13 research outputs found

    A case of mental nerve paresthesia due to dynamic compression of alveolar inferior nerve along an elongated styloid process

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    Spontaneous paresthesia of the mental nerve is considered an ominous clinical sign. Mental nerve paresthesia has also been referred to as numb chin syndrome. Several potentially different factors have been investigated for their role in interfering with the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) and causing mental nerve neuropathy. In the present case, the patient had an elongated calcified styloid process that we hypothesized had caused IAN irritation during mandibular movement. This eventually resulted in progressive loss of sensation in the mental nerve region. To our knowledge, this dynamic irritation, with complete recovery after resection of the styloid process, has not been previously reported

    Controversies in orbital reconstruction-II: timing of post-traumatic orbital reconstruction: a systematic review

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    The timing of orbital reconstruction is a determinative factor with respect to the incidence of potential postoperative orbital complications. In orbital trauma surgery, a general distinction is made between immediate (within hours), early (within 2 weeks), and late surgical intervention. There is a strong consensus on the indications for immediate repair, but clinicians face challenges in identifying patients with minimal defects who may actually benefit from delayed surgical treatment. Moreover, controversies exist regarding the risk of late surgery-related orbital fibrosis, since traumatic ocular motility disorders sometimes recover spontaneously and therefore do not necessarily require surgery. In this study, all currently available evidence on timing as an independent variable in orbital fracture reduction outcomes for paediatric and adult patients was systematically reviewed. Current evidence supports guidelines for immediate repair but is insufficient to support guidelines on the best timing for non-immediate orbital reconstruction

    Controversies in orbital reconstruction-I: defect-driven orbital reconstruction: a systematic review

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    In the 1980s, computed tomography was introduced as an imaging modality for diagnosing orbital fractures. Since then, new light has been shed on the field of orbital fracture management. Currently, most surgeons are likely to repair orbital fractures based on clinical findings and particularly on data obtained from computed tomography scans. However, an important but unresolved issue is the fracture size, which dictates the extent and type of reconstruction. In other fields of trauma surgery, an increasing body of evidence is stressing the importance of complexity-based treatment models. The aim of this study was to systematically review all articles on orbital reconstruction, with a focus on the indication for surgery and the defect size and location, in order to identify the reconstruction methods that show the best results for the different types of orbital fractures

    Influence of BSSO surgical technique on postoperative inferior alveolar nerve hypoesthesia: a systematic review of the literature

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different splitting techniques, namely, "mallet and chisel" versus "spreading and prying", used during bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) on postoperative hypoesthesia outcomes. Study design We systematically searched the PubMed and Cochrane databases (from January 1957 to November 2012) for studies that examined postoperative neurosensory disturbance (NSD) of the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) after BSSO. Results Our initial PubMed search identified 673 studies, of which, 14 met our inclusion criteria. From these 14 studies, 3 groups were defined: (1) no chisel use (4.1% NSD/site), (2) undefined chisel use (18.4% NSD/site), and (3) explicit chisel use along the buccal cortex (37.3% NSD/site). Conclusion Study heterogeneity and a frequent lack of surgical detail impeded our ability to make precise comparisons between studies. However, the group of studies explicitly describing chisel use along the buccal cortex showed the highest incidence of NSD. Moreover, comparison of the study that did not use chisels with the 2 studies that explicitly described chisel use revealed a possible disadvantage of the "mallet and chisel" group (4.1% versus 37.3% NSD/site). These results suggest that chisel use increases NSD risk after BSSO

    Are there risk factors for osseous mandibular inferior border defects after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy?

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    Purpose: Bone defects of the inferior mandibular border (osseous inferior border defects) can cause unesthetic postoperative outcomes after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO). The aim of this study was to estimate the frequency of osseous inferior border defects after BSSO and to identify risk factors for this complication.Materials and methods: This retrospective study included consecutive patients who underwent BSSO for mandibular retrognathia. The primary outcome was the presence/absence of osseous inferior border defects. Predictors included the mandibular movement, rotation of the occlusal plane, postoperative proximal segment position, pattern of lingual fracture, occurrence of bad split, and presence of third molars.Results: The study sample consisted of 200 patients and had a mean follow-up of 13 months. The mean mandibular advancement and rotation was respectively 5.8 mm and 5.4 degrees clockwise. Osseous inferior border defects were present in 7.0% of splits and in 12.5% of patients. Significant risk factors for inferior border defects included increased advancement, increased clockwise rotation, cranial rotation of the proximal segment, and a split originating in the lingual cortex.Conclusion: In conclusion, osseous inferior border defects occur significantly more often in cases with large mandibular advancement, increased clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane, malpositioning of the proximal segment, and a split originating in the lingual cortex. (C) 2016 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Should virtual mirroring be used in the preoperative planning of an orbital reconstruction?

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    Purpose: Mirroring has been used as a diagnostic tool in orbital wall fractures for many years, but limited research is available proving the assumed symmetry of orbits. The purpose of this study was to evaluate volume and contour differences between orbital cavities in healthy humans. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the left and right orbital cavities of a consecutive sample of patients’ computed tomograms were measured. Inclusion criteria were patients with no sign of orbital or sinus pathology or fracture. Outcome variables were differences in volume and contour. Descriptive statistics and Student paired t test were used for data analysis of orbital volume and distance maps were used for analysis of orbital contour. Results: The sample was composed of 100 patients with a mean age of 57; 50% were men. The total mean orbital volume was 27.53 ± 3.11 mL. Mean difference between cavities was 0.44 ± 0.31 mL or 1.59% (standard deviation [SD], 1.10%). The orbital contour showed high similarity, with an absolute mean left-versus-right difference of 0.82 mm (SD, 0.23 mm). Conclusion: The authors hypothesize that the measured differences between right and left orbital volumes and contours are clinically minor. In consequence, the use of mirroring tools as part of preoperative planning in orbital reconstruction is legitimate with the aim of simulating the pre-traumatized anatomy