64 research outputs found

    Effect of EGCG on granule cell proliferation in the adult dentate gyrus of the Ts65Dn mouse

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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) is the most common genetic disorder that results in cognitive abnormalities and occurs in approximately 1 in 700 live births. This disorder is caused by an extra copy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21) which increases the dosage of the genes on that chromosome. Ts65Dn mice, which are the most studied mouse model for DS, are trisomic for segments of mouse chromosome 16 (Mmu16) which contain approximately half the genes found on Hsa21. These mice express some of the physical and behavioral abnormalities associated with DS. Previous research has shown impaired performance of Ts65Dn mice in hippocampaldependent tasks, such as in the radial arm maze task, compared to euploid control mice. Success in such tasks is thought to depend on the ability of the hippocampus to generate granule cells within the dentate gyrus. Young granule cells are highly active after integration and are required for memory formation. Previous research shows that Ts65Dn have a reduction in the formation of granule cells which leads us to hypothesize that Ts65Dn mice will perform worse in the radial arm maze compared to euploid controls. This leads us to conclude that Ts65Dn mice have reduced granule cell proliferation relative to controls. We are investigating the effects of EGCG, a polyphenolic component of green tea, on granule cell proliferation in adult mice. Different pathways are suggested to be effected by EGCG, such as by inhibiting Dyrk1a that is overproduced in DS mice or by up-regulation of the sonic hedgehog receptor Patched. Using BrdU peroxidase immunohistochemistry to label newly generated granule cells in the adult mouse dentate gyrus, we hypothesize that EGCG will increase cell proliferation in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus

    Mechanisms of alcohol-induced damage to the developing nervous system

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    Numerous mechanisms likely contribute to the damaging effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on the developing fetus and particularly the developing central nervous system (CNS). The coexistence of a multitude of mechanisms that may act simultaneously or consecutively and differ among various cell types poses particular challenges to researchers. To study alcohol’s effects on the fetus more easily, investigators have used animal models and tissue-culture experiments. Such approaches have identified numerous potential mechanisms through which alcohol acts on the fetus, many of which result in cell death by necrosis or apoptosis. Among these mechanisms are increased oxidative stress, damage to the mitochondria, interference with the activity of growth factors, effects on glia cells, impaired development and function of chemical messenger systems involved in neuronal communication, changes in the transport and uptake of the sugar glucose, effects on cell adhesion, and changes in the regulation of gene activity during development

    Meta-Analyses of Externalizing Disorders: Genetics or Prenatal Alcohol Exposure?

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    Background Externalizing disorders are heritable precursors to alcohol dependence, common in children of alcoholics (COA), and in children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). Pregnancies involving alcohol exposure sufficient to affect the fetus may involve women with genetic risk for alcohol dependence. We hypothesized that known PAE will increase the odds of having an externalizing disorder compared to COA. Methods The odds ratios of 3 externalizing disorders (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD], conduct disorder [CD], and oppositional defiant disorder [ODD]) were obtained for 2 domains: (i) PAE and (ii) COA, by estimating the logged odds ratio (LOR) for each study. Permutation tests were implemented to compare LORs for PAE versus COA studies within each disorder, including PAE versus an alcohol dependent (AD) mother and PAE versus an AD father. Results In PAE studies, the odds of ADHD and CD were elevated. Rates of all 3 disorders were elevated in COA studies. Permutation tests revealed that the mean LOR for ADHD was significantly higher in PAE studies compared to: COA (p = 0.01), AD mother (p < 0.05), and AD father (p = 0.03). No differences were found for ODD (p = 0.09) or CD (p = 0.21). Conclusions These results provide compelling evidence of an increased risk of ADHD in those with PAE beyond that due to parental alcohol dependence or a genetic liability, consistent with a unique etiology most likely due to direct alcohol exposure during prenatal development

    Effects of one- and three-day binge alcohol exposure in neonatal C57BL/6 mice on spatial learning and memory in adolescence and adulthood

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    Binge-like alcohol exposure during the early postnatal period in rats and mice causes deficits in spatial learning and memory that persist into adulthood. Wozniak et al. (2004) reported that heavy binge alcohol exposure on postnatal day 7 (PD 7) in C57BL/6 (B6) mice produced profound spatial learning deficits in the Morris water maze when tested in adolescence (P30–39); when tested in adulthood, however, the deficits were greatly attenuated. Using a similar PD 7 binge alcohol exposure paradigm in B6 mice, we tested whether a single-day (PD 7 only) alcohol treatment produced place learning deficits in both adolescence and in adulthood, and further tested whether a more extended (3-day, PD 7–9) alcohol exposure would induce more severe and enduring deficits. B6 mice were given either 2 subcutaneous injections of alcohol (2.5 g/kg each) 2 h apart on PD 7 or on PD 7–9, and compared with controls that received saline vehicle injections and controls that received no injections. The alcohol injections on PD 7 produced average peak blood alcohol concentrations of 472 mg/dL and evoked typical patterns of activated caspase-3-positive neurons in the cortex, hippocampal formation, and striatum 6 h after the last injection. Mice were given standard place training or random location training in the Morris water maze either as adolescents (PD 30–39) or adults (PD 70–79). The adolescents acquired the place learning more slowly than adults, and the alcohol treatments produced only modest place acquisition deficits. In contrast, both the PD7 and the PD 7–9 alcohol treatments resulted in large and significant spatial learning impairments in adults. In contrast to the previous findings of Wozniak et al. (2004), these results indicate that binge alcohol exposure in the 3rd trimester equivalent produces significant and enduring deficits in spatial learning in B6 mice

    Targeting trisomic treatments: optimizing Dyrk1a inhibition to improve Down syndrome deficits

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    Overexpression of Dual‐specificity tyrosine‐phosphorylated regulated kinase 1A (DYRK1A), located on human chromosome 21, may alter molecular processes linked to developmental deficits in Down syndrome (DS). Trisomic DYRK1A is a rational therapeutic target, and although reductions in Dyrk1a genetic dosage have shown improvements in trisomic mouse models, attempts to reduce Dyrk1a activity by pharmacological mechanisms and correct these DS‐associated phenotypes have been largely unsuccessful. Epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate (EGCG) inhibits DYRK1A activity in vitro and this action has been postulated to account for improvement of some DS‐associated phenotypes that have been reported in preclinical studies and clinical trials. However, the beneficial effects of EGCG are inconsistent and there is no direct evidence that any observed improvement actually occurs through Dyrk1a inhibition. Inconclusive outcomes likely reflect a lack of knowledge about the tissue‐specific patterns of spatial and temporal overexpression and elevated activity of Dyrk1a that may contribute to emerging DS traits during development. Emerging evidence indicates that Dyrk1a expression varies over the life span in DS mouse models, yet preclinical therapeutic treatments targeting Dyrk1a have largely not considered these developmental changes. Therapies intended to improve DS phenotypes through normalizing trisomic Dyrk1a need to optimize the timing and dose of treatment to match the spatiotemporal patterning of excessive Dyrk1a activity in relevant tissues. This will require more precise identification of developmental periods of vulnerability to enduring adverse effects of elevated Dyrk1a, representing the concurrence of increased Dyrk1a expression together with hypothesized tissue‐specific‐sensitive periods when Dyrk1a regulates cellular processes that shape the long‐term functional properties of the tissue. Future efforts targeting inhibition of trisomic Dyrk1a should identify these putative spatiotemporally specific developmental sensitive periods and determine whether normalizing Dyrk1a activity then can lead to improved outcomes in DS phenotypes

    Acute Alcohol and Cognition: Remembering What It Causes Us to Forget

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    Addiction has been conceptualized as a specific form of memory that appropriates typically adaptive neural mechanisms of learning to produce the progressive spiral of drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior, perpetuating the path to addiction through aberrant processes of drug-related learning and memory. From that perspective, to understand the development of alcohol use disorders it is critical to identify how a single exposure to alcohol enters into or alters the processes of learning and memory, so that involvement of and changes in neuroplasticity processes responsible for learning and memory can be identified early on. This review characterizes the effects produced by acute alcohol intoxication as a function of brain region and memory neurocircuitry. In general, exposure to ethanol doses that produce intoxicating effects causes consistent impairments in learning and memory processes mediated by specific brain circuitry, whereas lower doses either have no effect or produce a facilitation of memory under certain task conditions. Therefore, acute ethanol does not produce a global impairment of learning and memory, and can actually facilitate particular types of memory, perhaps particular types of memory that facilitate the development of excessive alcohol use. In addition, the effects on cognition are dependent on brain region, task demands, dose received, pharmacokinetics, and tolerance. Additionally, we explore the underlying alterations in neurophysiology produced by acute alcohol exposure that help to explain these changes in cognition and highlight future directions for research. Through understanding the impact acute alcohol intoxication has on cognition, the preliminary changes potentially causing a problematic addiction memory can better be identified

    Effects of 50 mg/kg EGCG Treatment of Ts65Dn Down Syndrome Mice on Novel Object Recognition

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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS) is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21, and affects 1/700 live births. DYRK1A, a gene found in three copies in humans with DS and Ts65Dn DS mice, has been linked to alterations in morphology and function of the brain resulting in cognitive impairment. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), an inhibitor of DYRK1A activity, has been proposed as a possible treatment. Using the Ts65Dn DS mouse model, we examined the effects of EGCG treatment on on hippocampal dependent learning and memory using a novel object recognition task (NOR). A previous study analyzing the effects of EGCG at a concentration 30mg/kg/day showed that there was no genotype or treatment effect in the NOR task when treatment is continuous through testing. In this study, the mice were given 50 mg/kg/day EGCG or water via their drinking water starting at 3 weeks of age. The mice were handled two days before testing and then underwent a series of behavioral tests including NOR. They underwent testing at 3 weeks and 7 weeks of treatment. Treatment was continuous throughout behavioral testing. NOR consists of a box with the objects placed diagonally from each other. The mice underwent 3 days of testing with 15 minute sessions per day consisting of habituation, exposure, and test day, all of which were recorded and analyzed to determine time spent exploring novel object in relation to familiar. The amount of time spent at each object was scored by three independent scorers, blind to genotype and treatment. We observed no genotype or treatment effect at either the 3 or 7 week test results, which is consistent with our past results. A higher dose, along with a more sensitive test of recognition memory, may be needed in order to show a treatment effect on the Ts65Dn mice

    Effects of Increased Dosage EGCG Treatment on Cognitive Deficits in the Ts65Dn Down Syndrome Mouse Model

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    poster abstractDown syndrome (DS), caused by trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21), is the leading genetic cause of cognitive impairment and results in a constellation of phenotypes. Although symptomatic and therapeutic treatments exist for some DS phenotypes, treatments generally do not address the genetic etiology. The Ts65Dn mouse model, which contains a triplication of approximately half the gene orthologs of Hsa21, exhibits hippocampal learning and memory deficits as well as cerebellar motor and spatial deficits similar to those present in individuals with DS. DYRK1A, one of the genes overexpressed in DS, has been identified as a potential cause of cognitive impairment; therefore normalization of DYRK1A activity may be a valid form of treatment. We have shown that Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a major polyphenol of green tea, can rescue skeletal deficits found in the Ts65Dn mouse model at a low dosage. When this same low dosage was used to rescue behavioral deficits, however, it was ineffective. We hypothesize that high dose EGCG treatment lasting throughout the behavioral testing period will rescue the cognitive deficits observed in Ts65Dn mice. Trisomic mice and euploid littermates were given EGCG or water (control) for 7 weeks while being tested sequentially on novel object recognition (NOR) and Morris water maze (MWM). Our current data set shows that Ts65Dn mice exhibit deficits in learning and memory; further data will be collected in order to identify the effect of EGCG. Data showing pure EGCG as being ineffective will suggest the importance adding a supplemental compound, while data showing pure EGCG as an effective form of treatment will strongly support use of EGCG in translational studies in individuals with Down syndrome

    Correction of cerebellar movement related deficits by normalizing Dyrk1a copy number in the Ts65Dn mouse model for Down syndrome

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    poster abstractElucidation of the underlying mechanisms involved in brain related deficits of Down syndrome (DS) would be useful for consideration of therapeutic interventions. Several DSspecific phenotypes have been hypothesized to be linked to altered expression or function of specific trisomic genes. One such gene of interest is D YRK1A , which has been implicated in behavioral functions of the hippocampus and cerebellum. The Ts65Dn mouse model for DS includes a triplication of D yrk1a in addition to a triplication of >100 other human chromosome 21 mouse orthologs. To evaluate the role of D yrk1a in cerebellar function, we have genetically normalized the D yrk1a copy number in otherwise trisomicTs65Dn mice and reduced D yrk1a copy number in otherwise euploid mice (2N) for a total of 3 alternative genetic doses of D yrk1a: EuploidDyrk1a +/+ , EuploidDyrk1a +/, Ts65DnDyrk1a +/+/+ , and Ts65DnDyrk1a +/+/. Cerebellar movementrelated function in these knockdown models is being assessed through a novel behavioral balance beam task. Additionally, levels of D yrk1a activity in the cerebellum for all genotypes were analyzed by HPLC. We have previously demonstrated that Ts65DnDyrk1a +/+/+ mice perform worse in the balance beam task in comparison to EuploidDyrk1a +/+ mice. Preliminary results of the current study do not indicate such a difference among Ts65DnDyrk1a +/+/+ mice in comparison to EuploidDyrk1a +/+ mice. We hypothesize that the lack of replication of the previous findings may be due to differences in postweaning housing environments. Mice in the previous study were singlehoused, whereas mice in the present study were grouphoused, which may help mitigate motor deficits in the trisomic mice. Additionally, current trends display a deficit in balance beam performance of both the EuploidDyrk1a +/and the Ts65DnDyrk1a +/+/groups, which suggests that reducing the copy number of D yrk1a by one may have detrimental effects on motor coordination. Concomitant analysis of the balance beam performances and Dyrk1a activity levels may indicate the sensitivity of the balance beam task to assess the role Dyrk1a activity in cerebellar function

    Can Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) Treatment Rescue Hippocampal-Dependent Cognitive Function in a Down Syndrome Mouse Model?

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    poster abstractDown Syndrome (DS) is caused by the trisomy of human chromosome 21 (Hsa21). Trisomy 21 can cause various behavioral, cognitive, learning and memory deficits. Deficits in hippocampal structure and function have been identified in mouse models of DS and are implicated in cognitive and learning impairments. Mouse models have suggested that deficits in cognitive function are associated with overexpression of Dyrk1a, a gene on Hsa21 found in three copies of individuals with DS. Dyrk1a is a gene that is involved in brain development and function. Ts65Dn DS model mice exhibit trisomy for approximately half of the genes on Hsa21 including Dyrk1a and exhibit cognitive and learning impairments. We are using Ts65Dn mice to test the effects of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a Dyrk1a inhibitor, on Dyrk1a activity and cognitive function. We hypothesize that EGCG will reduce Dyrk1a activity in the hippocampus and improve hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory in the Morris water maze place learning task in Ts65Dn mice. The mice were given daily EGCG treatment (200 mg/kg per day) by means of oral gavage beginning on postnatal day 54 and continuing throughout water maze testing (postnatal days 67-74). Measures of spatial learning included latency and path length to find a submerged platform during acquisition trials (postnatal days 67-73). Memory for the previously learned location of the platform was assessed on a probe trial (postnatal day 74) in which the platform was removed and the amount of time spent swimming in the area of the tank previously containing the platform was measured. These measures allowed us to analyze the mice’s ability to learn and remember the position of the platform and to spatially orient themselves. Preliminary data indicates that EGCG treatment may not be an effective treatment for the spatial learning and memory deficits evident in this mouse model of DS