12,540 research outputs found

    Christ in the Medical Student

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    Larvae and pupae of New Guinea Tabanidae (Diptera) : 1. Species of Chrysops Meigen

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    Information on the immature stages of Australasian Tabanidae found in published literature dealt with only 17 species, all so far known only from Australia and none representing the genus Chrysops Meigen. Two of the four Australasian species of Chrysops are found on the island of New Guinea, and both, C. albicinctus Wulp and C. australis Ricardo, are described and illustrated

    New species of Cydistomyia Taylor with notes and collection records for other Tabanidae (Diptera) from New Guinea

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    Four new species of Cydistomyia Taylor from New Guinea, C. missimiensis, C. madangiensis, C. waigani, and C. moresbyensis, are described and figured. A revised key to the females of New Guinea Cydistomyia and New Guinea collection records for 57 additional species of Tabanidae are provided. A table with the approximate longitudes and latitudes of all but one locality listed is provided

    A new species of Cydistomyia (Diptera, Tabanidae) from Papua New Guinea

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    A new species, Cydistomyia kamialiensis, is described from specimens collected in the Kamiali Wildlife Management Area of Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea

    Immature stages of some eastern Nearctic Tabanidae (Diptera). IX. Chrysops beameri Brennan and Hybomitra trispila (Wiedemann)

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    The larvae and pupae of two species of Tabanidae (Diptera), Chrysops beameri Brennan and Hybomitra trispila (Wiedemann), are described and illustrated, and their similarities and differences relative to similar species are discussed. Comments are also provided on the larval habitats and the other species of immature Tabanidae associated with larvae of each species.Las larvas y pupas de dos especies de Tabanidae (Diptera), Chrysops beameri Brennan y Hybomitra trispila (Wiedemann), se describen e ilustran, y sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto a otras especies similares se discuten. Los comentarios son además, en el hábitat de las larvas y de las otras especies de Tabanidae inmaduros asociados con larvas de cada especie

    Larvae and pupae of some New Guinean Tabanidae (Diptera) : 2. Species of the genus Tabanus Linnaeus

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    The larvae and pupae of Tabanus lenticulatus Oldroyd and T. papuensis Oldroyd are described, illustrated, and compared with the other described larvae of Australasian species of Tabanus Linnaeus

    The first record of Merycomyia whitneyi (Johnson), tribe Bouvieromyiini (Diptera: Tabanidae), from Texas and from west of the Mississippi River

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    The first collections of Merycomyia whitneyi (Johnson), (Diptera: Tabanidae: Chrysopsinae: Bouvieromyiini) from Texas and from west of the Mississippi River are reported, and the Nearctic species of the Tribe Bouvieromyiini are discussed

    Saran film is fire-retardant in oxygen atmosphere

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    Saran was tested for flammability as a wrapping on TFE-insulated electrical wire bundles in oxygen gas at pressures of 7.5 psia and 14.7 psia. It was found to be fire retardant or self-extinguishing in most instances

    The Almost Ideal and Translog Demand Systems

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    This chapter reviews the specification and application of the Deaton and Muellbauer (1980) Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) and the Christensen, Jorgensen, and Lau (1975) tranlog (TL) demand system. In so doing we examine various refinements to these models, including ways of incorporating demographic effects, methods by which curvature conditions can be imposed, and issues associated with incorporating structural change and seasonal effects. We also review methods for adjusting for autocorrelation in the model's residuals. A set of empirical examples for the AIDS and a the log TL version of the translog based on historical meat price and consumption data for the United States are also presented.Almost ideal demand system, Autocorrelation, Curvature, Meat Demand, Translog
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