct of these proteomic studies, a high-quality dataset of the yet unknown T. brucei nuclear proteome is provided, closing an important gap in knowledge to study trypanosome biology, in particular nuclear related processes. NPGs were characterized in more detail by microscopy. The granules are cytoplasmic and present in at least two different trypanosome life cycle stages. There are at least two distinct granule subsets, with differences in protein composition. A closer analysis of NPGs by electron microscopy revealed that the granules are electron dense structures, which are connected to nuclear pores by string-like structures. In order to approach the function of NPGs, on the one hand, the hypothesis that NPGs might be related to perinuclear germ granules of adult gonads of C. elegans was tested: we found no relation between the two granule types. On the other hand, initial single molecule mRNA FISH experiments performed in trypanosomes showed no accumulation of unspliced transcripts in NPGs, arguing against an involvement of the granules in mRNA quality control.Die Kernhülle um den Zellkern dient als wichtiges mRNA-Überwachungssystem in Eukaryoten. Bei Hefen und Menschen wirken dabei beispielsweise mehrere Kontrollmechanismen parallel, um den Export von unverarbeiteten mRNAs aus dem Kern heraus zu verhindern. Trypanosomen fehlen jedoch Homologe zu den Meisten hierbei beteiligten Proteinen. Außerdem basiert Genexpression in Trypanosomen fast ausschließlich auf posttranskriptioneller Kontrolle, da die Parasiten mRNAs als lange Polycistrons transkribieren, die anschließend durch Transspleißen zu einzelnen mRNA-Molekülen verarbeitet werden. Da der Prozess des Transspleißen nicht fehlerfrei zu sein scheint, gibt es möglicherweise einen noch unbekannten Mechanismus, der nicht gespleißte mRNAs erkennt und diese daran hindert, das Zytoplasma zu erreichen. Unter Bedingungen, in denen Transspleißen in Trypanosomen blockiert ist, konnte eine neue Art von RNA-Granula an der zytoplasmatischen Peripherie des Zellkerns beobachtet werden, sogenannte Nuclear Periphery Granules (NPGs). Um potentielle Regulatoren einer Kontrolle des mRNA-Exports zu identifizieren, wurde während dieser Arbeit umfassend analysiert, inwieweit sich die Lokalisation von Proteinen ändert, wenn Transspleißen gehemmt wird. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Zellkerne von Trypanosomen unter Bedingungen aufgereinigt, bei denen die Bindung der NPGs an den Zellkern in Abwesenheit und Gegenwart von Transspleißen erhalten blieb. Mit Hilfe von massen-spektrometrischen Analysen konnten 128 Proteine identifiziert werden, die spezifisch in den Kernpräparaten von Zellen angereichert sind, in denen Transspleißen blockiert ist. Darunter befinden sich Proteine, die ihre Lokalisation in den Kern hinein oder zu den Kernporen hin verändern, sowie viele Proteine, die sich in NPGs bewegen. Einige dieser Proteine stellen vielversprechende Kandidaten für eine potenzielle Rolle in der Kernexportkontrolle dar, da die Veränderungen in der Lokalisation (zum Kern oder zu den Kernporen) spezifisch für die Akkumulation von nicht gespleißten mRNAs waren. Das hier erarbeitete NPG-Proteom enthält fast ausschließlich Proteine, die am mRNA-Metabolismus beteiligt sind und nur in Trypanosomen vorkommen. Insbesondere fehlen im NPG-Proteom wichtige Translationsinitiationsfaktoren. Die Daten zeigen, dass NPGs RNP-Komplexe sind, die den Export aus dem Zellkern bereits begonnen oder abgeschlossen haben, aber noch nicht mit dem Translationsprozess begonnen haben. Als Nebenprodukt dieser proteomischen Analyse, kann ein qualitativ hochwertiger Datensatz des noch unbekannten Kernproteoms von T. brucei bereitgestellt werden. Damit wird eine wichtige Wissenslücke bei der Forschung zur Trypanosomenbiologie, insbesondere zu nuklearen Prozessen geschlossen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden außerdem NPGs anhand mikroskopischer Untersuchungen detaillierter charakterisiert. Die Granula sind zytoplasmatisch und liegen in mindestens zwei verschiedenen Lebenszyklusstadien von Trypanosomen vor. Es gibt mindestens zwei Untergruppen der Granula mit Unterschieden in der Proteinzusammensetzung. Eine genauere elektronenmikroskopische Analyse ergab, dass es sich bei NPGs um elektronendichte Strukturen handelt, die durch fadenartige Strukturen mit den Kernporen verbunden sind. Um mehr über die potenzielle Funktion von NPGs herauszufinden, wurde zum einen die Hypothese untersucht, dass NPGs mit perinuklearen Keimgranula adulter Gonaden in C. elegans verwandt sind: Es konnte keine Beziehung zwischen den beiden Granulatypen gefunden werden. Zum anderen zeigten erste Experimente mittels Einzelmolekül-mRNA-FISH in Trypanosomen keine Akkumulation von ungespleißten Transkripten in NPGs, was gegen eine Beteiligung an mRNA-Qualitätskontrollmechanismen spricht

    Novel insights into RNP granules by employing the trypanosome's microtubule skeleton as a molecular sieve

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    RNP granules are ribonucleoprotein assemblies that regulate the post-transcriptional fate of mRNAs in all eukaryotes. Their exact function remains poorly understood, one reason for this is that RNP granule purification has not yet been achieved. We have exploited a unique feature of trypanosomes to prepare a cellular fraction highly enriched in starvation stress granules. First, granules remain trapped within the cage-like, subpellicular microtubule array of the trypanosome cytoskeleton while soluble proteins are washed away. Second, the microtubules are depolymerized and the granules are released. RNA sequencing combined with single molecule mRNA FISH identified the short and highly abundant mRNAs encoding ribosomal mRNAs as being excluded from granules. By mass spectrometry we have identified 463 stress granule candidate proteins. For 17/49 proteins tested by eYFP tagging we have confirmed the localization to granules, including one phosphatase, one methyltransferase and two proteins with a function in trypanosome life-cycle regulation. The novel method presented here enables the unbiased identification of novel RNP granule components, paving the way towards an understanding of RNP granule function

    The nuclear proteome of <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>

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    <div><p><i>Trypanosoma brucei</i> is a protozoan flagellate that is transmitted by tsetse flies into the mammalian bloodstream. The parasite has a huge impact on human health both directly by causing African sleeping sickness and indirectly, by infecting domestic cattle. The biology of trypanosomes involves some highly unusual, nuclear-localised processes. These include polycistronic transcription without classical promoters initiated from regions defined by histone variants, trans-splicing of all transcripts to the exon of a spliced leader RNA, transcription of some very abundant proteins by RNA polymerase I and antigenic variation, a switch in expression of the cell surface protein variants that allows the parasite to resist the immune system of its mammalian host. Here, we provide the nuclear proteome of procyclic <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i>, the stage that resides within the tsetse fly midgut. We have performed quantitative label-free mass spectrometry to score 764 significantly nuclear enriched proteins in comparison to whole cell lysates. A comparison with proteomes of several experimentally characterised nuclear and non-nuclear structures and pathways confirmed the high quality of the dataset: the proteome contains about 80% of all nuclear proteins and less than 2% false positives. Using motif enrichment, we found the amino acid sequence KRxR present in a large number of nuclear proteins. KRxR is a sub-motif of a classical eukaryotic monopartite nuclear localisation signal and could be responsible for nuclear localization of proteins in <i>Kinetoplastida</i> species. As a proof of principle, we have confirmed the nuclear localisation of six proteins with previously unknown localisation by expressing eYFP fusion proteins. While proteome data of several <i>T</i>. <i>brucei</i> organelles have been published, our nuclear proteome closes an important gap in knowledge to study trypanosome biology, in particular nuclear-related processes.</p></div

    Validation of nuclear localisation by expressing eYFP fusion proteins.

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    <p>Six proteins of the nuclear proteome with previously unknown localisation were expressed as eYFP fusion proteins from their endogenous loci. Representative images (single plane images of deconvolved z-stacks) are shown. The DNA of the nucleus and the kinetoplast was stained with DAPI.</p