189 research outputs found

    Antenna mechanism of length control of actin cables

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    Actin cables are linear cytoskeletal structures that serve as tracks for myosin-based intracellular transport of vesicles and organelles in both yeast and mammalian cells. In a yeast cell undergoing budding, cables are in constant dynamic turnover yet some cables grow from the bud neck toward the back of the mother cell until their length roughly equals the diameter of the mother cell. This raises the question: how is the length of these cables controlled? Here we describe a novel molecular mechanism for cable length control inspired by recent experimental observations in cells. This antenna mechanism involves three key proteins: formins, which polymerize actin, Smy1 proteins, which bind formins and inhibit actin polymerization, and myosin motors, which deliver Smy1 to formins, leading to a length-dependent actin polymerization rate. We compute the probability distribution of cable lengths as a function of several experimentally tuneable parameters such as the formin-binding affinity of Smy1 and the concentration of myosin motors delivering Smy1. These results provide testable predictions of the antenna mechanism of actin-cable length control

    Scaling behavior in steady-state contractile actomyosin network flow

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    Contractile actomyosin network flows are crucial for many cellular processes including cell division and motility, morphogenesis and transport. How local remodeling of actin architecture tunes stress production and dissipation and regulates large-scale network flow remains poorly understood. Here, we generate contractile actomyosin networks with rapid turnover in vitro, by encapsulating cytoplasmic Xenopus egg extracts into cell-sized 'water-in-oil' droplets. Within minutes, the networks reach a dynamic steady-state with continuous inward flow. The networks exhibit homogenous, density-independent contraction for a wide range of physiological conditions, indicating that the myosin-generated stress driving contraction is proportional to the effective network viscosity. We further find that the contraction rate approximately scales with the network turnover rate, but this relation breaks down in the presence of excessive crosslinking or branching. Our findings suggest that cells use diverse biochemical mechanisms to generate robust, yet tunable, actin flows by regulating two parameters: turnover rate and network geometry

    Design Principles of Length Control of Cytoskeletal Structures

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    Cells contain elaborate and interconnected networks of protein polymers which make up the cytoskeleton. The cytoskeleton governs the internal positioning and movement of vesicles and organelles, and controls dynamic changes in cell polarity, shape and movement. Many of these processes require tight control of the size and shape of cytoskeletal structures, which is achieved despite rapid turnover of their molecular components. Here we review mechanisms by which cells control the size of filamentous cytoskeletal structures from the point of view of simple quantitative models that take into account stochastic dynamics of their assembly and disassembly. Significantly, these models make experimentally testable predictions that distinguish different mechanisms of length-control. While the primary focus of this review is on cytoskeletal structures, we believe that the broader principles and mechanisms discussed herein will apply to a range of other subcellular structures whose sizes are tightly controlled and are linked to their functions.Comment: 61 pages, 11 figure

    A novel mode of capping protein-regulation by Twinfilin

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    Cellular actin assembly is controlled at the barbed ends of actin filaments, where capping protein (CP) limits polymerization. Twinfilin is a conserved in vivo binding partner of CP, yet the significance of this interaction has remained a mystery. Here, we discover that the C-terminal tail of Twinfilin harbors a CP-interacting (CPI) motif, identifying it as a novel CPI-motif protein. Twinfilin and the CPI-motif protein CARMIL have overlapping binding sites on CP. Further, Twinfilin binds competitively with CARMIL to CP, protecting CP from barbed-end displacement by CARMIL. Twinfilin also accelerates dissociation of the CP inhibitor V-1, restoring CP to an active capping state. Knockdowns of Twinfilin and CP each cause similar defects in cell morphology, and elevated Twinfilin expression rescues defects caused by CARMIL hyperactivity. Together, these observations define Twinfilin as the first \u27pro-capping\u27 ligand of CP and lead us to propose important revisions to our understanding of the CP regulatory cycle

    GMF Severs Actin-Arp2/3 Complex Branch Junctions by a Cofilin-like Mechanism

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    SummaryBackgroundBranched actin filament networks driving cell motility, endocytosis, and intracellular transport are assembled in seconds by the Arp2/3 complex and must be equally rapidly debranched and turned over. One of the only factors known to promote debranching of actin networks is the yeast homolog of glia maturation factor (GMF), which is structurally related to the actin filament-severing protein cofilin. However, the identity of the molecular mechanism underlying debranching and whether this activity extends to mammalian GMF have remained open questions.ResultsUsing scanning mutagenesis and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we show that GMF depends on two separate surfaces for debranching. One is analogous to the G-actin and F-actin binding site on cofilin, but we show using fluorescence anisotropy and chemical crosslinking that it instead interacts with actin-related proteins in the Arp2/3 complex. The other is analogous to a second F-actin binding site on cofilin, which in GMF appears to contact the first actin subunit in the daughter filament. We further show that GMF binds to the Arp2/3 complex with low nanomolar affinity and promotes the open conformation. Finally, we show that this debranching activity and mechanism are conserved for mammalian GMF.ConclusionsGMF debranches filaments by a mechanism related to cofilin-mediated severing, but in which GMF has evolved to target molecular junctions between actin-related proteins in the Arp2/3 complex and actin subunits in the daughter filament of the branch. This activity and mechanism are conserved in GMF homologs from evolutionarily distant species

    Centering and symmetry breaking in confined contracting actomyosin networks

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    Centering and decentering of cellular components is essential for internal organization of cells and their ability to perform basic cellular functions such as division and motility. How cells achieve proper localization of their components is still not well-understood, especially in large cells such as oocytes. Here, we study actin-based positioning mechanisms in artificial cells with persistently contracting actomyosin networks, generated by encapsulating cytoplasmic Xenopus egg extracts into cell-sized water-in-oil droplets. We observe size-dependent localization of the contraction center, with a symmetric configuration in larger cells and a polar one in smaller cells. In the symmetric state, the contraction center is actively centered, via a hydrodynamic mechanism based on Darcy friction between the contracting network and the surrounding cytoplasm. During symmetry breaking, transient attachments to the cell boundary drive the contraction center to a polar location near the droplet boundary. Our findings demonstrate a robust, yet tunable, mechanism for subcellular localization